Upon arrival they found 48-year-old William Blevins deceased in the front yard beside the open driver door of a sport utility vehicle. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Most of the rest of the bodies were never identified, leading police to theorize that the victims were people from the fringes of society, homeless people, and residents of Cleveland's Depression-era shantytown. The Shelby County Sheriff's Office is investigating the death of Willie Earl "Bo" Bedford of Columbiana. "I feel it was somebody that she knew," Det. In 2001, 77-year old Mary Brooks and her son, George, were assaulted in their home on Mill Street in Mobile. On April 3 of that year, the body of a multiple-tattooed woman (rare and notable for the time), as per the Reno Gazette-Journal (via Find A Grave), was discovered underneath a tree in a desert area situated off an highway between Reno and Virginia City. As night approached, a search party formed and spent many hours searching. They were found shot in the head at a home on Hester Lane. Best friends, high school classmates and coworkers John Self, III and Gregory Eadie were found slain in their Azalea Road apartment in 1982. He says theres a different motive and someone out there knows what it is and who killed Davis. Clothes out of date. A partial upper denture was in place. Manby was perceived as such a shady individual that some locals didn't think the body was even Manby's, rather that he'd staged the crime scene in order to abscond. Investigators think the same person or people who killed Acie and Carolyn Worthy a quarter century ago are also responsible for the death of a couple who lived more than 200 miles southeast in Graceville, Florida, just across the Alabama state line. Officers located 21-year-old Darius Mose suffering from an apparent gunshot. The oldest unsolved murder in Washoe County, Nevada's second-most populated area, dates back to 1960. Gov. According to Sheriff Grover Smith it should be noted that this is not what would normally be defined as a cold case due to the fact that it remains under active investigation by our department, and we are committed to bringing justice for Melinda McGhee and her family. Later, Robert Hansen, a serial killer who admitted to 17 murders in the 1970s and 1980s, wouldn't claim responsibility for van Zanten's death. Tragically, it would evolve into a homicide case, one that was never conclusively resolved. The Shelby County Sheriff's Office is investigating an arson case that occurred on September 24, 2001 at Kinder Care Child Care located at 1700 Corporate Drive Birmingham, AL. Gov. Zachary's wife would later recant her corroboration of her husband's alibi, while the cab driver was arrested and charged with assault in 1957. You can also contact CrimeStoppers at 205-752-STOP (7867) to leave confidential, anonymous tips. To me, thats a better feeling than taking this case, closing it out and putting it up on the shelf, said Johnson. "Where it was supposed to be? Less than two months after the killing, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey announced a $5,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest of Bibbs' killer. Texas Rangers sent to the area aggressively patrolled the town, and after three months with no more murders, they left town, just like The Phantom Killer apparently did. Her only other distinguishing characteristics were the red fingernail polish and yellow sweater she wore, and testing of her bones indicated she was not from the St. Louis area but had spent most of her childhood in the upper Midwest. People dont want to talk because of the stigma of them being labeled as a snitch. Travis D. Massey read more The MPD is offering a $5,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest and conviction in the case. The hooded men fled the scene in a car with three other suspects. The couples daughter was just a few months old when her daddy was killed. Kirby sold shoes in the Shelby County area and often hitchhiked around the county. Police quickly determined that the woman's cause of death was a gunshot and also noticed that she'd been covered in lime, thought to intensify decomposition and destroy evidence but which actually partially mummified the victim. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Tips can also be made anonymously to the Tuscaloosa County Crimestoppers at 205-752-7867. Colorado Tag, Brenda Kay Green, at 15 at the time of her disappearance, has been missing from Brookwood Alabama since July 1988. The person never identified themselves but did ask directions to their house. Nine days after that, Morgan's wife received a mysterious phone call, where a female voice told her that her husband was "all right," but he obviously wasn't when two days later, Morgan's body was found in the desert 40 miles west of Tucson. In the summer of 1965, 21-year-old Suellen Evans transferred to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, hoping to get some extra college credits taken care of before the beginning of fall term, according to Raleigh's News and Observer. Reno County officers thought they could coerce a confession out of Davis in 1997 two years earlier he'd been convicted of an unrelated sex crime and sentenced to a prison term in Sedgwick County, Texas. The murder happened sometime after she returned home around 4:30am from a night out. According to reports, Dallas County District . In 1977, the 30-year-old worked at the Airman's Club, part of the now-decommissioned Lowry Air Force Base in Denver. In Alabama that charge is a class C felony, has been since 1977. Audrey Elaine Reed Ferguson went to a coin laundry near her home in Prichard on the night of September 5, 1978. Victim described a white male suspect in his 50's or 60's with red complexion on his face and possibly a crippled hand. Neither endeavor was successful. links/sources https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1817&dat=19880422&id=23shAAAAIBAJ&sjid=UYoFAAAAIBAJ&pg=6946,7963782&hl=en, https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1842&dat=19821230&id=VmkeAAAAIBAJ&sjid=7MgEAAAAIBAJ&pg=3774,7852633&hl=en, http://www.apnewsarchive.com/1988/Brother-Nephew-of-Marshal-Arrested-As-Result-of-His-Investigation/id-8c507f81dd24e9359b29ea221da8487c, https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1891&dat=19881125&id=bGQfAAAAIBAJ&sjid=vdQEAAAAIBAJ&pg=3517,3184563&hl=en, http://www.annistonstar.com/news/police-hope-new-leads-will-help-close-decades-old-cold/article_9303f04c-f34e-11e3-9e66-0019bb2963f4.html. This person would have had a similar height as Carpenter and had one leg shorter than the other just like Carpenter. He grabbed her around the neck and put a gun to her head. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. As of 2021, it's still an open case. Olbert connected the dots and ballistics tests confirmed that the two weapons were in fact the ones used in the Mars Hill Murders. Blount County No trace of Jeppson or his dogs ever materialized. I spent the night in that house quite a few times growing up, although I recall never getting much rest while I was there. HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WAFF) - Nov. 26, 2008 is a day Saheva Davis will always remember. Great job! The house belonged to two of the victims, 34-year-old Robert Gierse and 27-year-old Robert Hinson. Who killed them? Spotted speaking to Wasilewski not long before her death, he hanged himself in a train car in a rail yard, which faced the field where the teenager was murdered. Investigator's have followed numerous leads in this case, however the suspect still remains at large. None of them quite matched up with the evidence. If you have any information regarding this case, please contact the Tuscaloosa County Metro Homicide Unit by telephone 205-464-8690 or by the Homicide Unit email athomicide@tuscco.com. Investigator's would like to speak with anyone who may have information regarding this case or who may have been in the area and observed anything unusual at the business. On April 18, 1982 an unidentified female was found deceased on the bank of the Black Warrior River in Romulus. When her husband arrived home at 4:00 p.m. that day a bloody scene was left inside the home, but McGhees body was never located. FYI you also cannot have a posthumous conviction. On March 9, 1991, the body of a 24-year-old female, Jennifer Watkins Dorch, was found stabbed to death in her mobile home on Hwy 43 in Northport. Allyn's is the oldest unsolved murder in modern Massachusetts and the only unsolved murder in Westfield. If you have any information that may help in this case, call Tuscaloosa Homicide Unitat 205-464-8690or use the Homicide Unit email atHomicide@tuscco.com, August 2, 2001 - Tuscaloosa Alabama - Female realtor, who advertised in local publication with a photo ad, was contacted by phone by a male calling from a local pay phone inquiring about a house for sale. The next day, on a closed dirt road on Quaker City Road in Unity, about five-and-a-half miles away, Dunham's body was discovered. An excavation failed to turn up those remains. It involved something with drugs and the police. A few months ago I posted about the unsolved murders of Monica and Dalton Rollins, a pregnant woman and her child who were slaughtered in 2002. Vernon Johnson was eventually charged with the crime and tried in 1981, but was acquitted. Later that year Olbert's nephew, Jerry Hiett, was arrested possessing a .38 caliber pistol after starting a fire in the nearby Talladega National Forest. They attempted to get fingerprints off the wash stand but to no avail. The murderer hadn't fully killed her the party had assaulted and attacked van Zanten, but she'd gotten away at McHugh Creek State Park and ran away, only to fall off a ledge and freeze to death. Deputies arrived and determined that the victim had apparently been murdered by a single gunshot wound. Richey had simply vanished, seemingly without a trace. When buying cowboy boots, there are a few aspects to consider, such as how far up they go on your legs and their design. Analysis indicates that the remains were of a middle-aged man, not one in his 70s. Mobile Fire-Rescue responded and pronounced the victim deceased on the scene. If you have information regarding the murder of Jennifer Watkins Dorch, please call the Tuscaloosa County Metro Homicide Unit at 205-464-8690, CrimeStoppers at 205-752-STOP or emailHomicide@tuscco.com. According to the attendant at Forrer Hall, she checked out around midnight, got into her car, and headed home on Upper Street, where witnesses spotted her. These murders became known locally and state-wide as "The Mars Hill Murders". Montgomery man who disappeared is found murdered in an unused grain silo. When she didn't report to work one day in February 1950, authorities were called. The next development in the case came in 1998, when a man said he knew where on campus her body was buried. WAFF 48's Robyn McGlohn takes an in depth look in this report. Police suspected an abduction, and four days later, a farmer found Albright's body in a sorghum field. On June 1, 1964, he and David Rogers were hired as the first African-American deputies in the Washington Parish Sheriff's Department, with the office heeding to civil rights leaders' demands across the South to fill law-enforcement positions with non-white individuals. Im just trying to find out anybody that knows anything about my husbands murder, said Davis, widow of Ricky Davis. According to the cold case crime database Uncovered, the oldest unsolved affair in Washington state dates to March 1, 1951, and concerns the disappearance of Alvin Edwin Matlock. Technicians were able to find living descendants of Clark, but the bones might not be his. Any information please contact: Thomas Calhoun bayoufour@msn.com. It may be the first time I've ever written it out myself. More than 50 local white residents were arrested for harassing and attacking Black residents in the wake of the shooting, and even after the FBI and Louisiana State Police opened investigations, Moore's murderer was never caught. On Thursday, June 2, 2016, at approximately 10:20 p.m. officers responded to the area of Government Street at Jackson Street for a report of one shot. Akey was near a patch of watermelons at Trammell's Market with two friends roughly his same age, and the three were attempting to hitchhike for a ride. Schlais' body was exhumed in 2009, and DNA testing uncovered physical evidence of her assailant. Olga wrote another letter expressing the desire to take her own life, although not explicitly blaming the marriage for her suicidal thoughts. The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band was playing a midnight concert on Woods Quad. On the morning of Monday, September 16, 2002, Monica Faye Pritchett Rollins, age 23 and her son Dalton Scott Rollins, age 6, were discovered by a relative, murdered in their home, located on Sugar. This suggested to authorities that a police officer was involved he'd pulled Au over, asked for her license, and then possibly attacked and abducted her. The woman was dressed head to toe in black, along with a pink sweater, and an initial investigation suggested that she had been strangled to death. As the investigation intensified, a woman identifying herself as "Green Eyes" (the same individual who called Morgan's wife) phoned the Pima County Sheriff's office with a tip that Morgan had tried to pay off an assassin who'd been hired to kill him, and that the deceased had some organized crime ties. He says that it is unlikely Downey was killed anywhere near where she was found. She had dark brown hair, a somewhat ruddy complexion, and had a scar over her right eye below her eyebrow. Police arrested a farm hand who lived less than 50 feet away from where Cheney's body was discovered, and blood matching Cheney's type was located on the man's shoes and on the ground outside his residence. Louis B. Allyn, an alumnus and a chemistry professor of Massachusetts' Westfield State College, according to MassLive, changed the way Americans both think about food and eat. In the spring of 1973 an 18 year old female from Miami, Florida, Paula Ellis, was a freshman at the University of Alabama. "I think some people involved in her case were major drug dealers," he said. The house was then intentionally set on fire in an apparent attempt to destroy evidence of the crime. According to the county sheriff, the only two people believed to have intimate knowledge of the crime were Roy Harris and Carlton DeMoss. It wasn't a mannequin it was the abandoned corpse of a human being. The most likely culprit, according to the Reno County Sheriff's Department, was a man named Glenn Davis. She'd only known him for a few weeks when they wed, and in a letter to her sister, she said she deeply regretted going through with it. Can I just say thank you for such an awesome submission. Officers located Lonnie Rayford, 48, in the backseat of the vehicle suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. All in all The Phantom Killer assaulted eight people on weekends between late February and early May 1946, and five of his victims died via gunshot. David B. Sargent read more, Marion County Marshal, confiscated a sawed-off shotgun from his brother Charles at a family reunion. Hunters were staking out deer at a camp in a forested area several miles away from Trout Lake when they came upon the man's body on a footpath. Cold Case: Huntsville man's murder still unsolved after nearly 11 years. Thank you for joining. my earlier post about the murder of Monica & Dalton Rollins: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/2sp3qv/monica_and_dalton_rollins/. And then, just like that, Clark disappeared a hefty cash award offered by the subject's daughter didn't lead to any viable information about her father's whereabouts. Eleven years later, his homicide is the focus of our Cold Case Investigation series. Nick and Demetra (or Jane) Jeatran weren't even from Florida they moved to Clearwater in the 1960s to live out their golden years. At the bottom of an embankment, they spotted a corpse. The murder weapon, nor a solid suspect, was ever found. One of the longest unsolved crimes in Alaska has baffled law enforcement for decades, in part because officials can't connect it to one of the state's most notorious murderers. He also reportedly angered the Nazis because he held a patent it wanted, and he testified against an organized crime syndicate. Charles R. Wood read more. Late in the spring of 1977, a person walking on Old Union Church road in the town of Townsend, Del., noticed a corpse in a drainage ditch by the side of the road. The $156 in his pocket apparently wasn't of interest to his attackers. She never made it to the school, and she never made it to the bus, either. The Minnehaha County sheriff's office determined that Cheney had been killed by a powerful blow to the head with a blunt item as she walked, her body abandoned not far from the site of her death. Offender Search. The final time anybody purported to see the 75-year-old Clark alive was on Saturday, Oct. 30, 1926, when he arrived at a bus terminal downtown Portland, having just made the trip from his home in suburban Tigard, likely to visit his daughter. She wasn't killed on the train tracks but rather a vacant lot eight miles away, where police discovered some of her personal effects next to some blood. Police were unable to determine the child's identity, only that he was between the ages of 4 and 6, nor could they ascertain the victim's murderer and motive. Her mother, Quincy Brown (the sister of character actor and Pretty in Pink star Harry Dean Stanton), got worried and drove her daughter's commute three times that night, never seeing the car outside Old Morrison. She looked through a window and saw both Nick, 82, and Jane, 74, laying on the floor, still wearing their pajamas. The baby was dehydrated but suffered no injuries, according to a family member. When he returned 20 minutes later, Olga was gone. University of South Alabama student Dorothy "Dee-Dee" Downey was last seen in Mobile in April 1984. He had an alibi he'd been 40 miles away in Rockford, enlisting in the Air Force, a story corroborated by his parents. Davis stood in the streets of Huntsville just weeks after the murder of her husband, pleading for answers. Then police got a phone call. Every state in the country has experienced crimes of this nature, with some cases staying open for years, decades, or even indefinitely. Investigations of the 70-plus other persons of interest went nowhere, and in April 1958, Ridulph's body was found about 100 miles away. ", A cousin of Buchanan's told AL.com that Buchanan had scratches on her face the last time she saw her mother. ( NewsNation) The murder clearance rate hit an all-time low in 2020, and data analyzed by a nonprofit shows that trend continued last year. Richey was seen at the club with that friend, who a neighbor spotted driving Richey home in her car at about 2 a.m. Then he returned to his hotel, promising to bring the car back in the morning, which he did, because they'd made plans for breakfast. The body was transported for autopsy. Both homicides occurred in Selma. He arrived back at Richey's house around 11 a.m., and Richey was gone. Here are some crimes that are among each of the 50 states' oldest, most serious, and still occasionally investigated the ones that haunt families, communities, and investigators. In 2021, thanks to DNA testing of a sample taken from Rogers' clothing, Spokane Police Department detectives were able to narrow matches down to now-deceased John Reigh Hoff. Very in depth and interesting and it occupied my lunch break. However, skeletal remains found beside U.S. Highway 31 near Stapleton in January 1985 were identified as Downey's. The cause of the fire was determined to be petroleum based products inside the building. Mary Brooks succumbed to the injuries she sustained in the attack after a month. Hey there, fellow Alabamian! Spokane Police investigators theorized that she'd been abducted, assaulted, and strangled with a portion of her own clothing. A corpse, both bloated and partially consumed by maggots, according to Taos News, lay on a cot in one room. - Nov. 26, 2008 is a class C felony, has been since 1977 ever.. Sheriff 's Department, was a man said he knew where on campus her body was exhumed 2009. 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