For the most part, Hoenn's Elite Four are taken care of fairly handily. The type water starter whose most valued attack is Water Gun dies early on after only evolving once. Saltydkdan (real name Derek) is an American YouTuber, livestreamer, animator, and voice actor that primarily makes reaction videos, highlight reels, and video essays alongside a wide variety of friends and collaborators. Saltydkdan fathers name is under review and mother unknown at this time. Saltydkdan (YouTuber) was born on the 28th of May, 1998. There is a wide variety of content to be found on the Saltydkdan YouTube channel, such as: Salty's YouTube channel can be found here, his Twitch channel here, and his Twitter here. If something gets lost in the shuffle or doesnt pop up for whatever reason, do try to let me know and Ill see about fixing it. Yeah, this is sad to say but like yeahhh. He streams on YouTube, and formerly Twitch, and plays Derek in every season except Season 3, where he plays Peppy . (As of September 2022) at least once a week. hhh-- 's kinda cringe. I-I don't think I shoul- Similarly, Mykyie was only put into that position because Derek wanted to look for clues on the Normal Type gym's puzzle and ended up in an optional battle, fully announcing that he was also fine with just looking up the answers online. We will continue to update this page, so bookmark it and come back often to see new updates. Trevor is a fan favorite meme character created by Youtuber Saltydkdan. Not really my kind of thing, but I love learning about this sorta stuff, especially with how creative and inspired it is between creators. We will continue to update details on Saltydkdans family. Other than that though, awesome stuff. Character Icons. /r/saltydkdan 100%; Query breakdown by subreddit posts /r/saltydkdan 100%; Top organizations this week. The mod was made for the GameBanana's Retro Jam, containing three songs based on the original videos. VS. Immortal Madness is an ambitious Friday Night Funkin' mod made by the group known as the Immortal SMP, "known" for their Minecraft story server series that shared the same name, but is now under the name the Afterglow SMP. The Library if Congress would be a horrible place. Saltydkdan over Hilbert (Friendlocke MOD) - A Mod for Pokemon Black & White. The Abridged Series (LittleKuriboh), Xiaolin Showdown Abridged (KatKafka & Iartlife), Ranma 1/2 The Abridged Series (Order of A.D.D), Sonic o6 part 1 - Mach Speed Hell - Retrocity. 5. 23 Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Saltydkdan's Life Path Number is 6 as per numerology. This should be a given. He is most known for his fandub on "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean" as well as his "Pop Team Epic Abridged." He also live streams on the weekends, mostly playing games and interacting with fans. Within his head area he has light brown smooth hair, and a small green bean-shaped nose. Follow if you wanna know when I'm on. No Donation Refunds: Im not obligated to read or react to every donation, especially when it gets hectic, or the message makes me uncomfortable. Attack on Titan Abridged (Team Four Star), SAO Abridged Parody (Something Witty Entertainment), Yu-Gi-Oh! Pastey and Gerber, though their real names have been revealed in the Q&A video. Lets find out! Well Im biased, I love Sonic. Looks great, my only suggestion is to use a Josuke that was drawn with Araki's newer style, much like the characters on the other Jojoniums. Reason: The current version is only a demo, only including 2 songs, with one very bare bones. Then you should visit the admin dashboard for more tips. My name is Salty (you can just call me Derek if you want)! Leave the drama for your Mama: No drama allowed here. Pastey's death in Season One is responded to by everybody else raging out at him for not evolving. Pokmon Friendlocke is a Let's Play series created by YouTube content creator, Saltydkdan, that takes the rules of a traditional Nuzlocke challenge, but applies an additional twist; every single Pokmon Salty catches is represented and controlled by one of his friends. Within his head . four people dying and the gym challenge against Ryme nearly being lost, This was also done to avoid confusion, because Jay was already part of the team (see, He got to kill Chatform in their first double battle, and then later Self-Destructed to defeat Rayquaza/Chatquaza in a, killing Lark due to bad luck and nobody realizing the destructive power of the Mankey's Anger Point ability, the previous stream ended with Derek's party. She proved to be. He has almost 9 million views thanks to his unique meme-based cartoons, sketch comedy, and game reviews and montages. The second season's first stream would go on to air on May 16th, 2021, while the first highlight video was uploaded on YouTube October 2. My name is Salty! - BrightFyre. His birth sign is Gemini and his life path number is 6. Discord? I found a video by Saltydkdan called tape 3 and I checked the comments to see of anyone knows if there is a tape 1 or 2 and no one seems to know but I've never really done an arg before so I wouldn't know where to start and I'm hoping someone here could try to figure out if there's more to this Discussion 1 comment 100% Upvoted SaltyDKDan's Friendlocke is a collaborative effort between SaltyDKDan and his friends to beat the entirety of a Pokmon game with modified Nuzlocke rules. Later on April 7th, highlights of the streams began to get uploaded to YouTube, with new episodes releasing bi-weekly (2 episodes a week), before reaching its conclusion on April 21st, spanning a total number of 5 episodes. Derek first started his YouTube channel on April 14, 2013, but uploaded his first video on March 20, 2014, with his video "Sonic o6 part 1 - Mach Speed Hell - Retrocity". Gender I stream a variety of content on here, from triple A games to indie. The remaining 50 or so minutes is simply a black screen with "Thanks 4 watching!!" This wiki contains unmarked spoilers! Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Saltydkdan's YouTube channel has made him a social media celebrity. Like Like 28 Flannery's Torkoal lands a sun-boosted Overheat on Tracey, whodespite resisting the movedies to it anyways. Let your readers know what your topic is about and add some general information about it. SaltydkdanSaltyDerek Saltydkdan's birth flower is Lily of the valley and birthstone is Emerald. The latter three all died thanks to Gerber backing out and letting them get obliterated by Ryme's Terastalized Toxtricity. They end up being the first casualty of Season 1. because the first death came in the second stream, but no deaths happened in the third, Gerber is brought into the call as the new mon, he immediately regrets what just happened, The pack ended up having an Ultra Rare Cramorant-V in it. Contents 1 Characters 2 Origins 3 Trivia (General) 4 Music 5 Transcript 6 Gallery This also obviously includes no racism, anti-Semitism, and general hate speech. Each regular collaborator on the channel has one of their own as well. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! To sell the bit for the April Fools video, only the first 8 minutes have content. Harley Davidson Deri Siyah Kadn Bot Tums New 1. SaltyDKDan Hey Salty, would it be legally and/or morally okay for me to start reading Part 9 so I can experience it in real time with everyone else even though I've not caught up on the other parts fully yet? Same for Sonic Riders, while its considered main series canon now, its gameplay isnt super representative of the series as a whole. His original meme-based animations, sketch comedy, and gaming reviews and montages have helped him grow to more than 16 million views. You can also be part of the larger Fandom family of communities. Tragically, just like Mikey before her, Hannah could've been evolved before the battle to bulk up her defenses. This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. I'm a voice actor, artist, and "internet funny man" that likes to play video games and other dumb stuff. SaltyDKDan's YouTube avatar (@BallBots on Twitter). (As of September 2022) at least once a week Personally, I'm a kah-tahn guy, but I have friends who say kah-tan. Saltydkdan was born on a Thursday. SaltyDKDan Friendlocke Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. I also occasionally do art and video editing streams as well! Birthplace the assholes will word thier titles innocently like am i the asshole for not making my toddler the dinner they wanted? and then its a detailed account of them poisoning and nearly killing thier child, while a post like am i the asshole for throwing my mother in law off a cliff is a story of heroism where the OP used the last of thier strength to push thier mother in law off a small cliff into a body of water to save her from a swarm of mutant acid flamethrower killer bees. This wiki contains unmarked spoilers! Do you have any fan art related to me or the stream that you'd like to have showcased? If so, who is onboard with the project? Its easy to predict his income, but its much harder to know how much he has spent over the years. Can you share some tips on Voice Acting? On November 18th, 2022, the day that Pokmon Scarlet and Violet released, a proper third season focusing on Violet began streaming. Funkipedia Mods Wiki Explore Main Page Discuss All Pages Community Interactive Maps Funkipedia Characters Music Instrumentals Recently Changed Pages ENA Shepherd Chromatic Scales FLP/MIDI files Ryme kills fan favorites Jayyweed, GrAce, Hannah and Blorpoido. This stream is meant to be fun! Derek then questioned if they could be more annoying than, In Season 1, Collin was caught as an Illumise, a relatively useless Pokmon, much to Salty's amusement. Social media star who has gained fame for hisSaltydkdan YouTube channel. Boyfriend: Da the starter Pokmon, Lark is unceremoniously killed off while trying to catch a wild Mankey. 2. If you found this page interesting or useful, please share it. I dont recommend Sonic Boom to people who want to get into the Sonic series for a few reasons. Each of his friends represents a single Pokmon, while Derek has to deal with their choices and their antics. Chat gets to control a Pokmon given to the player without a fight. The 'thur' in Thursday is actually derived from the Norse god Thor. Would you be angry if a youtuber bigger than you did a friendlocke? Visit Fandom's Community Central! whats crazy is this is how the subreddit rlly is. "Nuzlockes are pretty hard. You are not alone lol. Salty is rarely called his actual name by fans. So I dont recommend it as a place to jump in first. the starter dies, and people keep dying at a much faster rate. While the results of Gerber and Jay cooking their way to four deaths wasn't an outright team wipe, everybody agrees after the fact that it's going to be almost impossible to beat the Champion at this rate. Name Remember to stay patient with the mod creator(s) and don't repeatedly ask them when the next update will come, since mods take time to make. It really don't matter, your chances of making it are shorter than your height. report. Listen to me my guy, I know the Sonic fanbase has a reputation of being bad at times, but that happens with every fanbase. Press J to jump to the feed. live your life bros. u can read part 8 later and be like OHH i understand now. I'm a voice actor, artist, and "internet funny man" that likes to play video games. Alive Currently, Retrocity only has eight episodes that are public and it has not been confirmed if more episodes will be announced in the future. What does this all mean? bro only one chapter is out for Jojo Part 9 wtf are you talking about. Garnet. BF opens the door as a Minecraft door sound effect plays It eventually got super popular and inspired a bunch of other ppl around that age to create, even now!! Derek Kelly (born: May 28, 1998 [age 24] ), better known online as Saltydkdan (or simply Salty ), is an American YouTuber known for his gaming content, fandubs, animations, and reviews. As should be expected, WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Not to be confused with Template:Stub, Derek Kelly Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers. They ended up beating Ghetsis with nobody else dying. Why does the waiting screen for your streams default to the subway video? go from mostly unharmed to on the verge of death from a single attack, get poisoned, and then die from said poison due to using Dig, which prevents him from being switched out, In the first stream of Season 1, Derek's fans asked if they could get #releasegerber trending on Twitter. Saltydkdan 203K views2 years ago CC A Day in My Life - Episodes Play all A series of half animated, half live action vlogs that follow a group of young adults with a total of 2 brain cells shared. MOM: I told you to stop calling this number, you are scaring my wife and kids. Their lucky numbers are 1, 3, 4, and lucky colors are grey, blue, white, orange. There were precisely 307 full moons after his birth to this day. How the hell has no one mentioned the fan made Part 7 animated trailer yet???? Narrator: Very fast, sad violin music plays as BF cries And as a plus it's one of the more interesting titles from a gameplay perspective as well! This mod he appears in, Vs. Saltydkdan is an singular song mod demo by Ethanthedoodler that runs on Psych Engine. What starts as Jay and Gerber making a few jokes leads to very tragic deaths, In episode #1, Gerber and Mal have confessional cams in the vein of, When the team is talking about possibly ordering Grubhub, the first suggestion Tracey has is that they get Pasqually's Pizza, a secondary brand to, In the middle of a battle, Tracey seemingly gets a message from, Following an issue with Rock Smash, Derek launches into a tirade about how little sense the game makes using the script of, The fourth stream of Season 2 had Derek commence a Twitch raid towards, The third (and currently final) instance was against. What does this all mean? He is a celebrity youtube star. Is this a choice I will regret? Saltydkdan - Friday Night Funkin A Dad Skin for my favorite YouTuber, Saltydkdan! Im super psyched to see this when its complete, Im loving the design for the MC, cant wait to hear his backstory. They are good friends with Pasty, Gerber, and Mikey. Saltydkdan was born in the Year of the Tiger. Anyone know the name of the song that starts near the beginning of the mario party with hot sauce video? Although, they can be too talkative, exaggerating, deceptive, cunning, superficial, and inconsistent. Derek Kelly Saltydkdan, or Salty for short, is an American content creator with over 400k subscribers. Funkipedia Mods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. There is a wide variety of content . Boyfriend: Be doo bam dee SaltyDKDan's Friendlocke is a collaborative effort between SaltyDKDan and his friends to beat the entirety of a Pokmon game with modified Nuzlocke rules. Given he and Gerber both lead to everybody dying, it's hard to say he doesn't deserve it. Salty: Hey guysss! while reflecting on Lark's sudden death, noticing an unfortunate trend of Water-type starters dying before they hit their prime. I just dont want legitimate conversation to get overridden with spam haha. He has a brown hair, black eyes, and a green nose. Ohhhhh that makes a lot more sense! The contents of the mod may not be present in the final result. Your Sonic Frontiers videos have genuinely made me want to get into the sonic fandom. I got bored and made a Jojonium cover for DiU by Obsidian_Alchemist in StardustCrusaders. Saltydkdan (YouTuber) was born on the 28th of May, 1998. Sorry for the ramble but I hope that cleared up some things regarding the appeal of objects shows :3 The video itself isn't up to par with Derek's current quality of videos, however, for his first time, it is passable. Derek Kelly, known online as Saltydkdan (also stylized SaltyDKDan) is a YouTuber that posts voice acting related content, occasional original shows, and reviews. - Kia. Saltydkdan, Content Cutscene. Zero tolerance policy. Like Files 1y FileDaddy 1-Click Install Manual Download semak tf gamer 11mo Eye color They enjoy chit-chat and tend to have expression and communication very high on their list of priorities. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Don't worry, I'm also catching up. But finally, in stream 3 of season 3, nobody dies "They put it back on and then they took it off! Lampshaded by Lark's death in Season 3, where Joe suggests that the starter next time will die on the very first stream and Grace predicts that the starter will die before the stream even starts. CHATFORM and CHURMY also get killed off rather soon, while CHATQUAZA and CHATBIKE are both draconic box Legendaries. Saltydkdan's online persona is a cartoony all white creature with black twig arms and legs. I'm already risking quite a bit talking about this topic, dude. Theres this game thats become a little bit popular on the internet recently; it's called Friday Night Funki- (Garfeldi name by SaltyDKDan on Youtube, character by Fairly Odd Parents.). By the end of Season 1, 9 (previously 10) members of the party are dead. Trivia Derek is the only character to appear in every Stream and every Episode of every season. Tweet it to me @SaltyDKArtRT on Twitter! Dating: According to CelebsCouples, Saltydkdan is single . Saltydkdan is a "human" that is drawn with a white body and black limbs, with the style being cartoonish. Some general information about it black screen with `` thanks 4 watching!!: No drama allowed.... A Jojonium cover for DiU by Obsidian_Alchemist in StardustCrusaders their choices and their antics its easy to his. Else raging out at him for not making my toddler the dinner they?! Leave the drama for your Mama: No drama allowed here in first on! 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