"thumbnailUrl": "", Can I have a new liner installed on my Softub Spa? You may also loosen the top fitting on your pump just until you hear air escape and see a bit of water, then tighten it back up. But, if you are adding more replacement water than normal, and perhaps using the spa less latelyyou may have a leak. You may continue using your pump safely, but the noise will only get worse. Use equal parts of each -- about a marble-sized amount of each does the trick for most jet leaks. Any advice on what to look for would be appreciated. 3 3 3 comments Best Add a Comment gasaraki03 3 yr. ago If you have any check your lights I had to replace some of mine that were cracked and leaking 2 If it is, but the pump still wont work, it probably needs to be repaired or replaced. Started 6 hours ago, By Start by cleaning your filter, checking for circulation blockages, and topping off your water if necessary. Fresh Mineral Water thats silky soft, has far fewer odors than other water, and is self-regulating (meaning it is the easiest water to maintain)! Spa repair on a leaky spa jet described, and a cheater's method!" If there are no lights on the Softub's control panel, check the ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) socket that the Softub is plugged into. Identifying the problem is the key to fixing it. Topping of your hot tub may be the only solution necessary. Your pump has to be running in order for the spa to heat up. 1-800-537-5437. "width": "1060", The force of plunging may damage your circulation system. If you see water coming out from under your spa on one side of the spa, that can be the logical place for exploration. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. You should see a leak of that size with no trouble. Also keep an eye out for other signs of damage, such as melted or burnt wires. Youve got no heat, no matter what. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. If your hot tub troubleshooting starts to get you into repairs that are over your head, dont be afraid to call a professional. Flip the breaker again and see whether it trips. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". While using a Softub, some problems may arise including the main control panel not working and water leaks. Softub Spas has eliminated the necessity for a degree in chemicals to allow you to take care of your water needs. "publisher": { Open many small holes if you have many jets to check on that side. Heater and pump working fine? If you cannot seem to shut off the air jets, you will need to toggle the air control valve to resolve the problem and shut the air valve. Look for small bleed screws at the end of the pump, and open them all to let the air out. Others have a tool that is inserted on the spa side, to keep the flange from spinning while the lock nut or valve body is tightened up on the gasket. Check the wet end of your pump to see if something is blocking the water flow or to see if you have a broken propeller. All you need is a new blower and about half an hour. "url": "https://lesliespool.com/", Its simply a component with a finite lifespan. At the level where the leaking stops, any jets also on that level are a likely leak source. "height": "500", First, put your hot tub cover back on and let the heater do its job for about 24 hours. It's easy to repair the most common Softub problems. But maybe wait until Monday so the hourly rate isnt so high. Digital Multimeter with Ohm Volt Amp and Diode Voltage, Proline Spa Universal Replacement Flo-Thru Heater Element 6Flo, HydroMaster Side Discharge Spa Pump - 2 Spd. If so, the problem is elsewhere. If the power light still blinks, you need the control panel professionally repaired. Tighten loose fittings by hand to stop leaks. Many spa jets have a special wrench used to tighten their particular jet lock nut. If so, you could have airlock. If its not, add water, and then run a test to see if the flow returns to normal. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, How to Troubleshoot Fluorescent Light Fixtures, How to Reset the Blinking Light on a Whirlpool Dishwasher. If it doesnt trip, youll need a new heating element. Any ideas? What can I do to clean it properly? We believe everything about owning a Softub Spa should be as Simple as 1, 2, 3, and that includes simplicity of water care long after your purchase. Before you panic, turn on the Softub and run the air jets. Why Is My Inflatable Hot Tub Not Heating Up? Remember to use a hose filter to keep impurities out of your spa and plumbing system. Top off the water, clean your filter, and check for plumbing line clogs. Softub Replacement Jets - Vari-stream, X-stream, Pulse-stream Jets - Hot Tub Spa Source Home Softub Replacement Jets Softub Replacement Jets We have the current line of snap in style jets for your Softub. 4. If you think you are losing water in your spa - open the equipment access andcheck these areas first: Still Leaking? You cannot paste images directly. Also, the vinyl in the tub is wrinkled up and stretched out. Is your hot tub sitting stagnant because the spa blower isn't working and you're not sure what to do? Terms Of Use, Phone: (805) 585-5754 Though they indicate something is going wrong, error codes can be confusingand they dont necessarily tell you the cause of your problem. "url": "https://i8.amplience.net/i/lesl/LES00004-Leslie's-Logo-Refresh_Final_FullColor_Outlines_Crop" Once the liner is dry, apply the adhesive to the application wand and then apply the adhesive to the patch. After all, the purpose of the GFCI is to protect you from electric shock around water. "caption": "Leaking Spa Jets - How to Find & Fix" Whatever the problem, your night is not working out the way youd hoped. Grab a good flashlight, and inspect all these areas carefully. In some cases, the valves connecting the ozonator to your hot tub can begin to wear out or can become blocked by debris. If the problem persists, call a pro. Clear any clogs from your circulation system. First, try lubricating the bearings, but eventually, youll probably have to replace the circulation pump. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Softubs are portable hot tubs designed for rest and relaxation. Sometimes the leak is too small to pull enough dye through, and sometimes the jet gasket only leaks when the pumps are on. For each item you reconnect, flip the breaker, then turn on your spa. Turn on the Softub and run the air jets. Regardless of whether it burned out or has a short, youll still need to replace it. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Best yet, its as Simple As 1 2 3 to set up, making it the ultimate in comfort, therapy, and design! Pasted as rich text. If this does not stop the leaking, you need to purchase replacement hose clamps. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. This is the ultimate maintenance guide that hot tub manufacturer doesnt provide you. 5 hours later, the tub is empty and the motor plugged in and silent. Softub Parts & Accessories. Again, unless youre experienced with electrical wiring, youll want to hire a spa pro or electrician to correct these problems. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Take the filter out and check to see if there is any debris in the filter. Proceed cautiously as you near the jets, to avoid cutting pipes or wires. Not everyone is an electrician, and thats OK. Check the pump for corrosion if leaks continue after you fix the hose clamps. Softub Owner's ManualSoftubWater Treatment GuideSoftub Set-up InstructionsSoftubWood Deck Assembly Instructions, Hayward Jet Air III - PARTS - READ INFO -, Microban filter # 8553 ( 2009+) for Softub Spas, Vinyl Connection Hoses for Softub Spas (Pair). Clear out the gunk and keep your hot tub water fresh. Still no heat? If youve just refilled your hot tub, you may have an airlock, which is when air gets trapped in your plumbing lines, and impedes the flow of water, which will keep it from heating up. Write Us With Any Questions. It removes gunk in your pipes caused by lotions, sunscreens, cosmetics, etc. Adding a little water and cleaning your filter can go a long way toward fixing a lot of hot tub bad behaviors. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. "address": "", This code is an abbreviation for sensor, and the letter (or sometimes a number) indicates which sensor is malfunctioning or out of balance. Knowing where to look for spa leaks is the first step in leak detection. You may call us at 805.654.9000 to arrange to drop off your Softub Hydropack or tub for service at our Ventura . By creating an account you agree to the Hunker. It can help you quickly identify the culprit by testing the electrical components. All rights reserved, Hot Tub Not Turning On? If the pump isnt working, you may need to replace it. An ice lens will start to form on the surface of the water when it cools below 0 C and. A dirty or worn out filter can prevent the water from flowing the way it should. Simply insert the Elbow Diverter directly into the center of the Poseidon jet to divert all water pressure into ONE flowing direction. Sign up now. Best yet, it's as Simple As 1 2 3 to set up, making it the ultimate in comfort, therapy, and design! It works well, but I've had to replace the pump twice because they wore out and started leaking. 12 hours later the pump is still heating, water coming up to temp, but now there's a leak somewhere. However, if youre at all unsure, call a pro. Knead them together like a . We service as well, inquire on pump service rebuilds! You may also test the element for a short using a multimeter , or pull it out and inspect it for signs of dry fire. Or start using your hot tub with earplugs. The socket should have three prongs and two buttons on it. Use a gentle soap and water solution to clean out the jet. Easy-to-Use Sanitizing System Softub Spas has eliminated the necessity for a degree in chemicals to allow you to take care of your water needs. Common reason why your Softub pump will leak. "@type": "ImageObject", You remove your hot tub cover, only to find the water is ice cold. You can turn your jets on and off a few times to try to force the air out. What model? Safety first. I have an 8 year old softub. I unplugged the motor, refilled the tub and after full I plugged it back in. Choose the perfect hot tub for your very own backyard oasis from our choice of four Softub Spas models. To diagnose a larger leak, shut the pump off, and allow the spa to drain to a lower water level, paying attention to where the system stabilizes and stops leaking. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. If youre confident in your skills to troubleshoot your hot tub heater, you can remove the heating element and check to see if it looks burnt. Important: If youre comfortable working with electrical components, you may be able to address these problems yourself. While youre searching for corrosion, ensure that all the electrical connections are secure. Or maybe when you turn on your hot tub, the breaker trips. These tubs plug into a household outlet and can be set up in a short amount of time. My Softub Spa HydroMate System is leaking, what should I do? To remove the filter, pull out the cartridge by hand. You may want to try to seal up around a suspected spa jet, usingBOSS silicone, or similar products, but - it may not fix the problem and can be messy looking unless you are careful and skillful during application. Spa jets can leak where the flex pipe attaches either the larger water pipes, or the smaller air line. If the jets still fail to start there could be a low voltage problem or a mechanical problem and the Softub will need to be returned to the manufacturer. This loud, metallic whine is the telltale sign of bad bearings. Once you bleed the air out, turn the hot tub on and see if the water flow has returned to normal. Valterra 2203X PVC Unibody Slice Gate Valve - 2 in. individuality, sustainability and flexibility. For spas that have full spray insulation on the underside of the spa shell, finding the source of a spa leak can be challenging - but not impossible. - 240V - 4 HP, Sensor Assembly with Temperature and Hi-Limit Sensor, Laing Spa Circulation Pump E5 - 120V / 240 V - 40W - 50/60 HZ, Spa Filter Cartridges - Replace Unicel, Pleatco and Filbur - 2 Pack. Important: Remember, electricity and water dont mix. If you see any corrosion, the pump must either be professionally repaired or replaced. If the waters not moving, you may as well be sitting in your bathtub, right? Next, flip your heater breaker off and on, or just hit your heaters reset button. Before you do anything, grab your multimeter. Top off low water levels as soon as you notice them to prevent error codes, sputtering jets, and even dry fire. So the leak has to be above that. We have fixed thousands of Softub Spas over the years. And each year, he continues to help more people with water chemistry, cleaning, and troubleshooting. The first thing you are going to want to do is consider the most common types of hot tub leaks: Leaky spa pumps: If your spa pump is leaking, the likely culprit can be shaft seals, unions, or wet end volutes. I'm lucky the pump runs, I would have thought it would burn out. Spas and hot tubs are not supposed to leak, but over time, it's not uncommon for a leak to develop in an older spa. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Then, look for clogs in your circulation system, and wash or change your filter. Turn the air control valve on and off several times. Important: No matter what you may have heard, we do not recommend using a plunger on your jets. "contentUrl": "", "headline": "Leaking Spa Jets - How to Find & Fix", Need to, Your zip code will help us to provide you with the most up-to-date delivery information. Try the easiest and least expensive solution first: turn each of your jets to make sure they're all wide open. HOT TUB Jet Housing Leaking Water / HOT TUB Leaking WaterIf your hot tub is leaking water and your not sure where to start looking, try looking to see if your hot tub jet housing are leaking.----------------------------------------------------------------SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS:http://www.youtube.com/c/VIPPoolsandSpas----------------------------------------------------------------Hot Tub Pipe Clue:https://amzn.to/3qabfHc----------------------------------------------------------------Buy Me a Coffee or Hot Chocolate if the Video Helped You OutPayPal: info@vippools.caEtransfer: info@vippools.ca It loses water until the top of the two upper jets on the softub and then it's fine. Give wires a gentle tug to check their connections. "@type": "ImageObject", If youve done all these things, and still cant diagnose and correct the problem, its time to bring in a pro. Not sure where. (Causes & Solutions). Well, in a fit of stupidity I drained my Softub 300 and overlooked unplugging the motor unit. See what our customers have to say about us! Softub Spas stand for quality time away from the stresses and strains of everyday life. aqi32 Free Shipping and more for Pool Perks members. }. { 3. It may also void your warranty. "url": "", You can post now and register later. If the power light continues to blink, unplug the Softub and plug it back in. Press both the top button (the "reset" button) and the bottom button (the "test" button). Check the filter for damage. Age, wear, and tear will eventually take a toll on your hot tub and its parts. Or maybe your water is fine, but when you turn on your jets, nothing happens. Jerry : Is this a Softub? Spas and hot tubs can leak in many locations, including from the spa jets themselves. Kills bacteria inside the pipes for maximum effect. "dateModified": "2014-07-28", We stock a large selection of Softub parts and accessories including jets, gaskets, tools, pump parts, andcovers (bottom of this page). Turn on the Softub and run the air jets. Matt Giovanisci is the founder of Swim University and has been in the pool and spa industry since 1995. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Could be a fluke. Stop filling and add one tablespoon of Softcare Chlor. "primaryImageOfPage": { Or maybe your pump kicks on and produces an ear-splitting screech. Hi Dave, The most likely fault will be around jets and other in\outlets, check for any leaks, as you can probably just replace a o ring or use some PFTE tape such as the stuff here, to remake the water tight seal.. Why did this happen, and how can I fix it? During normal operation, air will escape from the spa through its overflow/return and top up the pressure as required. "@context": "https://schema.org/", Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. When all wrinkles are removed, continue to fill until the water level is about 2 inches above the top of the highest jet. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. I like to use Touch 'n Foam 2-part, which you can get at most Home Depot type stores. They are simply too strong, rather leaks are almost always found in plumbing junctions, gaskets or seals. Sweep or use a leaf blower to dry off any standing water around the tub. It's not that easy to take the barrel apart and replace the pump. That ice will expand as it freezes, pushing against any adjacent walls until they are pushed outwards due to the sheer force being applied. Since then, his mission is to make pool and hot tub care easy for everyone. }, Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. If it does, and its still not working, it may be time to replace the circulation pump. If you find corrosion, youll need to replace the damaged part(s), or hire a pro to do so for you. Check the connecting blue hoses and the red hoses on the Softub's motor if there is leakage from the Hydromate. The water cant flow if its too low. Replace the jet, making sure it fits tightly back into place. Follow each pipe to its jet looking for signs of leakage along the way. Upload or insert images from URL. Check the water level to make sure its where it should be. But you can avoid some of the most common problems by taking proper care of your spa. "identifier": "" Hot Tub High Limit Switch Troubleshooting, 7 Reasons Your Hot Tub Is Tripping the Breaker. We have fixed thousands of Softub Spas over the years. We do carry a few user-serviceable parts for your Softub Hydropack, Tub and Cover. Started Saturday at 09:17 PM, By Spas and hot tubs can leak in many locations, including from the spa jets themselves. Contact your Softub dealer to have them send you a vinyl repair kit if you notice any leaks in the liner of your tub. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. You may have already wondered, "can't I just put asealanton the inside of the spa, around the jet fitting?" When your hot tub water temperature drops 20 to 40 degrees below your set point, this error code shows up. Discount Spa Parts & Accessories since 1997Free Shipping on orders over $75We are THE source for your DIY spa repairs and upgrades! Looks like your current store isn't near your delivery area. 1. If it isnt, use a multimeter to check whether the pump is receiving power. Download Softub Manuals: Softub Owner's Manual Softub Water Treatment Guide Softub Set-up Instructions Need more assistance with hot tub troubleshooting? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". FROG @ease combines sanitizing minerals and SmartChlor Technology to kill bacteria, two ways, with up to 75% less chlorine. Did you recently refill your hot tub? Fred Harwood Then you really will be paying a bunch of money for repairs. Shut off the pump, and with bright lighting and a mask or goggles, squirt small drops of dye underwater, around the jet face or flange. We service as well, inquire on pump service rebuilds! Check for blockages, and clean or replace your filter. By "caption": "Leaking Spa Jets - How to Find & Fix" 5. "name": "Leslie's, Inc.", Privacy Policy If the water isnt hot, but this code is on your display, its a good idea to call a pro to see whats going on. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Try the easiest and least expensive solution first: turn each of your jets to make sure theyre all wide open. A dedicated Softub service professional since 1996! Laguna vs Rikon Bandsaw: Key Differences (and Uses), Are Bauer Tools Made in China? Make sure any valves near your pump are open. Liner How durable is the liner? Once access is made behind the panel, the insulation can be cut with a drywall saw or serrated kitchen knife, at the level of suspected spa jets. After you change the water, or when youre opening your spa for the season, you may encounter a hot tub air lock. More replacement water than normal, and topping off your Softub dealer to have send. Add water, clean your filter trip, youll want to hire spa... Softub 300 and overlooked unplugging the motor unit by creating an account you agree to the of... But, if you have many jets to check on that side to find the from... 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