A few of the complications, such as infection, dislocation, and haematoma, may require re-operation. Until reviewed by your surgeon or a member of their team DO NOT: - Twist the operated leg in or out whilst sitting or standing for at least 3 months- Cross your legs, knees or ankles for at least 3 months- Sit on low chairs, stools or toilets- Drive a vehicle until advised it is safe to do so. This is another opportunity to ask any questions you may have. If you are on Warfarin, you will need to stop taking it before the operation. Bleeding - this can happen with surgery and you may require a bloodtransfusion. Ask yourconsultant about any specific queries. Occasionally the clot can dislodge and travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolus). ". and finally, un-operated leg. Complications that affect the knee are less common, but in these cases, the operation may not be as successful: Stiffness in knee 10% of patients Persistent knee pain 5% of patients Dislocation of patella (knee cap) 5% of patients usually 5-10 years post surgery Infection in knee joint 2% of patients Infection can result in loosening and failure of the replacement over a period of a few months. We want you to be our partner in care. Manager name: Ndumimo Ndebele. If you feel soreness of your heel or tail bone (sacral area) you must tell the nurses. We suggest that you put other items on one side at home for your family / friends to bring in for you later. how is alexander bustamante honoured today; newcastle united youth academy trials After surgery, you should be able to make better use of your hand and straighten the affected fingers further. When you come for your appointments or to be admitted to hospital for your operation, there is a drop off point and disabled parking spaces outside the main entrance to the Main Clinic Waiting Area. 15 min. It is worth trying to walk a short distance each day as pain permits, or take up gentle exercise such as swimming to improve your level of fitness and mobility. You will begiven blood-thinning medication to prevent blood clots forming and you may also be fitted with special elastic anti-embolism stockings (TED stockings) on admission. Make arrangements to have a responsible adult available to drive you home after discharge following your day surgery and stay with you overnight. However, we sometimes perform the operation after other problems such as the late effects of knee fractures or aseptic necrosis (a condition in which the bone of the knee dies). You may want to try sitting up a little or have a pillow placed under your knees. This is an injection or tablet that will make your wait less anxious. Having broken your hip and come into hospital, we will look after you in the best possible way. The nurse will also check to ensure that all your scans and xrays are available. The most common complications are not directly related to the knee and do not usually affect the results of the operation. Good leg leads up.2. Loose, painful artificial knees can usually, but not always, be replaced. The Mental Health Liaison Team is an essential component of the Acute Care pathway providing assessment and rapid access as appropriate. Any high impact sports or sports that youwant to start fro the first time need to be avoided for 3 months. It hopes to improve leg pain, and sometimes numbness and weakness. There is a very small risk of a heart attack following hip replacement and also a risk of stroke and chest infections. A member of the team will visit your home on the day after your discharge from hospital between 9am and 5pm to offer support and continue with treatment in your own home. Please ask at the Reception Desk if you need to use one or if you need a porter to wheel you to the ward. However, it is your decision to go ahead with the operation or not. However, the procedure should improve the pain and prevent further nerve damage. 770-224-1000. Discharge Facilitator Ward 225 highly motivated individual to join our discharge facilitator teams on our Trauma wards at Royal Stoke University Hospital. For more information. Pain this happens with any surgery. The same procedure is used for the toilet but with the aid of a raised toilet seat, if necessary. If you feel well enough they will help you to sit onto the side of the bed and stand using a frame. You will be questioned about your current health and past medical, surgical or medication history. The Nursing Staff will ensure you have a complete all over shower (as your physical limitations allow) using an antiseptic soap. What can be expected of a total knee replacement? It is not routine to attend outpatient physiotherapy, but if it is felt that you need further treatment then this willbe arranged for you. After the operation you will be transferred to a recovery waiting area. The nursing staff will assist you to control any pain through injections or tablets. Female Elderly Care (Ward 78, Royal Stoke) 01782 671 178. We are the specialist centre for major trauma for the North Midlands and North Wales. If you want to have a hot meal while you are waiting there is also a Dining Room in the building within walking distance. Stick stays with the operated leg. These simple rules are to minimise the likelihood of the new hip dislocating (ball coming out of socket) (see later for more detailed advise on mobilisation and selfcare). Left stick, right leg. Degenerative DisordersThese are caused by changes in the joint surface cartilage. finally, un-operated leg. If you have questions, please feel free to ask a member of the surgical or nursing team. Activities must be avoided which overload the artificial knee. You will generally be called up to the hospital before the proposed date of your operation. Then on a daily basis you will practice your walking and as soon as you are able start using elbow crutches. Webmonthly parking graduate hospital. Activities whichimprove upper limb strength will improve your ability to use walking aids after the operation. If you have any questions, which are not answered by this booklet, then please dont hesitate to ask your doctor or one of the nursing staff. Swabs from your nose and groin. It will allow those patients who get pain relief to carry out the normal activities of daily living. The local anaesthetic works for a few hours and then the area returns to normal. If you experience any numbness, tingling or movement restriction to your legs, inform the nurse looking after you. At home you should keep you hand elevated and bandaged for the first few days. Help from others may be needed. Although surgery is not essential, Dupuytrens contracture does not get better without it. Bowel Screening. You may remain in the Day Unit for an hour or so but this may vary according to the surgical procedure and the type of anaesthesia. a Body Mass Index of greater than 30) can significantly increase the risk of complications from surgery and anaesthesia, make the operation more difficult and reduce the life of your knee replacement. General complications of any operation3. About the service. You should be able to get out of the chair easily without bending your hip at more than a right angle. It may cause some temporary numbness and weakness in the legs, which wears off after three or four hours. Sit down on the edge of the bed, push yourself further onto the bed and then keeping your legs TOGETHER and straight swing them onto the bed. For Royal Stoke Hospital Labour Ward: 01782 672333. Your anaesthetist will discuss options with you. Wiggling your toes.3. Particularly important things to tell the nurse or doctor about are: Myocardial infarcts (heart attack) Asthma Any particular shortness of breath problems Allergies Any bad reactions to a previous anaesthetic. Your operation date will usually be given to you. Particularly important things to tell the nurse or doctor about are: any heart problems asthma or any particular shortness of breath problems any bad reactions to a previous anaesthetic. You will be asked at this pre-operative assessment to sign to give your consent for us to perform the operation. Haematoma (swelling due to bleeding) in thigh 1% of patients. The circumstances vary somewhat, but generally patients are considered for knee replacements if: They have significant pain during the day or night. The pain is severe enough to restrict not only work and recreation, but also the ordinary activities of daily living, especially walking. The pain is not relieved by arthritis (anti-inflammatory) medicine, the use of a stick, and restricting activities. They have significant stiffness of the knee. X-rays show advanced arthritis, or one of the other problems mentioned. They weigh less than 180 to 190 pounds (kilo equivalent). You might be asked to sign a Consent to Surgery form at thisstage. There is no effective drug treatment available. If you have the surgery under local anaesthetic, then you will be able to leave within an hour or two after the surgery. The trust operates on three sites in Stoke and one in Stafford. You may be given a pre-medication to make your wait less anxious. While the pain may be acceptable when you are resting, it will increase when you move, and it is important to change position regularly and do exercises 5-6 times a day following the operation, so it is important to take pain relief regularly. Enquiries to: Co-op Funeralcare Sandon Road Meir, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 7DJ Tel. Heart attack or a stroke - these can be complications of hip surgery. It is not an operation to relieve back pain, but can sometimes reduce some back pain. Once you return home (in the first few weeks) if you have any questions or concerns that regarding your hip replacement call the Pre-operation Orthopaedic Clinic on (01782) 553216 if your operation was performed at the UHNM. The hand can take months or years to get better. You are advised not to go swimming for a few weeks, until your wound has fully healed. Blood clots in the lung 1-2% of patients. A few of the complications, such as infection, dislocation, and haematoma, may require re-operation. It must be emphasized that these are rare problems and most patients are pleased with the results of their operation. Overall, the operation is a success in 7 out of 8 people. Your current medication will be discussed to identify any management needs before, during and after surgery. You will then be taken to the operation theatre, to have your hip repairedand will receive an anaesthetic. Please inform the clinic staff when you arrive if you are diabetic, to help us to avoid you missing your regular meals. Your symptoms may continue to improve for up to six months or even longer. The team also works very closely with other colleagues in the community, such as District Nursing teams and Social Services and will liaise with these services if you require ongoing care and support in your own home. If you want to move into another position, the nurses will assist you to move in order to minimise pain. There is strong evidence that stopping smoking several weeks or more before an anaesthetic reduces your chances of getting complications. Contact the Day Unit nurse or your General Practitioner if the following occurs: swelling tingling, (pain or numbness in your toes which is not relieved by elevating your foot for a period of one hour) foul smell with discharge or drainage from your bandage mouth temperature above 38.5C or 101 .3F pain in the operated leg which is not relieved by test, leg elevation or pain medication, The Patient Advice and Liaison Service would be pleased to offer confidential advice and support if you have any concerns. The futureIt can take some time for your hand to settle down after surgery. Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually more common in women and can be associated with other factors such as arthritis, pregnancy, wrist fractures, diabetes or thyroid problems. It is important that you take regular breaks in activity at this stage. We would like to help you get safely back to your home as soon as possible. Reverse the procedure when getting out of bed. Address. The side of the operation must be marked and/or a label affixed to you detailing the procedure to be undertaken. The OT will discuss and show you how to carry out activities of daily living safely, without excessive bending. If any infections, including a bad cold occur after your assessment but before your admission, please telephone the Admissions Officer or your Surgeons Secretary. The anaesthetist inserts a thin hollow needle into the epidural space, just outside the outer covering of the spinal cord in the lower back. Newcastle Road, Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 6QG (01782) 715444. Your surgeon has recommended you to have an Arthroscopy for you knee. However the effect of most complications is simply that the patient stays in hospital a little longer. Complications that affect the hip are less common, but in these cases, the operation may not be as successful: Difference in leg length 10% of patients. To help you understand your knee injury and the need for the arthroscopy it helps to know a little about the anatomy of a normal knee. Call main switchboard: 0141 201 1100. Find out more Jobs Website Vacancy status: Open Ref: 205-4955348-A Vacancy ID: 5078973. No operation is guaranteed, and all operations carry risks. Other complications may occur, but these happen in less than percent of patients (one patient in four hundred): death, fractures, etc. The physio team will assess whether you need crutches to help to walk with and show you how to use these. You will be shown the safe way to: Sit Get on and off the bed Go to the toilet. Sciatica -This is the term given to pain down the leg. Floor level: Floor Level 1. Welcome to the Orthopaedic Outpatients Department at the UHNM Orthopaedic and Surgical Unit. Details of the operation and anaesthetic(spinal, general or combined) will be explained to you by the Orthopaedicdoctor on duty and the anaesthetist respectively, prior to your operation.The benefits of the operation are to repair the broken parts which will helpto reduce the pain and allow you to walk again on your leg. It is important that any dental infections are dealt with before joint replacement surgery to prevent infection in your new hip. You can turn round either way (although your surgeon may advise you to turn away from your operated hip) but you must prevent pivoting or twisting your hip. Due to lying flat in bed, you may find that you are unable to pass urine. Do not drive until you are confident about controlling your vehicle and always check with your insurance company first. If infection is suspected your operation will be postponed. If you have stairs at home the physios will practice this with you to make sure you are safe to go home. They should be able to reassure you or arrange for you to have a check-up. The results of a second operation are not as good as the first, and the risks of complications are higher. Practice sleeping on your back- you may find it uncomfortable to lie on your side for approximately six weeks following surgery. You must follow the exercises given to you, contracting your calf muscles and moving your toes. Initially the limited movement in your knee may make it difficult to get out of a low chair. Usually be given a pre-medication to make sure you are confident about controlling your vehicle and always check your! Continue to improve leg pain, but not always, be replaced are diabetic, to have an for... Assist you to sit onto the side of the operation on Warfarin, will... Family / friends to bring in for you later assist you to move in to. Procedure to be undertaken pulmonary embolus ) in activity at this pre-operative assessment sign... 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