I can. 13 Replies to "DnD 5E Quick Build Series: Melee Fighters" Tempist says: October 29, 2022 . You cant use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest. Using the Standard array, we have the following ability scores: Strength and Constitution are the obvious bread and butter, with Dexterity also valuable in combat. This build has the potential to be tanky, which only makes it easier to remain in the fray. I know a d4+6 isnt that crazy on damage, but the echo also seems pretty fun if you flavor the echos as some type of super speed movement ala celerity with a flurry of bites. Hate when you've just killed an enemy and the next one is clear across the battlefield? Given that a wide array of races are welcome among the Kryn whether you are a hired sword or a true believer it is not that unbelievable to think a line of Ravenites could have taken up their cause and learned to harness Dunamis as an Echo Knight. By now, you should have been able to afford the switch from chainmail to half plate so that we can use Rage without losing any AC. But after that, most of its descriptions strikingly resemble spells. You can use your reaction to make an opportunity to attack that creature as if you were in the echos space. Ever wanted tobe in two places at once? Unleash Incarnation. This is a new subclass found in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. I think RAI youre intended to be able to teleport On the flip side, any attacks made against your echo are attacks that haven't been made against the party. While Mercer tends to create incredible content, there have definitely been an occurrence or two where the game design is a little out of balance with the rest . This would need to be 3rd level, as unleash incarnation is a 3rd level feature. The text above covered a lot, but its worth remembering a few things: Alright, step one online. Whack, Whack, Whack. Any fighter is looking for strength (or dexterity) and constitution at the top two scores, and the echo knight is no exception. Since you can always just attack from the echos space, teleportation only serves you if you really need to get a better position on the battlefield. The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e collaboration with Critical Role, which allows players to explore the mysterious lands of Wildemount for themselves. We hit it on our turn, moving it 5 feet further away from our party members but still keeping it within 5 feet of the Echo. Wis: The most commonly targeted mental save. Though most games will only allow for two extra attacks in practice, 3 attacks still count as one action. You are blinded for a maximum of 10 minutes while performing this. For skill proficiencies, our Echo Knight is proficient in Athletics, Perception, Survival, and Intimidation. How 4 attacks? Everything that it can do or that can be done to it is listed in the description that follows, but as for what it is, its very simple. This is where that strategy comes in though. There is unquestionably a fantastic synergy at work here. This trait adds two new breath options. Assign either you or your echo as the origin of any attack skill launch as part of an attack action. The following is a 10th-level Echo Knight build that uses a two-handed weapon. Getting Con up to a round number while also gaining the ability to protect and heal your party a little bit out of combat. Use your echo to solve puzzles, engage in social interaction, and master combat. Despite the bonus action conflict, I can think of two good reasons to make this multi class. Instead of simply one echo, you can make to with the bonus action. Thats a niche scenario you might use to cover a vast distance, but even without sacrificing your echo, you can teleport up to 30 feet. At a distance of more than 30 feet from you, both of these disappear. communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The bottom three stats could be swapped around, especially moving Wisdom to 12 for the sake of common saving throws. Thank you for pointing this out. As a soldier, he carries a dice set. This is really a matter of taste or roleplaying choices. Your opportunity to attach will get better thanks to the achievement. Onelets you push back enemies and knock them prone. As a bonus action, you can switch places with the echo by moving 15 feet. longer 0, so it makes sense that you could pay the 5-foot cost to escape a Already, the echo knight is a fantastic subtype for defending your comrades. There are a few feats that go particularly well with the subclass and we will do our best to cover them. Personally, I wouldnt allow this at my table because you can use the Echo as the location to attack from, and dragonborn breath can be used in place of an attack when you take the Attack action but is not, itself, an attack. Are you grasping what Im saying? This part is incorrect"Chances are, you'll have heavy armor, so Dexterity won't be as important for you, though having just a +1 modifier will be nice for the occasional strayfireball. As straightforward as that is, its incredibly impressive because when most creatures on the field run the risk of being at a detriment, this echo isnt. Although the build uses heavy armor, I invested some points in Dexterity for those pesky Dex saves. I think MeanRuse meant the character, not the echo, You didn't mention my favorite part of echo knights! This harms the viability of a two-weapon build. There are quite a number ofspells that target it. This isnt anything to shake a stick at as youll most likely have a con modifier of 3 or 4. In the most boring of cases, this simply allows the Echo Fighter to gain access to extra attacks and damage prevention. Repeating this allows you to gain back any uses you have already used after a long rest for several times equal to your constitution modifier. You can perform this action as many times as a constitution modifier, recovering used uses after a lengthy rest. The answer to the intriguing question of which classes should I multiclass with an echo knight? is therefore YES. You can also use a combination of Shadow Martyr and Reclaim Potential to deflect devestating attacks against your party towards your echo. It's a very fun departure, however, and it's that very distinct flavor that has helped it capture the imaginations of players since its release. The only other thing I could possibly say about the echo is that I wish Shadow Martyr could trigger more than once every short or long rest. Now our chance of getting a crit in a turn is up to 26.5%. Ultimately, what you can get away with is up to your DM. You have a ton of amazing possibilities. There is some confusion around how this works since the Grappled The end result is that you can wade into a fight, using these traits to unleash several attacks in a round. With this feat you can create a line of enemies that cant get an opportunity attack on you and then dash, teleport, and end up something like 90 feet away in a single turn. That is a lot of data but, what Im trying to say is that the echo knight already doubles the area of the battlefield that you are in charge of at any given time. When combined with the soul knifes teleportation, teleportation can be used by rouge in some quite inventive ways to sneak around. Dont, you even begin to tell me how amazing this will be when you receive a second echo? Is also coming from a different area than you, which is another bonus. A Con bonus race would get more . With that said, the wording on the ability to swap places with the Echo should still work when youre inhabiting it so this could be a way to walk your Echo hundreds of feet up a mountain and then trade places with it, overcoming most of the need for flight in non-tactical situations. Echo, teleportation, extra attack, battlefield control, and other class-defining abilities. . It has just 1 hit point. The attack is made against your echo instead of the original target. The duplicates can be re-flavored in a multitude of waysmaybe for Genasi, the duplicate are puffs of elemental materialAir Genasi would make their duplicates look like clouds; while Fire Genasi would have duplicates made of smoke or haze. An echo must stay within around . You gain the ability to create an echo of yourself within 15 feet of you as a bonus action that last until it is destroyed, until you dismiss it as a bonus action, until you create another echo, or until you are incapacitated. If you are new to Nerds and Scoundrels, you might notice were pretty into The Explorers Guide to Wildemount. With a couple of features based on your Constitution score (Unleash Incarnation and Reclaim Potential), you wont want to miss out on any Constitution bonuses you can pick up. You can heighten your echo's fury. There are a number of races that work well for the Eldritch Knight build, but none more powerful than the Mountain Dwarf. Probably avoid taking the penalty until you hit on any given turn so that you make sure youre applying the Ancestral Protectors. To list all the possibilities is a little challenging because of this. It doesnt gain any of the benefits of being a creature, like its own turn or the ability to take actions such as the Help or Hide actions. Managed to get my hands on a Greatsword Flametongue 2d6 slashing +2d6 fire, with the number of swings the Echo Knight gets, is brutal. in which he discusses Freedom of Movements interaction with the Grapple Discuss this with your Using your echo, you can harass enemies from afar, teleport, protect nearby allies, and even scout. Realistically, most playthroughs will only get to two extra attacks, but thats still three attacks as part of one action. A 3-level dip in Barbarian at this point gives us a big boost to both damage and Defender utility, but also means the next feat we get is at character 11 which is Great Weapon Master. Place it somewhere that will ensure an opportunity attack as the orc charges toward your wizard ally, and youve saved yourself a use of Shadow Martyr while also saving your ally from some hefty damage. An echo is a magical, translucent, gray image of you this what we need to hone in on. Explorer's Guide to Wildemount But after that, most of its descriptions strikingly resemble spells. Since I tend to pick the weird outliers first, this guide is about the Echo Knight, a subclass introduced in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. When you take the Attack action on your turn, any attack you make with that action can originate from your space or the echos space. Although honestly I already used that trick with a damphire blade song wizard with green flame blade (glowing green fangs are dope). The echo is a magical, translucent, gray image of you with 1 hit point, immunity to all conditions, and AC equal to 14 + your proficiency bonus. But, this gives you the ability to accomplish considerably more in a single round and will probably avoid opportunity assaults from many targets. Divine Fury places with your echo, allowing you to escape grapples, difficult terrain, For the above list, I wanted to focus more on featsthat, at least in some way, workwith your core subclass feature. These are from timelines never made, so feel free to flavor your Echos however you like. This thing is already insanely If you like the feat, by all means take it! Published Dec 28, 2020. The wording on Echo Knight is that you can make attacks originating from its location. 1st Level: absorb elements, armor of Agathys, bless, command, expeditious retreat, healing word, protection from evil and good, shield. Now, when you attack through your Echo while raging, the target has disadvantage on attacking anything that isnt you, including said Echo. Already, the echo knight is a fantastic subtype for defending your comrades. However, after that, most of its descriptions make it very similar to a spell. This can include opening doors, shoving people, actual attacks, grabbing keys, you name it. Whenever you take the Attack action, you can make one additional melee attack from the echo's position. Got a round with nothing to do with your bonus action? The Dungeons and Dragons 5e Fighter class is a powerful combat hero - here's our guide to Fighting Styles, Fighter subclasses, and builds in 2023. If youre searching for any form of martial multi-class, a level 3 drop into the fighter and selecting this martial archetype offers Youre so much that its difficult to pass up. The advice offered below is based on the current State of the Character Optimization Meta as of when the article was last updated. When you reach the 17th level, its AC will peak at 20 after starting rather well at 16. Re: Echo Knight/Ancestral Guardian build advice. Yes, yes more Echo Knight. Any fighter is looking for strength (or dexterity) and constitution at the top two scores, and the echo knight is no exception. Reckless Attacks through the Echo, causing their past lives . Con: As Rocco is fond of saying, dying is suboptimal. As for languages, this Echo Knight can speak common and Draconic. It makes it rough terrain irrelevant and prevents enemies you hit from attacking you with chance attacks for the remainder of your turn. While there is some disagreement on this, the wording of the feature makes no mention of the fact that you cant engage in combat while in your avatar form. But Echo Avatar allows you to fill this niche nicely. The Echo Knight fighter gets around thehurdlesthat come from being a melee-based martial character. Not a super effective build, but very fun. Hypothetically, you never have to get into the fight at all, but wheres the fun in that? Normally, a martial combatant has control over a 15 by 15-foot square (their 55 square and the surrounding ones). Surprisingly, there is no limit to how often you can create an echo, so youre always going to benefit from at least some of the abilities you gain from this subclass. Plus, a creature that does manage to hit it is wasting their turn since you can bring one right back with a bonus action on your next turn. The Echo is quite stunning at its most basic capability level. Summon an Echo across the room so you can fight two enemies at once. Echo Knight 5e: How To Build And Play An Emotional. The following recommendations assume you won't be using that optional rule: The Echo Knight fighter isn't great at dealing with mobs. to the grapple rules, so its not perfectly clear. Any features that support you are just going to be a bonus. Still, making good choices throughout the building process can only improve your character. Using your reaction you can transport your echo into the path of an approaching attack against a target you can see this ability is available to Shadow martyrs of level 10. than to try to move it along with you. But it's not you hitting it is it? Apparently, fate decided that the next class I was going to write a subclass for was Fighter. It really is up to you, however. Since an echo only has 1 hit point but can be replaced with a simple bonus action, they make excellent sacrificial pawns or distractions that you can strategically place between your allies and your enemies before any attacks even start to fly. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. It is only what it is described as being in the features sections up top. Rogues can sneak around in really creative ways with teleportation (combine the soulknifes teleportation for insane synergy). If you lose your last use of Unleash incarnation due to an initiative role, you get one use. Thus, it cannot be considered a creature. Manifest Echo: You gain the ability to create an echo of yourself within 15 feet of you as a bonus action that last until it is destroyed, until you dismiss it as a bonus action, until you create another echo, or until you are incapacitated. It is possible that you would never engage in combat, but where would the excitement be in that? The echo knight is already an incredible subclass for protecting your allies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. With satisfying stand-out class characteristics like choosing a Fighting Style, and their general . Visit Stack Exchange Tour Start here for quick overview the site Help Center Detailed answers. You have avoided using Shadow martyr and protected your wizard ally from significant damage by placing it in a location where you will guarantee an opportunity to attack as the orc charges toward him. you nothing except a Bonus Action to recreate, so in many cases it may be if yours has been destroyed by an attack or moved too far away. Chances are, you'll have heavy armor, so Dexterity won't be as important for you, though having just a +1 modifier will be nice for the occasionalsave you need to make. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Up to a spell all means take it common saving throws your opportunity to attack that creature if... Was going to be 3rd level feature would never engage in combat but! And Intimidation at 20 after starting rather well at 16 of one action might... Detailed answers MeanRuse meant the character, not the echo Fighter to gain access to attacks! 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