Some of the weird laws around the world are impossible it is to enforce. Ain't no poking fun at this one. The ARG thugs and the population as a whole need to know, as someone wrote, that they are shooting themselves in their own feet (and other more valuable body parts, I'd add) by mugging and endangering the very people who want to come in and spend money. As a precaution, especially at night, always ensure your taxi is licensed and belongs to a "Radio Taxi" company. For having too many potatoes! Though Buenos Aires is generally safe for travelers, its important to stay alert, as robbery is all too common. In Buenos Aires, theyre black and yellow, in Crdoba theyre white, and so on. Even the IMF put out a report on this and Cristine Legarde, the IMF president, said the country might get a "red card" for its fibs. King Edward II passed the law after certain individuals interrupted and disorganized several meetings hed had with members of Parliament. In fact, it's best to avoid wearing any English or British symbols. 49. Not cool. It was stuck there for months. With 150+ adventure activities covered and 24/7 emergency assistance. And then there's the stuff that just comes out of left field. In Virginia, it is illegal for a man to kick a woman out of bed. That law was only repealed in 1998. From a law against wearing socks with sandals in Florida to one against eating rabbits in Oklahoma, here are some of the craziest laws in the US. with an Argentine wife I can see both sides. 1. Offences committed against national symbols carry a penalty of imprisonment between six months and four years. Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest stories in hedge funds, PE, fintech, and banking delivered daily to your inbox. By the way, the only place where I had problems was in the US, in New York and in Los Angeles where I got robbed. By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information. So why not grab 20 pairs of Louboutin shoes (as well as some designer bags from Louis Vuitton and Hermes) in Paris after a meeting with the president of France? Here's what to look out for. So if any law or regulation made you double take, scratch your head or curse the powers that be in this strange and often nonsensical place, post me a note! Menu. UBER became officially legal to use in Buenos Aires in September 2020, so now you can ride with peace of mind. The only two states where divorce is illegal are the Philippines and The Vatican. In Dubai, extramarital sex is against the law and could result in jail sentences for over a year. 31. 25. You can't pay five dollars in nickels, or ten dollars in dimes. So dont get drunk and do anything stupid. Hamad, if I were to give you an opinion I would say things done change. "Excuse me, sir, I'm just going to have to check your pants for tightie-whities." Hey, if you opened the gate, you need toclose it, please. I will reiterate: Do yourself a favor, stay out of Buenos Aires. 61. 22. In Greece, police are allowed to arrest anyone suspected of having HIV. They say it's in order to bolster the economy and curb inflation. In the past few years Iceland and Norway have also adopted this law. A huge relief if your biggest health concern is being momentarily disturbed by a faint squeaking sound in the distance. In Sweden it is illegal to be found buying the services of a prostitute, even though prostitution is legal. Well Duh!). Now, I'll just go to Chile. The mayor mentioned that only people with burial plots at the cemetery were allowed to die and promised severe punishment for defaulters. Thanks for your comment. The legal drinking age in Argentina is 18 and there are different blood alcohol limits for drivers; 0.02% for scooters and motorbikes, 0.05% for other vehicles. Whatever you do, be discreet, avoid flashing your wallet, and don't extract big amounts in one go. read about lockdowns and border restrictions. 54. Apparently, farmers and landowners are being punished for this. I've traveled a lot. I have travelled the world a lot.. you can remember NYC before Giugliani, when taxis had blindex between drivers and passengers. You WILL get ripped off at some point, hopefully its only monetary and without violence. In England it is illegal to die in the House of Parliament, but something tells me that if someone did do this, they wouldnt face many repercussions? The affected supplements were sold online and in stores over a two-year period. Who knew that eliminating sex crimes would be as easy as banning sriracha? In Ohio, it's illegal to dye certain animals, specifically rabbits and poultry. We only mention the "bad and worst things" in the spirit of education and in the wish that our travellers stay safe. In fact, this law does make sense. So if you're kicking out the jams in Canada and those jams don't include Celine Dion, Justin Bieber, Barenaked Ladies or (deep breath) Nickelback,you're a criminal. With 150+ adventure activities covered and 24/7 emergency assistance. Women who dared to drive were arrested and fined. King Edward II passed the law after certain individuals interrupted and disorganized several meetings hed had with members of Parliament. I was a 3rd culture kid growing up and only returned home for good, when I was 21. I really love traveling to Argentina for visitation, How can i get the visa lottery form, And when is the form ending? Unlike the 1981 act, which is concerned with conservation, the older law was concerned with reserving the swans for the aristocrats. In Kentucky, a woman cannot remarry the same man more than three times. They have a little button that when you see your celphone or outside they put this button that increase the amountand suddenly you have to pay 3 times more than expected. A single piece of gum could land you a fine of $1000. [9] While some did report that the ban was for health reasons, there were also claims that the French government outlawed ketchup in order to promote French dishes and culture. Talking about having passion to dance the national dance. I have no clue as to why would someone choose to go around such an ugly, dirty city when you could instead be hiking on some of the prettiest places in the entire continent. In July 2013 a law was passed in China that states it is illegal for adult children to not visit their parents often in China. It is on the books in China that a person must be intelligent to go to college. He planted himself in front of the presidential palace, the Casa Rosada or Pink House, to harangue President Nestor Kirchner to change the law. If you're trying to catch up, know these Secrets of Speed Reading and you'll be reading a book a day. How many of these weird laws in New Mexico did you know about? In Honolulu, Hawaii it is illegal to sing loudly after sunset. The industry is unregulated meaning that there is a high risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases. There is usually a demonstration at the Embassy on April the 2nd each year. Chickens are beautiful in their plain feathers, and perhaps those looking . Arizona: No spitting in public. All About Dulce de Leche, History and Recipes, Learn more aboutArgentina and find everything you need for your trip here, Busting the Negative Myths of Argentine Spanish, Spending and Celebrating Christmas in Buenos Aires: Traditions and Food, Tango: History, Milongas and the Dancing Scene in Buenos Aires. Lots of countries and other U.S. states have no spitting laws, but this Utah criminal code gets very detailed with the substances you shouldn't fling around like an angry zoo monkey. Just recently, a couple were convicted to a month in prison for kissing in a gas station restroom. 4. The law is still upheld today and has been extended to bulletproof vests. I am thinking about moving out of here to some where that has not lost it's mind! Still, many of them are on the books, and plenty of people can unknowingly commit crimes for various odd reasons, though they probably wont actually get in trouble for it, of course. Don't become involved with illegal drugs of any kind. Regardless, you sure won't be tempted to get these cars dirtymeet the Leaders of the Pack: the Best New Cars for 2018. Thankfully, because it's one of the weirdest laws around the world, we're guessing it never really has to be enforced. Also living in Detroit in the 1960s I know what bad neighborhoods are like. Feel like catching up on the latest season of Game of Thrones while in Malaysia? In Utah you can marry your cousin, but only if you are both over the age of 65. I have checked on this site but am not satisfied on what i want. In Massachusetts it is deemed illegal for a woman to be on top during sex. In Britain, it is illegal to carry a plank along the pavement. No word on whether you're also required to provide cops with handcuffs to slap on your wrists. As a result, Argentines are so accustomed to political and economic turmoil that they've adopted a bunch of interesting coping mechanisms habits that help them get through the disorder. But they have so much in common. It's definitely one of the weirdest laws around the world. You need to research deeply for medium-smaller cities, but they are a very nice option in my experience. Catching a taxi is very easy in any Argentinian city and surrounding localities. May be some in this chat want to travel for free. Any law that contains the sentence, "Mustaches are illegal if the bearer has a tendency to habitually kiss other humans," is a legal document you probably don't want to mess with. And travel all over Argentina. Chances are you'll get robbed as soon as someone notices you are a wealthier tourist. Buenos Aires has a lively gay scene and is home to the biggest gay pride parade in South America, held in November each year. We have an outstanding country. EVER. Worth it? We honestly did not encounter any issue, but always avoided unknown areas for us. 36. 19. By law, any whale or great Sturgeon caught in the UK is the property of the Queen. Not perfect, but not as self destructive as it was. They blame the Gov't for everything, yet it's them who elect the Gov't. I sure hope it improves. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. At least the exchanging vows part. Today, Arkansas law prosecutes . This drive skirts the Andes, and also covers the regions north of Patagonia Cuyo and Northwest. 9. Mendoza is beautiful, Crdoba is beautiful, the south is beautiful, the Iguaz, Salta, there are plenty of places to travel to outside BA, I can't name them all. I think you need a DNI to get the actual list. The town of Bordeaux, France, also issued a similar ban after the local cemetery reached capacity, and the court stopped the town from extending the cemetery. In Canada, any comic book that portrays illegal activity is banned. And according to a 2014 Procter & Gamble survey, two out of three beachgoers admit to peeing in the ocean. Petty crime rates in these cities are lower than Buenos Aires, but, for example, Rosario has been part of a drug-trafficking route for years, with increasing gang violence. alabama state trooper recruiter; how to open a sentinel gun safe without a key; john wetteland verdict; shooting in brentwood, ca today; ark managarmr controls Hello, everyone! To be clear, Saudi Arabia never explicitly formally banned women from driving. 8. Its always wise to be cautious when wandering urban areas. Yours sounds interesting, Erin. My wallet was pickpocketed in Moscow, so I learn the hard way after being warned by my wife many, many times. If visiting a country requires so much research and precaution its not worth visiting. In Vermont, a wife needs the husbands permission to wear false teeth. In the UK, a law still exists from the Middle Ages that requires all males over the age of 14 to be trained in shooting a long bow. According to a contemporaneous account, people became frightened, children shouted, dogs barked, and women fainted as Hetherington wore his silk hat through London. And if comments here say it can be pricey it is because it is worth. That's all fair and good. Argentina became the first country in South America to legalise same sex marriage in 2010 and as a result, the rights of LGBTI people are protected. the law about naming a child throws me. 64. This law applies specifically to piano tuning. In New York City it is illegal to honk your horn. Our daughter is Argentinian as she born there some years ago. Sodomy is illegal, in general, in Idaho, Utah, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Many of the women are from poor areas or countries who have been trafficked against their will or kidnapped. In Argentina, there is a law that states that Argentine nightclubs must play the same amount of tango music as all other forms of music combined. There are many weird laws around the world today. Argentines pride themselves on their looks, and plastic surgery is huge in the country. (Good thing the minister didn't know about the Ultimate Smoothie for Boosting Your Sex Drive. Argentina's north offers a wholly different travel experience, ranging from the arid and striking landscapes of Salta and Jujuy, near Bolivia, to the country's very own New Wonder of the World, 269ft (82m) high, 1.6mi (2.7km) wide Iguazu Falls, in a lush rainforest along the Brazilian border. In Colorado it is illegal to collect rainwater. I haven't always lived here. Economic crashes, underground dollar exchanges, Rolling Stones cults, and a string of five Presidents in two weeks Argentina is a crazy place. In 2011, the South Korean government passed the Shutdown Law (also called the Cinderella Act) to curb excessive gaming among teenagers. Can drivers ripping people off isnt a sign of a safe place. The string of presidents started whenFernando de la Rua resigned in December of 2001. In Norway, there is a law that protects all female dogs and cats from being spayed. Any Argentine wishing to buy dollars to travel abroad must provide their tax-identification number to the tax agency (AFIP) and declare where, when and why they are travel ling. I mean, does this outlaw clotheslines .
I am from Argentina and have many friends that are NOT Argentinians, and yet their stories and experiences are not at all like yours. Better to spend your money at the Gritti Palace, instead, one of the Best Luxury Hotels in Europe. The minimum salary is at its lowest in the century, due to the recession and the pandemic. Hiking naked through Switzerland used to be a thing, apparently. If you own more than two in your house, you can be subject to criminal possession. Still dangerous, but undeniably weird (and funny). In Iowa, it is illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in public. Try Rosarios staple toastie a carlitos a traditional empanada Cordobesa, or a Mendozan classic such as humita en chala. In Victoria, Australia, it is illegal to change a light bulb unless youre a licensed electrician. True, there is danger and bad things in every country. Where did you get the crazy idea that sleeping on a mattress was supposed to be a pleasing experience? The law also mandated that radio wave devices be regulated within a larger 33,700-square kilometer (13,000 mi2) zone that extends into neighboring Pennsylvania and Virginia.[6]. In Russia, Vladimir Putin just recently made it illegal to tell kids that gay people exist. No spitting in public places. you never know in which ghetto you will be abducted. It sounds downright Orwellian to us. "Circuses are more than welcome," a Granville official said in a public statement. Finally, a state marriage law that enforces what we already suspected. There is a pre-approved list of names that one can only choose from when naming a newborn. I cant explain it because I dont know exactly how it operates.. This statute goes back to 1313, when a guy dressed in armor walking into a government building meant some serious stuff was about to go down. Special Promotion on our Online Group and Individual Classes! Don't get me wrong, Argentina is a incredible country, and the people are (or used to be) friendly, but the time to visit this wonderful country is on hold for the time being, IMHO. Know How to Buy Your Kid A Future, don't let some stranger buy your kid. Argentina is one of the safest countries for travelers in Latin America, but but petty crime does occur. What were you, born in a barn? Close the gate! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The South American country is rich with resources, but often broke. What doesn't make sense is why people feel the need to dye chickens in the first place, but they do. A 10% to 15% tip is expected but not mandatory, especially when eating out. After reading some comments, and seeing some generalizations, I'd like to offer some clarifications. With all these negative comments and stories, I started to be hesitant about our relocation planDid the country turned so unsafe this quick?or was it us who wrte careful and lucky back in 2017?.. Calculating for inflation, that comes to around $26,500 today. 3. When this law was introduced in 2012, forgetting to pack a breathalyzer in your glovebox so the police could bust you for a DUI more easily came with a small fine of about 11 ($13 USD). A third time means you'll be forced into hard labor, cleaning the streets while wearing a sign that says "I'm a litterer." Yourtrip shouldn't be hampered by bringing home an unwanted souvenir of yellow fever or any other disease. The most dangerous is the United States. A bottle of bleach will do. Wait, what? Things done change by law, any whale or great Sturgeon caught in the century, due to an desire... Swans for the aristocrats the UK is the property of the weirdest laws around the world go to.... 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