The Holy Ghost had made it a reality for him. The Lord taught His Apostle Thomas, who wanted physical evidence of the Saviors Resurrection by touching His wounds, that revelation is safer evidence: Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed (John 20:29). Some believers want to keep her that way. Those who have been taught and who receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, the baptism of fire, will never fall away. I bear witness of these words and of these Names. Now, some might say that his words and the pictures in his mind about a heavenly home were just a sweet sentiment, the clouded judgment of a husband at the moment of his loss. My guess is MTC talks aren't published online for the same reason every remark they make at local stake conferences, etc. Dad excused himself to go into his nearby bedroom. The special mission of the Holy Ghost sometimes called the Holy Spirit is to testify of the Father and the Son, to reveal truth, to comfort and to sanctify. Open your mouths and they shall be filled. Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water; and John saw, and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon Jesus. I want to talk to you about the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost. As part of this ordinance, called confirmation, the person is given the gift of the Holy Ghost. Or you will say regretfully, I knew I should have done that and didnt. How will you know? Surely you can understand where the Word of Wisdom fits into this. That is the voice of the Lord speaking. He just kept on doing little things for the Lord that he was prompted to do. The baptismal prayer given in the Book of Mormon states: These are the words which ye shall say, calling them by name, saying: Having authority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Not one of the references seems to apply to Jehovah himself. Average Rating 4.7 out of 5. My beloved brothers and sisters, I speak today as a servant of the Lord and also as a great-grandfather. "Finding Tinkerbell" (July 2015 Friend) Prayer helped Mia find her favorite stuffed animal. Put the two together so that you almost forbid yourself to say baptism without saying confirmation-that is baptism of the water and confirmation and the conferring of the gift of the Holy Ghost. Missionaries sometimes think they are only to do half the work; they are to teach and then baptize by water, and that concludes their work. It will be quiet. He is, for example, a revelator, teacher, testifier, comforter, agent of the new birth, sanctifier, and sealer, to name only a few of His roles. You must take proper care of it. The Holy Ghost also is referred to in the scriptures as the Comforter (John 14:16-27, Moroni 8:26), a Teacher (John 14:26; D&C 50:14), and a Revelator (2 Nephi 32:5). Blanket: The Holy Ghost is a comforter. For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do. I am grateful and humbled by this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to speak . They, in fact, had tried to take his life. Make it one sentence. I knew I shouldnt have! How did you know? The Holy Ghost will help you choose the right. I still dont know about it. His communication to our spirit carries far more certainty than any communication we can receive through our natural senses. What happened next is significant. My purpose today is to increase your desire and your determination to claim the gift promised to each of us after we were baptized. I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy; And then shall ye know, or by this shall you know, all things whatsoever you desire of me, which are pertaining unto things of righteousness, in faith believing in me that you shall receive (D&C 11:12-14). He was a scientist who searched for truth about the physical world throughout his entire adult life. My purpose is to teach you through doctrine and scripture why it is that we do things as we do. Now, one of the reasons my father asked for and received that comfort was because he had always prayed in faith since his childhood. Usually you can find the general ideas they teach in those MTC talks in the conference talks they give around the same time. . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); declare repentance and faith on the Savior, and remission of sins by baptism, and by fire, yea, even the Holy Ghost. Welcome to /r/latterdaysaints, a sub for members and friends of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (formerly known as Mormons). Well, writing is like talking on the computer so that is why I love blogging. :) I am speaking at my cousins baptism tomorrow and I'm going to use this :) Thanks a million :). I will give some direction and suggestions as to how we can do things better in order that each member of the Church will be thoroughly converted and never will fall away. And as you listened to them and their testimonies, the Holy Spirit confirmed to you what I now say to you. Because you knew. He cites three of his life experiences demonstrating this answer. We may infer, therefore, that he will eventually receive a physical body, like every other son and daughter of the Father who was faithful in the first estate. Behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and there will be no more doctrine given until after he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh (2 Nephi 32:4-6; emphasis added). He is often referred to as the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, or the Comforter. For our Family Home Evenings lately we've been going through the gospel essentials book to help our daughter be ready for baptism. Speaking at our Great to Be 8 Fireside tomorrow night, and needed something with a visual touch to it. I had a box full of items to help remind us of things pertaining to the Holy . That Brother Brigham was a serious student of Joseph Smith is clear from the Prophets statement on this matter (Joseph Smith [manual], 81). In addition to having a habit of prayer, he knew the scriptures and the words of living prophets. The pains of decades of cancer were ending. If people are properly taught, they never will fall away: And as sure as the Lord liveth [that is an oath], so sure as many as believed, or as many as were brought to the knowledge of the truth, through the preaching of Ammon and his brethren, according to the spirit of revelation and of prophecy, and the power of God working miracles in them-yea, I say unto you, as the Lord liveth [a second oath], as many of the Lamanites as believed in their preaching, and were converted unto the Lord, never did fall away (Alma 23:6; emphasis added). Ye have seen an angel, and he spake unto you; yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words (1 Nephi 17:45; emphasis added). Put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good-yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit. . President Brigham Young, in speaking of this New Testament moment, clarified that the Holy Ghost, in the form of a dove, it is said, rested upon him. The Holy Ghost tells Tate how he can feel better after he sees a bad image on television. Purchased item: Holy Ghost Talk, Baptism Talk on the Holy Ghost, LDS Baptism Printables. Through Him, we can receive gifts of the Spirit for our benefit and for the benefit of those we love and serve (see Doctrine and Covenants 46:911). He "witnesses of the Father and the Son" ( 2 Nephi 31:18) and reveals and teaches "the truth of all things" ( Moroni 10:5 ). It may have happened for you today. Only through the Holy Ghost can we see people and events as God sees them. I write about whatever is on my mind spiritual stuff, education, marriage, parenting, activities, books, holidays, crafts, challenges, life experiences and whatever else happens to fly from my brain to my fingertips at the moment. All honest seekers of the truth can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost, leading them to Jesus Christ and His gospel. We can, if we live worthy of it, have the blessing of the Spirit to be with us, not only now and then, as in such remarkable experiences as we've had today, but always. Can anyone on this subreddit show me where to access this talk? . Your email address will not be published. We began to see the lines of pain disappear from her face. At the Last Supper, Christ declared to his apostles: Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear [presumably from the Father and Son], that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. Through His power, we are sanctified as we repent, receive the ordinances of baptism and confirmation, and remain true to our covenants (see Mosiah 5:16; 3Nephi 27:20; Moses 6:6468). Adam was the first man on earth, and he was baptized. We gathered up my mothers things to take home. Highlighting is mine. General Conference Addresses Journal Edition, October 2022. Hugh W. Pinnock. I invoke the blessings of the Lord upon you as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ to the end that His Spirit will be with you, and you will understand and can move forward accompanied by that power of the Holy Ghost. OBEDIENCE Get Up and Move Your Bed PARENTING Within the Clasp of Your Arms PRAYER A Unique Combination Go Check on Wendi PRIESTHOOD This sub is dedicated to faithful discourse on church topics. " And the Spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit.". I repeat, to be baptized and to receive the Holy Ghost-link those two together. That communication seldom comes audibly. We had watched her for hours. Worksheet and treat object lesson. Conversion does not always happen immediately. He promised, and I promise it as well, that if we pursue that course, we will never lack for knowledge of the truth, never be in doubt or in darkness, and our faith will be strong, [our] joy full.2. Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Thank you so much for sharing. Lds Baptism Talk on the Holy Ghost - Etsy Find something memorable, join a community doing good. Press J to jump to the feed. The most valuable inspiration will be for you to know what God would have you do. Helpful? He felt an impression to turn down a particular street. Plant each one. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. Nephi explained that angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost, and you can speak with the tongue of angels, which simply means that you can speak with the power of the Holy Ghost. Nothing has been written about the Holy Spirit with as much breadth and depth for decades. . A MOUTH can remind you that the Holy Ghost speaks in . Just as the Holy Ghost strengthens us against evil, He also gives us the power to discern truth from falsehood. While a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, GeorgeQ. Cannon urged that we make a constant quest for the Spirit to be with us. Before baptism, a person can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost from time to time and through that influence can receive a testimony of the truth. This principle comes with a promise: Run and not be weary, walk and not faint (D&C 89:20). An apostle gave the same talk at the MTC when I was there in 2003. Thanks for the idea. As a constant companion, the Holy Ghost will bring feelings of peace, comfort and joy; giving us a glimpse of how it might feel when the Lord encircles us in the arms of his divine love. In due course he said to them: Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God. This is based of "Speed Dating" where everyone gets 2-3 minutes to talk to Talk - The Holy Ghost is a Special Gift (for 8 year olds), Cub Scouts - Scout Oath and Law Helps and Printables. Nephi explains clearly what happens after baptism and confirmation and the reception of the Holy Ghost: Wherefore, do the things which I have told you I have seen that your Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, for this cause have they been shown unto me, that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter. The Holy Ghost speaks to my mind and my heart. He witnesses of the Father and the Son (2Nephi 31:18) and reveals and teaches the truth of all things (Moroni 10:5). See more ideas about holy ghost, baptism talk, church lessons. Remember what Joseph Smith said: You might as well baptize a bag of sand as a man, if not done in view of the remission of sins and getting of the Holy Ghost. "Flipping Channels" (September 2015 Friend) A girl decides to write in her journal instead of watching a movie she didn't feel good about. This will be perfect!!! After walking and making turns for an hour, he stopped to pray again. The remission, if you will read the scriptures carefully, comes through the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost. 1) Word of Wisdom 2) Word of Knowledge 3) Faith 4) Gifts of Healing 5) Working of Miracles 6) Prophecy 7) Discerning of Spirits 8) Divers (or different) kinds of Tongues 9) Interpretation of (different) Tongues. Nevertheless, it comes as a quiet thing. I've had this talk up for a. We can receive a sure testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ only by the power of the Holy Ghost. There will not be a dove. The Holy Ghost often gives us signs when we need them. You may learn by trial and error and say: I knew I shouldnt have done that. My mother was there to meet her.. Elder James E. Talmage stated: That the Spirit of the Lord is capable of manifesting Himself in the form and figure of man, is indicated by the wonderful interview between the Spirit and Nephi, in which He revealed Himself to the prophet, questioned him concerning his desires and belief, instructed him in the things of God, speaking face to face with the man.4. The Holy Ghost as Your Companion 85,568 views Oct 4, 2015 1.8K Dislike Share Save General Conference 417K subscribers Others crave. thanks alot for sharing. His answer is to quit worrying about it. Over the years, when he needed it, the Holy Ghost was there as his companion. That is desirable. This afternoon I am speaking at the baptism of a sweet nine-year old son who was just adopted into our friends' family. First comes the baptism of water and then the baptism of fire. Here is the same worksheet but does not include the blanket, light and soap graphic incase you just want a open ended worksheet to write down thoughts. Once again from Elder Talmage: Much of the confusion existing in human conceptions concerning the nature of the Holy Ghost arises from the common failure to segregate His person and powers. What is the Holy Ghost Friend June 2019 "The Holy Ghost is" They are private, and they are personal. This is perfect. An excerpt from another verse teaches that this will come if it so be that ye believe in Christ, and are baptized, first with water, then with fire and with the Holy Ghost, following the example of our Savior (Mormon 7:10). The gift of the Holy Ghost is different from the influence of the Holy Ghost. There are two examples of the visible manifestation of the Holy Ghost I know of in the scriptures. There are different things that can remind you of the things that the Holy Ghost can do for you. There is an example in 1 Nephi chapter 17 where Laman and Lemuel had been brutal to Nephi. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. He had a pleasant smile. Thank you! My Experience of Coming Unto Christ and Experiencing Repentance (Applying the Atonement), Hugh Nibleys Faith Crisis Solved by Prayer, Satan Desireth to Have You, That He May Sift You as Wheat. The Holy Ghost works in perfect unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, fulfilling several roles to help us live righteously and receive the blessings of the gospel. 41-43, 45, 68). The priesthood holder performing that ordinance bestows the gift of the Holy Ghost by saying, Receive the Holy Ghost (Family Guidebook [pamphlet, 2001], 20). Required fields are marked *. The companionship of the Holy Ghost makes what is good more attractive and temptation less compelling. It is perfect. The famed poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once penned the beautiful words, "Be still, sad heart! Here is a worksheet they filled out as each presented: Download "Roles of the Holy Ghost" Roles-of-the-Holy-Ghost.pdf - Downloaded 1950 times - 83 KB. Lukes account of the same event may confuse some readers: Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also came unto John; and being baptized of him, and praying, the heaven was opened; and the Holy Ghost descended, in bodily shape like a dove, upon him; and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased (JST, Luke 3:2829). But theres one question hes heard more than any other: How do I know if its me or the Spirit?. He is not only the representative and witness of the Father and Son, but he is also one in mind with them. Baptism by water is but half a baptism, and is good for nothing without the other half-that is, the baptism of the Holy Ghost (History of the Church, 5:499). The first was when the Lord was baptized: And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him (Matthew 3:16; see also 1 Nephi 11:27; 2 Nephi 31:8; D&C 93:15). 1. How significant it is, given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints (D&C 89:3). Joseph Smith said: You might as well baptize a bag of sand as a man, if not done in view of the remission of sins and getting of the Holy Ghost. Her arms came to rest at her sides. What do we understand about the Personage we know as the Holy Ghost, the third member of the Godhead? See GeorgeQ. Cannon, in Minutes of a Conference, Millennial Star, May2, 1863, 27576. Is any facet of our worship directed specifically to the Spirit? After you are baptized today, you will be confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. If the love of God abides in our souls, which love is a gift of God that comes by the power of the Holy Ghost, then God dwells in us. We press our people, almost beg our people, to behave themselves, to keep their spiritual person in tune so that they can have the reception of the Holy Ghost. Here is a worksheet they filled out as each presented: Click here to download the above worksheet as a pdf: Download Roles of the Holy Ghost Roles-of-the-Holy-Ghost.pdf Downloaded 1981 times 83 KB. I thought she might feel lost in the crowd., Then he said brightly, I prayed just now. Now you must understand that baptism by water, as the Prophet Joseph Smith said plainly, is but half a baptism. A Few Thoughts on Getting the Lords Attention. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do (2 Nephi 32:1-3). He has a body of spirit rather than of flesh and bones. Faith building printables, thoughts and inspiration. As you obey, the impressions from the Spirit will come more frequently, becoming closer and closer to constant companionship. And lo, he heard a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Heavenly Father Gives Me Spiritual Gifts to Bless Others. So the conversion comes. For my dad, that was more than a hope. Go Check on Wendi HOME TEACHING Hasty KINDNESS Ronny's Buddy JESUS CHRIST Believing Christ LOVE A True Champion MIRACLES Believing Is Seeing MISSIONARY WORK Did You Save Him? This alsoworks really well for the Holy GhostBaptism Talk if you are LDS. We can, if we live worthy of it, have the blessing of the Spirit to be with us, not only now and then, as in such remarkable experiences as weve had today, but always. Then you will begin to feel and understand, and the promptings will come. We each think, say, and do things in our daily lives that can offend the Spirit. You can know when these impressions to act for Him are from the Spirit rather than from your own desires. The Holy Ghost gives us feelings of love and hope. Now this is the commandment: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day. The Holy Ghost lets us know when something is true. Matthew 3:11 records that Jesus Christ would baptize those first baptized by water "with the Holy Ghost, and with fire." I divided the class into 3 groups and had each group reach for an object in the box. Alma in the Book of Mormon was baptized. Here is a talk that I have used when I have spoken at Stake Baptisms for 8 year olds. You will come to know with a very personal conviction that the Lord knew you were coming that way. this was perfect for my daughter to use.. last minute!!! But he knew eternal truth the only way you can know it. As Brother Millet shows us in this engaging and doctrinally sound discussion, the Holy Spirit is intimately involved in every aspect and facet of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Or, as President Joseph Fielding Smith noted, As a Spirit personage the Holy Ghost has size and dimensions. I plead that our eternal spirits, yours and mine, may be entwined with the Holy Ghost this night in such a way that what I say this hour may be understood through the Spirit. The influence of the Holy Ghost continued with him as we arrived at the home of my parents. First comes the baptism of water and then the baptism of fire. Much of what he did in chemistry came from seeing in his minds eye molecules moving about and then confirming his vision by experiments in a laboratory. I remember smiling as he said that, imagining my grandmother, her short legs pumping, rushing through a crowd to be sure she was there to meet and embrace her daughter-in-law as she arrived. It is easy to know what you want to say, but this helps put very deep feelings into an eight year olds language. I will mention four. I say ditto to the last like all of the comments. Thanks so much for sharing :0), Thank you for sharing! One could easily read these two accounts, especially Lukes, and conclude that the Holy Ghostremember, he is a male spirit personagewas somehow transformed into a dove. For example, if you receive a spiritual impression to honor the Sabbath day, especially when it seems difficult, God will send His Spirit to help. They may have seen themselves as health care professionals, but Dad was thanking them for their service on behalf of the Savior. Baptism by water is but half a baptism, and is good for nothing without the other half-that is, the baptism of the Holy Ghost.. Some have even been privileged to see the Father also. He got real quiet and said, "But mom, that would be really, really hard." And he was right. We need that constant help from the companionship of the Holy Ghost for yet another reason. Jun 28, 2022 - Update May 2015 : Hello Friends! But as far as I know these are all internal use only. Click here to go to the churches website for this article. What we need to receive the Holy Ghost in our lives? The field is white already to harvest; wherefore, thrust in your sickles, and reap with all your might, mind, and strength. And the remission of sins bringeth meekness, and lowliness of heart; and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God. The Holy Ghost as Your Companion Oct 2015 Quentin L. Cook Shipshape and Bristol Fashion: Be Temple Worthyin Good Times and Bad Times Oct 2015 Thomas S. Monson Keep the Commandments Oct 2015 Carole M. Stephens "If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments" Oct 2015 Neil L. Andersen Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice Oct 2015 Kim B. Clark Since falsehoods and lies may be presented to us at any time, we need a constant influence of the Spirit of Truth to spare us moments of doubt. You were being prompted. Jesus also needed to be baptized. Those commandments come with this promise from the Lord: And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do goodyea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit. D&C 84:46. His voice is heard; his influence is felt; his presence is manifestbut his person is kept hidden from view in all but rare instances.1, In a sermon delivered in 1857, President Heber C. Kimball stated: The Holy Ghost is a man; he is one of the sons of our Father and our God; and he is that man that stood next to Jesus Christ, just as I stand by Brother Brigham.2. Finally, Dad said quietly, A little girl has gone home.. You have had times when you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost. The Lord taught us that the Holy Ghost will be our constant companion when our hearts are full of charity and when virtue garnishes our thoughts unceasingly (see D&C 121:45). Hear ye him (JST, Matthew 3:4546). We must be able to detect it. Elder David A. Bednar has spoken many times about the principle of receiving personal revelation. One of them is the twenty mark note, then of him as a stake president ditching a stake conference for a basketball game, and finally one of him having a "chance" meeting with someone at home depot. I remember listening to this talk almost three years ago now in the MTC and it has had an essential influence my entire approach and philosophy on how to "follow the spirit.". We desire it, yet we know from experience that it is not easy to maintain. The companionship of the Spirit had more than comforted and guided him. This night I look into the faces of the greatest group of youth assembled in one place on the earth. It will be invisible. He shed no tears. Confirmation of truth comes to a son or daughter of God who has claimed the right to receive the Holy Ghost. When they were all baptized and had come up out of the water, the Holy Ghost did fall upon them, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and with fire (3 Nephi 19:13). Confirmation has two parts: to confirm as a member of the Church and then to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost. I remember I felt, with some irritation, that we should leave to be alone with our grief. Brothers and sisters, Heavenly Father did not send us to this earth without also sending the Holy Ghost to guide and protect us. and these three constitute the Godhead, and are one.9. I know that the Spirit led President Monson to call them. Just found this through a google search. Missionaries-and parents as well-are to teach both halves: Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins [and the] Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost (Articles of Faith 1:4). We talked for a few minutes in the living room. Words of Joseph Smith, 382. Then the investigators have their agency. But the dove was not the Holy Ghost, but the sign that the Holy Ghost was given to him.8, Indeed, he is God (Acts 5:34). Average Rating 4.7 out of 5. Testimony: I told my boys of a time the Holy Ghost has helped my life. From an address given on June 24, 2003, at a seminar for new mission presidents, Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah. Thank you for sharing this. It takes an exercise of faith. This was perfect for my nephew's baptism! Heavenly Father Blesses Me with His Gifts. Paul had them baptized again. $8.50. Matthew 3:11: The holy Ghost sanctifies us Latter-day Saints believe that just as baptism by water is important that we may be cleansed from our sins, so is the reception of the Holy Ghost, or baptism by fire. He never talked about his spirituality. asks author Robert L. Millet. Dad stopped to thank every nurse and doctor we met on the way out to the car. holy spirit burning in chest. Lds Baptism Talk on the Holy Ghost (1 - 40 of 51 results) Price ($) Shipping All Sellers Holy Ghost Talk, Baptism Talk on the Holy Ghost, LDS Baptism Printables MKennedyDesigns (303) $8.00 Bestseller He does not fill the immensity of space [as does the Light of Christ or the Spirit of Jesus Christ], and cannot be everywhere present in person at the same time.5 William Clayton recorded the following statement by the Prophet on 2 April 1843: The Holy Ghost is a personage, and a person cannot have the personage of the Holy Ghost in his heart.6 No member of the Godhead dwells in us in the literal sense of the word, Elder McConkie wrote, but all of them dwell in us figuratively to the extent that we are like them. Will ye reject the words of the prophets; and will ye reject all the words which have been spoken concerning Christ, after so many have spoken concerning him; and deny the good word of Christ, and the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and quench the Holy Spirit, and make a mock of the great plan of redemption? (Jacob 6:8; emphasis added). As the soothing voice of a loving parent can quiet a crying child, the whisperings of the Spirit can calm our fears, hush the nagging worries of our life, and comfort us when we grieve. That was only one example of a time when he prayed and then did what the Spirit told him God wanted him to do. I further testify to you that these wonderful men who have today been speaking to us as witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ, as members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, are called of God. Talks About The Holy Ghost Two Minute Talks Easy, Uplifting, Inspiring Talks for Latter-Day Saint Children Subpage Listing The Holy Ghost is the 3rd Member of the Godhead The Holy Ghost. , this is my beloved son, but he knew eternal truth the only way you can the! Are n't published online for the Spirit led President Monson to call.! Something with a very personal conviction that the Holy Ghost had made it a reality for him from... Power to discern truth from falsehood on doing little things for the Holy Ghost different! The Word of Wisdom fits into this you that the Holy Ghost as your Companion 85,568 views 4! Love and hope with them had a box full of items to help us! Put very deep feelings into an eight year olds language, called,. He can feel better after he sees a bad image on television - Etsy find memorable... Daily lives that can offend the Spirit had more than any other: how do I know of in living... 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