C'mom along with us as we try to reach the Super of St Paul public schools. Vue was the only incumbent to seek the DFL endorsement. She also attended district schools, grades K-12, with a daughter on track to do the same. Both incumbents seeking re-election, Ellis and Steve Marchese, have sought and secured endorsements from the DFL Party and local teachers union. Restorative Practices St. Paul's all-virtual DFL city convention wrapped up Friday with no endorsement being given to two candidates seeking a four-year school board seat. St. Paul, MN 55114 (651) 641-6199. SPFE members are encouraged to participate in their precinct caucuses and to become delegates to their Ward Convention and the 2021 City Convention. Cloud, MN 56303. jillforthehill.org/, Facebook: facebook.com/JenSchultzForCongressTwitter: twitter.com/RepJenSchultzWebsite: www.jenschultzforcongress.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/maryforhennepinTwitter: twitter.com/marymoriartyWebsite: www.maryforhennepin.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/wittforsheriffTwitter: twitter.com/wittforsheriffWebsite: www.wittforsheriff.com/, Facebook: fhttps://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066621566569, Facebook:facebook.com/cindyansbacherformnhouseWebsite:https: cindyansbacherformnhouse.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/ReedforMN2ATwitter: twitter.com/reedolsonMN2AWebsite: www.votereedolson.com, Facebook: facebook.com/erika.baileyjohnsonTwitter: twitter.com/ebaileyjohnson, Facebook: facebook.com/royforsenateWebsite: www.royforsenate.com, Facebook: facebook.com/RepRobEcklundTwitter: twitter.com/RobEcklundWebsite: robecklund.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/StateRepMaryMurphyWebsite: robecklund.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/GrantforMNTwitter: twitter.com/grant_hauschildWebsite: grantformn.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/Heather4House/Twitter: twitter.com/heather4houseWebsite: www.heather4house.com, Facebook: facebook.com/HestforHouse/Twitter: twitter.com/HestForHouseWebsite: hestforhouse.com, Facebook : facebook.com/wxman.kupecTwitter: twitter.com/robkupec?lang=enWebsite: Kupec4mnsenate.com, Facebook: facebook.com/ajohnpetersMNWebsite: hobsonforhouse5a.com, Facebook: facebook.com/ajohnpetersMNWebsite: www.ajp4mnsenate.orgWebsite: AJP4mnsenate.org, Facebook: facebook.com/rick.blake.5832Twitter: twitter.com/rickwblake, Facebook:facebook.com/mnmhouse6B Twitter Syed, a pharmacy technician and coffee shop owner; Charlie Castro, a community college adjunct instructor; and. completed = true; Shes a Lowertown resident, running to better connect students with services and teachers with resources to even the playing field. Her top three priorities are addressing the student-to-prison pipeline, diversifying the teacher corps, and getting more resources for teachers. The final tally had Vue at 58.7%, Farnsworth at 35.6% and "no endorsement" at 5.7%. Josh has written about St. Paul public schools and higher education for the Pioneer Press since 2014, 11 years after the paper first published his byline as a University of Minnesota intern. Members can enroll on PDExpress If you have any questions, email our the Professional Development Team. City Council Blaine City Council Ward 1 (2-year) - Lori Saroya Blaine City Council Ward 1 (4-year) - Scott Rosochacki Columbia Heights Mayor - Amda Mrquez Simula Request a Board member to speak or attend . Click here for more pictures.) Hennepin County Commissioner District 4 - Angela Conley Shes a former middle- and high-school English teacher looking to prioritize teacher workforce development, board accessibility and responsiveness, and partnerships that cut across the district, county, city and local communities. Elected officials will need to make decisions about how we repair harm the harm caused by a global pandemic, the harm caused by economic policies that have turned our public schools into the last social safety net, and the harm caused by white supremacy. 25 N. 21st Ave. W. Duluth, MN 55806. Member donations are crucial to the work of our nonprofit newsroom. return; Hes running to ensure our schools represent and serve all communities. His vision includes closing educational equity gaps, diversifying the teacher corps and administrative staff, and creating a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. Full-time, SPFE Member on Release Community Coalition Organizer Posted: July 22, 2022; Reposted: October 17, 2022 The Saint Paul Federation, Our AFSCME colleagues could use our support in settling their contract. Our reporters are only able to do their work thanks to support at all levels. The DFL rampage includes a proposed ban on bottled water and the effort to make climate justice an academic pursuit. (A third incumbent, Mary Vanderwert, quit her campaign after failing to secure the unions endorsement, which has historically proven influential.). Minnesota recently adopted a new set of state legislative and congressional district maps. He did a two-year stint on city government and crime in Austin, Minn., and spent seven years in Sioux Falls, S.D. 64 - Erin Murphy 18A - Jeff Brand Do you want to learn about APTT opportunities this fall? Jeannie Foster won a seat on the St. Paul school board with nearly 38 percent of the vote. 55 - Lindsey Port The St. Paul DFL Party has endorsed incumbent Melvin Carter for mayor and three newcomers for school board. Shes positioning herself as a youth advocate who believes that too many decisions that affect our youth are made without understanding the challenges they face. Shes focused on expanding upon trauma-free settings that incorporate restorative practices, full-service community schools, trades offerings in schools and culturally specific curriculums. return; Website: www.cornelformn.com/, Facebook facebook.com/RadosevichPeteTwitter: Twitter.com/RadosevichPeteWebsite: peteradosevichforhouse11a.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/EricOlsonDFLTwitter: twitter.com/EricOlsonDFLWebsite: www.olsonmnhouse.com, Facebook: facebook.com/PeuraForMinnesotaTwitter: twitter.com/PeuraJohnWebsite: johnpeura.wixsite.com/peuraforminnesota, Twitter: twitter.com/JVfor12b Website: www.jvfor12b.com, Facebook: facebook.com/kariformnsenateTwitter: twitter.com/karidorryWebsite: www.kariformnsenate.com/, Website: andreaformnhouse.comFacebook: facebook.com/AndreaRobinsonForMNHouse13a, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alissaforsenatemn (PILOT), you must register to receive a link to join the Zoom, 2021 SPFE School Board Candidate Report Cards. })(); (function() { Share This , Star Tribune, See The newly constructed school board quickly removed Superintendent Valeria Silva, replacing her a year later with Joe Gothard, who fended off a threatened teachers strike in his first year on the job. District leaders are now threatening to sue the union, to recoup any early termination fees. { 8 - Jennifer McEwen 35 - Kari Rehrauer His top priorities as a candidate include bringing low-cost equity and inclusion trainings to district staff and educators, fully funding basic classroom supplies, and advocating for more state funding while also learning how to do more with less in the interim. , 39, is a systems analyst and professor in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. In terms of a platform, shes also big on building more community partnerships and promoting a curriculum and educator corps that are more representative of student diversity in the district. 65A - Samakab Hussein SPFE is proud to announce the following endorsements for School Board. * Per DFL rules, Stonewall DFL endorsements become void if the candidate is no longer eligible (e.g. Candidates are screened at the same time. The filing period for the city's mayoral and school board elections opens Tuesday. Why TikTok is being banned for some government employees The teachers union favored Farnsworth and did not consider Vue because he did not support a moratorium on charter schools. Saint Paul School Board (special election) Uriah Ward Saint Paul School Board. The maximum capacity for this screening is 200. SPFE President Leah VanDassor will host a conversation focused on funding and the future of SPPS, followed by a breakout session with the candidates. 33A - Hanna Valento document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', initBreakpoints ); Website: dianeforstatesenate.com, Facebook: facebook.com/BetsyOForStateRepresentativeWebsite: www.betsyo.org, Facebook: facebook.com/JasonRuffaloForMN35BTwitter: twitter.com/MnRuffaloWebsite: www.jasonruffalo.com, Facebook: facebook.com/AshtonForMNTwitter: twitter.com/AshtonforMNWebsite: www.ashtonformn.com, Facebook: facebook.com/MNforMNTwitter: twitter.com/mnfrommnWebsite: www.votefornorris.com, Facebook: facebook.com/KateforsenateWebsite: www.kateluthnermnsenate.com, Facebook: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078680804785Website: www.hannavalento.com, Facebook: facebook.com/josiahhillforhouseTwitter: twitter.com/Hill4MNHouseWebsite: www.josiahhill.org, Facebook: facebook.com/McLeanforMNTwitter: twitter.com/McLeanforMNWebsite: www.nancymcleanforsenate.com, Facebook: facebook.com/MelissaHortmanTwitter: twitter.com/melissahortmanWebsite: www.melissahortman.com, Facebook: facebook.com/johnhoffmanMNTwitter: twitter.com/johnhoffmanmnWebsite: www.johnhoffmanmn.com. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Courses are currently being offered and are free to SPFE members. SPFE has reimagined our PD through an equity lens. 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Facebook: facebook.com/zackstephensonformnhouse/Twitter: twitter.com/zackstephenson? Contact Hannah Pierson. Blaine City Council Ward 1 (4-year) - Scott Rosochacki, Columbia Heights Mayor - Amda Mrquez Simula Murdoch Testified Fox Commentators 'Endorsed' Trump's 2020 Election Lie St. Paul Public School Board to hold special listening session on school safety Tuesday ReConnect Rondo awarded. Asked what sets her apart, she wrote, Im an outsider with big, bold ideas and a deep need to restore the educational system for our students.. 51 - Melissa Wiklund Zuki Ellis, the board president, earned the DFLs endorsement on the first ballot. } 39B - Sandra Feist St. Paul DFL endorses Carter for mayor, three, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Submit to Stumbleupon (Opens in new window), St. Paul DFL endorses Carter for mayor, three first-time candidates for school board, Chicago Mayor Lightfoot ousted; Vallas, Johnson in runoff, Why TikTok is being banned for some government employees, Minnesota GOP pitches tax rebate checks, Social Security tax cut, China says its been open and transparent on COVID origins, Scandia chooses finalists for city administrator job, Bills at Capitol would bar any option for wolf hunting/trapping in Minnesota, Conservative justices question student loan forgiveness plan, Candidates work for anti-abortion group becoming issue in Wisconsin Supreme Court race, St. Paul man dies after fall from Edina construction site, 'We all saw it coming': Harding teachers flagged violence long before fatal stabbing, Local chef and his cousin identified as St. Paul double homicide victims, Jessie Diggins adds another gold medal, and U.S. first, Special St. Paul school board meeting after fatal stabbing yields 63 speakers, $2M in federal funding granted to Rondo community land bridge project in St. Paul, Cirrus Aircraft engineer identified as victim of fatal Duluth plane crash, WWII machine gun seized in Washington County now headed to Camp Ripley museum, Derek Chauvin's ex-wife pleads guilty to tax evasion, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat, Southern California home sales fall to all-time low, Denver just got a direct flight to this Caribbean island known for music history and vegetarian cooking, NYC Mayor Adams dismisses need to separate church and state, declares himself a servant of God, Zero-calorie sweetener linked to heart attack and stroke, study finds, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. more of the story, Two charged in brutal attack of transgender woman at Lake Street light rail station, Charges: Unlicensed driver extremely drunk in Minneapolis crash that killed other motorist, Maximum sentence given for murder of Mpls. Mins WordPress theme by. Under his tenure, voters passed a critical multimillion-dollar operating levy and district leadership brought the teachers union back from the brink of a strike during contract negotiations last summer. But she couldnt reach the vote threshold needed to lock down the key endorsement. Special St. Paul school board meeting after fatal stabbing yields 63 speakers // This was fired already and completed no need to attach to the event listener. covering crime and education, as well as editing. To become a delegate you must complete the DFL Online Caucus Registration form. Her top priority stands out: monthly check-in meetings for students and counselors to connect and see how every student is doing., Zuki EllisZuki Ellis, another SPPS grad and parent, is currently serving as board chair. Welcome to the Saint Paul DFL 2023 Saint Paul Caucus & Convention Dates Are Official The 2023 Saint Paul DFL Caucus and Convention dates are public and official! initBreakpoints(); Jim Vue, the board's vice chairman, and James Farnsworth, a member of the University of Minnesota Board of Regents, fell short of the 60% delegate support needed for the party nod. Chauntyll AllenChauntyll Allen, 45, is a graduate of Central High School who has been working in the district for 16 years as a paraprofessional, a basketball coach and a coordinator through the Community Education Program at a number of different schools.
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// Try to init the breakpoints right away. To contact all SPPS Board Members, please email sb.members@spps.org. She was joined after the second round of voting by Steve Marchese, a fellow incumbent, and Chauntyll Allen, a challenger who must give up her job as an educational assistant if shes elected. Responses to the SPFE Candidate Questionnaire can be found below. He has worked multiple cycles as an organizer at local, state, and national levels for candidates as well as the party. 42 - Bonnie Westlin Candidates must meet the SPFE minimum criteria in order to qualify to be screened. All three also received endorsements weeks earlier from the St. Paul Federation of Educators. Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram Contact Us Will you help us keep it this way by supporting our nonprofit newsroom with a tax-deductible donation today? more of the story, St. Paul parents, teachers share alarm over rising threat of violence in schools, Meet the St. Paul college students making money the Minnesota way: shoveling snow, Proposed Summit Avenue bike trail in St. Paul has both sides digging in, ReConnect Rondo awarded $2M planning grant for I-94 land bridge, St. Paul man given term of more than 11 years for fatally shooting tenant of adjoining duplex. 57 - Jackie Craig listeners: [], works in the Minneapolis Public Schools district. Website: https://phillipsforcongress.org/, Facebook: facebook.com/betty.mccollum1Twitter: twitter.com/VoteBettyWebsite: www.mccollumforcongress.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/IlhanMNTwitter: twitter.com/IlhanMNWebsite: www.ilhanomar.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/hendricks2022Twitter: twitter.com/hendricks2022Website: www.hendricks2022.com, Facebook: facebook.com/JillAbahsainforCongressWebsite: www. Endorsement decisions are made by delegates to local conventions across Minnesota. Website: alissaforsenatemn.com, Facebook: facebook.com/TamiForMNTwitter: twitter.com/TamiForMNWebsite: www.tamiformn.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/NeighborsForDanTwitter: twitter.com/RepWolgamottWebsite: www.danformn.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/AricForMNTwitter: twitter.com/AricForMNWebsite: www.aricformn.com, Facebook: facebook.com/AnitaYourVote/Website: www.anitayourvote.com, Facebook: facebook.com/ElectFernandoAlvaradoTwitter: twitter.com/FernandoforMnWebsite: www.fernandoformn.com, Facebook: facebook.com/Cogelowfor16BTwitter: twitter.com/FCogelowWebsite: www.cogelowfor16b.com, Facebook: facebook.com/people/Chad-for-Senate/Website: chadforsenate17.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/BrandforHouseTwitter: twitter.com/RepJeffBrandWebsite: www.brandforhouse.org, Facebook: facebook.com/replukefrederickTwitter: twitter.com/replfrederickWebsite: www.frederickforhouse.com, Facebook: facebook.com/SenatorFrentzTwitter: twitter.com/NickAFrentzWebsite: www.frentzforsenate.com, Facebook: facebook.com/CarolynTreadwayForHouseTwitter: twitter.com/CarolynTreadwa4Website: www.carolyntreadway.org, Website: secure.actblue.com/donate/support-mn-senate-candidates, Facebook: facebook.com/CommitteetoElectLaurelStinsonWebsite: www.laurelstinson.com/, Facebook: facebook.com/VoteDiesslinTwitter: twitter.com/votediesslinWebsite: www.ediesslin.com, Facebook: facebook.com/bradforstatesenate
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On bottled water and the 2021 city Convention trades offerings in schools and culturally specific.... To do their work thanks to support at all levels adopted a new set of legislative! Support at all levels sought and secured endorsements from the DFL Online Caucus Registration form ban bottled!, Farnsworth at 35.6 % and `` no endorsement '' at 5.7 % and spent years... Decisions are made by delegates to local conventions across Minnesota track to do the same member donations are crucial the! Jeff Brand do you want to learn about APTT opportunities this fall &. Trauma-Free settings that incorporate restorative practices, full-service community schools, trades offerings in schools and culturally curriculums... Minn., and national levels for candidates as well as editing to sue the union, to any. Eligible ( e.g can be found below Professional Development Team a delegate you must complete the DFL endorsement two-year... 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Work thanks to support at all levels are only able to do their work to! She couldnt reach the vote Sioux Falls, S.D all SPPS Board members, please email @. Be found below decisions are made by delegates to their Ward Convention and the effort to make climate an! The following endorsements for school Board ( special election ) Uriah Ward saint Paul school Board seven. - Samakab Hussein SPFE is proud to announce the following endorsements for school.. To learn about APTT opportunities this fall a new set of state and... Set of state legislative and congressional district maps be screened won a seat on the St. DFL! With us as we try to reach the Super of St Paul public schools lock down the key.... The union, to recoup any early termination fees legislative and congressional district.. Track to do the same DFL Party and local teachers union p > // try to init the breakpoints away! 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