Kara freezes. I became this way on my own., You have to give me some of the credit, Kara. But only one floats through everyones mind. What can I say, Lex? And underneath all the wear and tear, spiny green veins pulse with pain. Needing room to keep it somewhere, its taken the place of her most prized montra. Kate turns back to Lena. But back then were trying to be seen. The image cuts to a live video of the port along the ocean. Theres something here, I just need to find it. He looks up at her then, sees how exhausted she is. Make sure she isnt lying. He stands and dismisses himself from the room. We do, Ms. Luthor. And I already felt alone in Gotham but now now Im really alone.. He looks at her watching him, eyes searching his face desperately, trying to find a spot to place him. Youll always have me, and Barry, and the rest of the heroes. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. The sliding doors open and the three of them enter cautiously. But today my brother showed me his true colors. We know she still loves her, so she would never kill her, shes too smart to do that. What are you planning?, The same as any other villain, I suppose. Sorry, did you say Supergirl? So quit giving her the bullshit. Imagine your surprise then, when you emerged to find yourself now living on the same planet as Batman, Superman, and the rest of the DC Pantheon. Not the same kind. Before death was a luxury for the poor soul who was forced into the room. Everything before that is a lost cause. Theyve only been talking for an hour, Lena explaining her side behind the scenes with Lex and Kara telling her about the strange occurrences at Obsidian. Im going to break my hand., He shakes his head. Alex and Brainy exit the infirmary and round a corner to a secluded hall. She shivers uncontrollably, never being exposed to such freezing temperatures. That was someone else., Alex swallows the lump in her throat. Lena laughs slightly, overwhelmed at her sentence. Teaching me., We all miss her, Brainy consoles, taking her hand. With a sigh Lena closes her book and decides to give her full attention to the child next to her. The first person she connected with when she came to Earth. Hey, how are you doing? she asks, putting a hand on Alexs back. And what might our connection be? she asks, staring at him curiously. Its about putting yourself first sometimes, making sure youre not wounded or too hurt to help. He sighs. Who will sacrifice themself?'. People from all over the country, some from overseas, flew in to pay their respect to the beloved Supergirl. I know, she says. I know. She prays that they will win, and she prays that when they find her body it will be after Leviathan has met its end. It feels strange going through the phone. They had informed their director that her body had mostly healed itself, the only challenge left to face was her waking up. With Esme in school, she had time to don the Sentinel suit and join her sister and Jonn on adventures while still making it back to meet Esme at the bus, help the child with her homework, and make some kind of dinner before curling up with her wife on the couch. They stare at the blank monitors, unsure of what to do. A grainy video of Lex and Lena, him injecting it, then taking all the files from her computer as she lays unconscious on the floor. She did it once, to a nice man with a photo album, but when she did it only startled him because he had assumed she automatically remembered everything. They know me. I should say the same to you.. It goes on for too long, and then it suddenly stops. A world seemingly just like yours, until you discover a new kind of superhero protecting the earth. She breathes in and out unevenly, wheezing in between bouts of sniffles. He smiles, waves, and Brainy turns the tablet back to him. What are you going to do about him? Alex asks Lena, leaning over Kelly. Alex slides down the wall of the hallway, taking out her phone and beginning to dial. He turns back to her, taking a deep breath as she watches him. Your promise!, Youre right, Alex, Kara answers, her pace never slowing as she yells over her shoulder. They were trying to freeze her. Lillian Lillian is working with you? Kara asks. The squeaky shoes cease, and she hears them click over to her. What? Alex had dropped to her knees and began to dig her out of her sandy grave. Thanks. She looks up and around her at the massive office. Alex leads her to the infirmary, allowing Lena to enter alone. They were ready to fight. And now that he has, what does he have to live for? Kara, its Alex. Whats the problem? Alex wasnt sure what had changed. Kara knows this is a horrible thing to think, but after everything she has been through with this Luthor, she deserves to be a little selfish. He smiles, rounding her desk and standing in front of her. As in with the cape? The earth has been blessed to have the worlds best superheroes just cities away from each other. Its burned. I must ask, was it Alex, Jonn, or Nia that killed three of my men? No longer AC. Because hes Lex Luthor. Recognize me or not?. Kara narrows her eyes at him and smiles. Again. But this, with Kara, she feels utterly helpless. Her face is painted with the insides of his soldiers, and it drips off her nose and eyelashes. My hope is that seeing you will trigger something in her memory. And I learned I had been manipulated by him. Im fine. Youll learn my name soon enough. I just lost Oliver. With everyone. But in the case that she doesnt youll always have me., Kate nods, sniffing and wiping her mouth with her sleeve. Fine. No, Alex. You had everything you needed to bring me down! Wow, that suit is a sight for sore eyes., Kara chuckles, brushing off her shoulder. I can control her if she needs to be contained, but I think well be fine., You think. Meredith, Cristina y Alex tienen una muy necesaria conversacin luego del accidente de avin. You can count on it. She hears him chuckle on the other end. Everyone I love doesnt know who I am, and thats for a reason. Lex stole her memories. Im here.. Lena smiles tightly, straightening. She knows she should probably be acting the same way Kate is. Kane, Im here to ask you about one of your buildings. She doesnt. Her body is instantly thawed, then scarred from the searing water. What's the difference? She motions for Jonn to do the same, then turns to Brainy. A small vent near the ceiling clicks on, and the faint whirring of a ventilation unit envelopes the room. Hes watching me closely., Okay. Become best friends again. 23 notes. How was she supposed to remember how to fly? Where did you get this? Alex asks, taking it from her and bringing it over to the group. The team hadnt received any word from Leviathan or Kara, but the tracker was always on screen of her location. I think Im done trying with her.. The sun is starting to set past the skyscrapers, painting the city in shadows rather than the pink rays it normally does in National City. Mgann speaks up for them. As in, Supergirl? Kara, Alex moans, touching her sisters face fearfully. As well as that bratty son of hers., What do you want from here? Summary: Kara's trial with MAxwell ends unexpectedly. Clark and Lois had managed to stop by after acquiring a short-notice sitter for the boys. Brainy continued his work as an analyst at the new DEO, keeping his head down and digging up any dirt he could find on Lex with his job permitting. I just thought he was strong enough to chose us instead., Got her, Lena announces, pointing at the screen. Ive seen Supergirl on the old news footage, but its so hard to imagine shes me., What arent, is a better question. They could stay like this. Do you think its Lex?. Groggy eyes try to open, but eyelids are heavy. The most recent exchanges are from people inquiring about L-Corp. He pets her soothingly, a hand clenched tightly around her cape. Now, she's down to one. Hello? And after charging under yellow sun lamps for a few hours, things might get dangerous. They want a fight., Because, he growls, they want to end us.. He sighs, closing his eyes and rubbing his hand over his head. But she only shakes her head, patting her arm. Just please, dont come for me. Aside from that, the only serious injury she obtained was the abdominal incision, which was then cauterized. Brainy looks up at her. His smile fades slowly, his arms coming down to his sides in confusion. She squeezed her tightly and roughly, shaking her so she would wake up. Who knew that your childhood fantasies would become a reality when you reincarnated as powerful Saiyan reborn on the Planet Vegeta. He didnt feel bad about not attending Karas funeral. If it were her, she never would have said that statement. And thats my fault. The hero needed to lay low, no matter how much persistence Kara gave. Where Supergirl doesnt exist. It was me., You? She had never seen her so terrified. Flight 237 (Alex x reader) . Just some gay in a groupe chat What bad could possibly happen . Shes going to be better than me. Im fairly certain she meant kids your own age Lena replies in a teasing tone. Hes cut her suit. Steam rises around the streams of pressure, boiling water spilling from the sky. Ive got you, youre alright.. The girl sends her a mischievous glare and says A wise woman once told me I shouldnt be making conversation with a stranger much less tell them my name. she finishes in a teasing tone. But the only thing out of the ordinary was Kara being beaten and bloodied. The other heroes came and payed their respects, offering their condolences to the team. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. He double-crossed us, Kara sums. We barely caught a glimpse, she looked pretty banged up, Jonn and Nia ask together, sharing questions and observations and opinions. Mon-El, Lena gasps, recalling the time she was almost forced to marry him. A man named John. Hes her brother, but she has no idea who he is. Hank doubted that they would regain consciousness anytime soon; Supergirl had hit them pretty hard. Danvers was forced to leave Midvale after an incident that exposed her and has settled into a new life in Smallville, working on the Kent Farm and going to Smallville High, and keeping her head down. Being a hero isnt about selflessness, its about planning a way to outstrategize the enemy. Attending the funeral of the enemy you killed? Jonn pauses, thinking. Do you want to see her?, Lenas breath gets caught in her throat. Who am I kidding, of course they have. I need you to recalibrate the lamps to disperse red sun energy instead of yellow sun. Before anyone else can speak, Lenas monitors go blank. She needs to find someone she knows. Shes practically working for him., I agree, Brainy nods, giving Nia a longing glance. I would do anything to protect you, even if it hurts you. Mon-El smiles kindly, stepping away from Alex. Hell find out we snuck in eventually, Nia says. He nods dutifully, bowing his head to her. Im a shell of the real Kara Danvers. Her eyes open in narrow slits as she squints at him. She knows its against orders, but there was no way in hell she was going to sit out for this one. Shes a close friend.. Shes not one to usually cry. Creators: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Ali Adler. And thats dangerous. We cant track him because he knows how to avoid us, and nothing came back from L-Corp. Our best chance is to go out into the field for a scavenger hunt. Its been a long time since Ive seen you. But I want to hear your side of the story., Now Lena scoffs. Honest. They watch as the heroes look around, unable to tell them their leader is in a dangerous predicament. Im sorry, Kryptonite? Lena asks, turning to Kara. Supergirl glorious, Batwoman proud, Flash grinning, the rest of the heroes surrounding them victorious. It hurt her team to have to watch it again, and it scared the heroes that came to help to see Supergirl in that much pain. Months. They were breaking her down little by little, and she didnt know how long she would last. Lena Luthor She looks over to Kara. Its Kate and Barry. And you can imagine my surprise when I unearthed documents of your little experiment downstairs., He leans forward, brow raised. An endless cycle of me never being in the loop about my own life?. Inbetween the lights, several mystics appear, eyes cold and ancient. Lena looks up at Alex, a tear running down the sisters cheek as she grinds her teeth. "Alex," Kara snips, jogging up to her sister at the roundtable. But I know you will always see us as the antagonist, so why bother with calling ourselves the good guys? He stops at a door and the mystic behind him opens it, tossing in the brick of Krpytonite. She scrolls through her contacts. Youre right, Alex. Which makes me feel like the biggest asshole in the universe., Lenas brows come together. Wow., Kara chuckles. Before they can talk more, Kara emerges from the infirmary dressed. She wonders how she learned to do this, how to cope so well with such a horrible situation. All whilst Alex tries to get the old group back together and deal with some thugs from the past who could have something to do with Amy's death. The heroes at the Tower stalk around, throwing out ideas but getting shot down. They had replayed it, over and over again for the rest of the heroes, for the team, for anyone who could find something out of the ordinary about the frame or a reflection of someone forcing Kara to speak. 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