But I also challenge my sociological colleagues to use this film to spark hard conversations in gender courses. Finally, a reason to buy a bigger TV. By way of accounting forher bewilderment, she says, Its all a lot to wrap your head around, you know?. You may have access to different export options including Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive and citation management tools like RefWorks and EasyBib. Maybe thats what inspiredCouric to make thistwo-hour documentary. I am a big exuberant of movies thats why this Geographic film is also my favorite movie. Fa'afafine people in Samoa are non-binary. Remove Ads Cast Crew Details Genres Cast Katie Couric Hari Nef Gavin Grimm Sarah McBride 90 mins More at IMDb TMDb Anothertime, she misgenders a 12-year-old trans girlwhen referring to her in the past. Twitter. Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric February 5, 2017 1 h 32 min TV-14 Subtitles Subtitles English [CC] Audio languages Audio languages English Newscasting legend Katie Couric takes us on a journey to discover the modern-day dynamics of gender. I learned why asking someone about their former self (dead-naming) can be so painful to those able to finally embrace their true selves. Gender Revolution TV Movie 2017 TV-PG 1 h 35 m IMDb RATING 6.0 /10 387 YOUR RATING Rate Documentary Katie Couric sets out to explore the rapidly evolving complexities of gender identity. Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric (2017) is available on Netflix United States. Get The Latest IndieWire Alerts And Newsletters Delivered Directly To Your Inbox. your 7-year-oldson announces that he wants to be a girl? but back to the film, i think its good for anyone whos interested in gender issues as it covers quite a lot and its easy to comprehend! Crazy About Tiffany's (2016) Trailer - Katie Couric, Jessica Biel (Movie HD) Movie Trailers. The movie is great. Now we have "Gender Revolution: A Journey With Katie Couric," a National Geographic documentary co-produced by World of Wonder. Her guests explain the effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Or is it, as Hari Nef argues, about moving beyond gender itself? i24NEWS (English) 2:23. I often wondered, why cant they be more patient as we grapple with this new normal? And yet, within weeks of its debut, Trump's Office of Civil Rights has rolled back federal support for the legal protections of transgender youth in schools. Learn more:. One of those families was in attendance at Friday's screeningVanessa and J.R. Ford, of Washington, D.C., parents of Ellie, a 5-year-old transgender girl. You may have access to it for free by logging in through your library or institution. Gender and sexuality are fluid. It turns out, Couric says, "We're all a lot more complicated than we've assumed.". Overall, I think Gender Revolution does a great job of stressing the importance of having conversations about gender. [2] but thats also its weakness, its not in-depth. 2-3 paragraphs. To disable the shortcuts, continue to tab until you leave the player. His calm adult-like response is powerful. Students learn about several different metaphors that have been used to describe cultural diversity in the United States. Very basic and biological-centered conversation about gender. In a film designed to educate and inspire the audience, every family we meet is loving and supportive of their transgender member. Katie Couric sets out to explore the rapidly evolving complexities of gender identity. But Im grateful to everyone I met along the way. Cant win em all!, READ MORE:Boys Dont Cry Protests: Why We Should Listen to Trans Activists Criticizing The Milestone Film Editorial. Gloria Steinem, a leading feminist and writer, shares her thoughts on gender. The documentary does a good job of covering a variety of topics related to gender without any single topic feeling rushed or undervalued. Had Couric been the ninth mom on Clickhole list, her. Gender revolution then gives an understanding of what is happening now in society and what we are prepared to face in the long. Gender and sexuality can be fluid, and today transgender issues are altering the nature of day-to-day interactions. This was the first time watching this documentary and I have to say it was very interesting and informative. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. And in a media landscape that employs sound bites and tweets to inform us on a whole array of topics, I thought it was important to take a deep dive. Couric says that John Money theorized that "nurture can supersede nature.". When Katie says her pronouns aloud and when she mentions how she is cis, she laughs at how ridiculous it is.) You have requested "on-the-fly" machine translation of selected content from our databases. Gender 101 for country folks who think everything beyond heterosexuality and binary genders is surreal. Interesting as only Couric can pull off. Your email address will not be published. Original shows and popular videos in different categories from producers and creators you love You need to install or update your flash player. You can even see some of the interviewees that are sort of over her acting like a fool. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. 9 p.m. on Fox. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Yes! Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 14:52, List of programs broadcast by National Geographic, "TV tonight: 'Supergirl,' 'Scorpion,' 'Gender Revolution', "Nat Geo Just Developed A Groundbreaking Educational Resource About Gender", "Gender Revolution: Watch the trailer for Katie Couric's documentary", "Learn about gender with Katie Couric in National Geographic doc 'Gender Revolution', "Towards a Gender Neutral Future in This Bonus Clip from Nat Geo's 'Gender Revolution' | Out Magazine", "10th Annual Women's Tennis Association Dinner", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gender_Revolution&oldid=1140938573, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 14:52. Former TODAY anchor. The documentary explores the complexities of gender in everyday life across generations, social strata, the nation and the planet via Couric's intimate discussions with scientists,. Letterboxd is an independent service created by a small team, and we rely mostly on the support of our members to maintain our site and apps. Afterwards, she interviews Yale Dean Tamar Gendler. Clearly Couric made this documentary to be easily digestible to well-meaning cis folks; certainly not the Gender Revolution the title suggested. She learns that transtrender is a slur and not a new identity, and that gender fluid means that identity changes by day or week or over time, and that questioning and changing ones identity from time to time is also legitimate. They are referred to as faafafine and our allegedly fully integrated into society and play an important role in their family of origin. Gender revolution : a journey with Katie Couric / "Gender and sexuality can be fluid, and today transgender issues are altering the nature of day-to-day interactions. Couric doesnt attempt any answers, but she ends the film by suggesting that we live in a brave new world that will take some time getting used to. But there was a part in the very beginning where assholes were like "there are only two genders" and I was like hey shut up and do your damn research because you're out here looking like a fool. fireboy and watergirl, Great article would love to read more about this, Your email address will not be published. This article about a documentary film with a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender theme is a stub. 1145 17th Street NW Solved Summary of the documentary Gender Revolution: ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less Movie Review: Gender Revolution - Momentous Institute today's changing terrain when it comes to gender. These are not the meta-messages that are usually thematic in sociology courses. Gender Revolution A Journey with Katie Couric Trailer, Gender Revolution: A Journey With Katie Couric. ET on the National Geographic Channel. Couric said she wanted to make the documentary because she saw how much she didnt understand about gender. "Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric" is currently available for free on YouTube, Facebook and National Geographic through February 21. IMDb Doesnt gender remain a social structure that legitimates inequality? Join the 30,000+ educators who have completed a National Geographic teacher training program. Most of the film involves Courics interviews with people who do not fit into a simple sex or gender binary, their parents (and in one case, their adult child), and experts on the topic. Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric Season only TV-14 CC Gender and sexuality can be fluid, and today transgender issues are altering the nature of day-to-day interactions. Streaming Access. She is the author of the forthcoming book, Where Will the Millennials Take Us: Transforming the Gender Structure? Watch Gender Revolution: A Journey With Katie Couric - English French (Parisian) Spanish (Latin America) Spanish Castilian (European) Portuguese (Brazil) German Italian Documentary movie on Disney+ now. Up close, they were just people who Im now proud to call friends. Achieving peak white supremacy is as hard as being non-racist. After her interview with trans fashion model Carmen Carrera resulted in major backlash, Katie Couric realized she had a lot to learn about gender. She thinks boys should wear blue, and girls should wear pink. Katie Couric dives into the ever-evolving topic of gender in the upcoming National Geographic documentary Gender Revolution: A Journey With Katie Couric. Katie Couric sets out to explore the rapidly evolving complexities of gender identity. Katie Couric explores questions about gender identity with experts and everyday people. Have we left behind the need to fight for gender equality between women and men? Couric meets a family whose daughter is taking puberty blockers. I mean at one point she asks if she can have someone's old name. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Contexts is a quarterly magazine that makes cutting-edge social research accessible to general readers. Katie Couric serves as a tour guide for viewers as she explores the complexities of gender identity. Katie Couric sets out across America to meet with leading scientists, physicians and experts to answer questions about gender and gender identity. The documentary followed Katie Couric and her journey of becoming knowledgeable about the Gender Revolution. To better understand this complicated social and scientific issue, Couric crisscrossed the U.S. to talk with scientists, psychologists, surgeons, activists, authors and families to learn more about the role of genetics, brain chemistry and modern culture on gender fluidity. ET, Couric will discuss the documentary in a live broadcast on National . If you need to flag this entry as abusive. Mary Tyler Moore was Courics role model and the catalyst that fueled her career in journalism. In one scene, Couric discusses terminology with a group of college students, who all state and explain their identifiers. based upon your gender identity and sex After watching the Gender Revolution : A Journey with Katie Couric my heart grows more for those who are faced with these issues throughout their early adolescents and even adult life . Terms of Service| Gender Revolution: A Journey With Katie Couric premieres Monday, Feb. 6, at 9 p.m. For more information onGender Revolution visit theNational Geographic Channel. Previous question Next question. That scientists are just beginning to understand the biological factors that contribute to gender identity. She speaks with everyday people who find their lives and bodies on the frontline of a rapidly changing world. This feature may be available for free if you log in through your library or institution. No, thank you. Gender Revolution A Journey with Katie Couric Tuesday, April 11 7:00 p.m. Community Life Center Elon Community Church UCC 271 North Williamson Avenue Elon, NC There is no charge for this viewing This highly acclaimed program was aired in February on the National Geographic TV network. There will be a discussion of the film after the showing. The Gender Revolution: A Journey With Katie Couric premiered February 6 on the National Geographic Channel. Looking for more documents like this one? This Article is related to: Television and tagged Katie Couric, National Geographic Channel, Reviews. She wants a gender chill future were we chill out about the freaking gender thing. Renee Richards admits that this conversation is an education for her, but maintains that such a gender chill world is a utopia that will never exist. I do think the doc could have spent more time on. You may have access to the free features available through My Research. But the more I saw gender issues becoming increasingly front and center in the news, the more I realized there was so much I didnt understand. Required fields are marked *. )its very whitewashed and sanitized and occasionally veers into inspiration porn.its a documentary from the perspective of white cis people attempting to decipher the enigma of the trans experience, but it never really amounts to much more than a glorified PowerPoint presentation.however, ill let it slide this time, just because it helped my parents process my coming out a little bit easier, and im very grateful for that. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. While there are many gender documentaries, Gender Revolution gives a thorough introduction to the conversations happening today around gender and gender identity. That gender is not as black and white, or pink and blue, as I once believed. Film data from TMDb. Couric takes her journalism skills on the road in Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric, a two-hour National Geographic Channel special (Monday, 9 ET/PT), meeting sex and. Educators seeking to create safe, and welcoming classrooms that facilitate learning can use these resources to promote cultural competencies. If you log in through your library or institution you might have access to this article in multiple languages. We see a clip of David Reimer, the twin boy who lost his penis in a circumcision accident and was reared as a girl but returned to being a man as a teenager once he was told the truth. I have come a long way since I asked Carmen that intrusive, cringeworthy question. ", Katie Couric, Journalist and cancer advocate. Privacy Notice| And, she does a great job of navigating the various aspects of what it means to be unhappy with the body one is born with. That sexual orientation is a completely different ball of wax. -the mockery of being gay or trans. As all the anti-racist gurus tell you, it's a lifelong journey. That woodworking wasnt something done in my brother Johnnys shop class, but the only way a trans person like Renee Richards could survive when she underwent gender confirmation surgery in the 1970s. Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric Presented by Dalton Miller Summary Summary Gender is becoming a very common and controversial topic in today's society. It's a sensitive topic, but the people featured in this article agreed to share their stories. 2023 IndieWire Media, LLC. Gender Revolution A Journey with Katie Couric Trailer (00:30) All Videos ABOUT THE SHOW In this two-hour documentary, Katie Couric sets out to explore the rapidly evolving complexities of gender identity. Clearly, I had a lot to learn. Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric is currently available for free on, Educators and organizations can also sign up for a. It may seem like a no-brainer, but knowledge can be incredibly powerful and empowering. Is the gender revolution about ending discrimination against transgender, intersex, and genderqueer people, affirming everyones right to identify their own gender? PASADENA, CA - JANUARY 13: (L-R) Host Katie . During Courics journey, the audience is introduced to the tale of John Moneys failed experiment to prove nurture over nature with the Reimer twins. Read More The final scene is a conversation between one of the earliest Americans to undergo gender affirmation surgery, Renee Richards, and Hari Nef, a transwoman who is a model, actress, and activist. Instead of backing away from the issue, she decided to dive in headfirst to learn more about gender in America. PROQUEST AND ITS LICENSORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES FOR AVAILABILITY, ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, COMPLETENESS, NON-INFRINGMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Once we affirm everyones right to identify their own gender, what then? Therefore, Gender Revolution is the overthrow of gender discrimination, in favour of both men and women. It made me realize what a burden it would be for me to have to explain myself to everyone I meet. Katie Couric explores questions about gender identity with experts and everyday people. I'm also really glad for the second half of the doc that talked about not just the discrimination transgender people face, but the dangers they face, especially transgender women of color. A virtual film discussion of Gender Revolution; A Journey with Katie Couric. District of Columbia: National Geographic. National Geographic has also made available for download a comprehensive. Couric discusses the North Carolina House Bill 2 which was passed one year before the production of this documentary. [2] The film's release followed the January 2017 National Geographic magazine issue of the same name, which also focused on gender.[3][4][5]. In this two-hour documentary,Katie Couric sets out to explore the rapidly evolving complexities of gender identity. At 11 p.m. by What do you do when your 7-year-old son announces that he wants to be a girl? Good luck to all those in the business of generating population statistics. Jan 1, 2017. I am always searching like this type blog post. But the narrative always remains positive. The majority of the film focuses mostly on the experiences of transgender people and their families and also somewhat on intersex people, but issues of civil rights are not entirely ignored. Gender Roles in Jewish and Muslim Cultures. Katie Couric begins the film talking about her childhood, when everything was so simple. Girls wore pink, boys wore blue. I read more reviews and found another service that wrote me an essay about gender-nonconformists. Girls played with dolls, boys played with trucks. (a speaker opens his talk with, im not gay and gets thunderous laughter like it some big joke. In fact, after the DC screening of the film, I told Sarah McBride of the Human Rights Campaign and the first trans speaker to address a national political convention, that I was at times embarrassed by my naivet and cluelessness during the film. In my view, sociology of gender courses should, and usually do, include some attention to the social construction of gender and also to how gender inequality is embedded in social organization beyond individual identities. I even asked Gavin about this when I visited him at his home in Gloucester, Virginia. You were a boy, or you were a girl. This film is an important educational tool to teach about the diversity of gender identity, and the civil rights of those who cross the gender binary, and those who reject it entirely. gojcgp/QcifwmRM0VdhPKQ==:li1hLjwAxao4UnZoJji/vulTzftkd20+P4OjZL+IXJRU5wxLChgZziLnwYHUQfCWj2O7Lg0DYq93OyToUjmfOoVwlkyYG/s1VXpjYO7NRVdkZ5BTOOyM3oXS8g46nKcG+lCdb7/O35ykLp8wZYtOHJXmBY4WAA9Jl54NL927SB/xhx2jmHw7BJHuD08msod30hmAmyZzPYuEqTcAWrlyfi1bRaYdvlYEiXBqdKOxiNgNabVeRTIy5zMpXRynVhjpkIHmznJP5M+IRrBxJoEPOmQSOWoS+XyH5V0zuxGykPz1Y12l32nxxyZdgbF61py3yfk6Go/3Zx4J3B91m0p4aI9nkewSnaDk/uJQyOsHJlDu6Etovj56ljSMA6tR5YlxtBaPJ0f5mfQWbKgZ5XdB7w==. Couric explains that when she was young, the revolution was about changing gender roles and now it is about gender itself. In another conversation, Couric talks to parents raising intersex and gender-questioning children. Although the documentary is heavily U.S. focused, we are introduced to cultures around the world where people who do not fit into a gender binary are far more accepted then in the Western world. The impetus for making the film was simple: I screwed up. Posters are sourced from TMDb and Posteritati, and appear for you and visitors to your profile and content, depending on settings. Show full disclaimer, Neither ProQuest nor its licensors make any representations or warranties with respect to the translations. After all, gender is something every person lives with. Visit topicsmill.com for sociology essays. Rather than keep you waiting, we have only translated the first few paragraphs. Sheryl Sandberg, the author ofLean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Leadshares a few thoughts on gender. What do. It is a publication of the American Sociological Association, edited by Amin Ghaziani and Seth Abrutyn (University of British Columbia), with Letta Page. This 90-minute film couldnt be more timely. Katie Couric has grown since her disastrous interview with Laverne Cox, but not by much. If you are interested in hosting a free screening of this film at your school or organization, please submit your requesthere. 2011-2017, National Geographic Film & Television and World of Wonder (District of Columbia: National Geographic, 2017), 1 hour 33 mins. Part of HuffPost News. "it's all so confusing," katie couric exclaimed at least 20 times during this, yet none of it was even in the slightest confusing. National Geographic sets out to explore this evolving concept of gender through the lens of science, society and culture in the groundbreaking new two-hour documentary GENDER REVOLUTION: A JOURNEY . Read her thoughts about how the documentaryshines a light on how gender (and conversations about gender) affects everyone from young children to adults. Report this film. Try logging in through your library or institution to get access to these tools. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric. She is also a co-founder of Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C). Gender Revolution (TV Movie 2017) - IMDb Gender Revolution A summary of an Article about gender identity. And I wanted to. The films intended audience are people who feel the same way. Journeys in Film created a guide that can help parents and educators better understand and discussthe meaning of gender. She justifies the gender binary by reference to chromosomes and argues that binary is the reality of human life. Katie Couric takes us on a unique journey to discover the dynamics and complexities of gender in our world. identify with the gender Courics version of the gender revolution is the acceptance of natures diversity in humankind. In Mexico, the muxe are feminine and non-binary. We're the public face of sociology. Gender is the state of being male or female. It originally aired on the American network National Geographic on February 6, 2017. Description Katie Couric sets out across America to meet with leading scientists, physicians and experts to answer questions about gender and gender identity. Women are expected to shoulder primary responsibility for caretaking, men are often not seen as valuable family members if they are not breadwinners and employed in stable jobs. The official Canadian page for National Geographic, 2018 NGC Europe Limited, All Rights Reserved. Then, she explains, things began to change. Yikes. Find answers to questions about products, access, use, setup, and administration. And yes, I asked her a highly offensive question about her private parts. When the show was being edited to air on a later date, I asked the producers to keep the offensive question in so others could realize, with the help of another guest on that same show Laverne Cox how grossly insensitive it was. Revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system. Binary is the gender Revolution: a Journey with Katie Couric serves as a tour for! Gender thing, 2018 NGC Europe Limited, all Rights Reserved discuss the documentary does good! Discusses the North Carolina House Bill 2 which was passed one year before the production this! Shortcuts, continue to tab until you leave the player good job of the... Two-Hour documentary, Katie Couric explores questions about products, access, use, setup, genderqueer. Think gender Revolution about ending discrimination against transgender, intersex, and girls should wear,. Multiple languages of wax can supersede nature. `` ; a Journey Katie. 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