Before their journey, it all began with Kratos chopping down a tree with his Leviathan Axe. The only other person to best Kratos in direct combat was Zeus, though this was because Kratos lost almost all of his godly powers and was nearly crushed flat by the hand of the Colossus of Rhodes, so Zeus got an easy strike against him. Kratos served Athena just like he served all the other gods of Olympus, although his relationship with her was perhaps the strongest among the Pantheon. Kratos refused, stating he has no father. When Kratos was on the verge of killing Ares, he begged for mercy and justified the murder of his family as trying to make him into a great warrior. All three realize that Mimir was bewitched, during the reanimating process, Freya bewitched Mimir so that he wouldn't tell the duo that mistletoe is the key to Baldur's invulnerability, forcing to him to mechanically repeat the phrase "invulnerable to all threats, physical or magical" whenever he tries to speak of Baldur's weakness. Angrboda and Fenrir, who has Garm's powers, help Kratos and co. escape. When the time came to sacrifice Pandora, Kratos relented as he had bonded with Pandora and wanted to find another way to kill Zeus. It is also a divine sword so powerful that it allowed Zeus to defeat the Titans in the Titanomachy. This is reinforced because when Kratos kills one of the Gods in God Of War 3, he has the Blade of Olympus in his possession. Kratos would forbade Atreus from ever going down into the basement because he wanted to keep the blades (and his past) hidden from Atreus. Frbaut is the Jtunn husband of Laufey or Nl and the father of Loki, and possibly also of Helblindi and Byleistr. Poseidon was badly injured, while the water colossal shattered and collapsed into the sea. Kratos enters the throne room of Lahkesis and meets one of them the third Sisters of Fate, Lahkesis. But Kratos didn't care and insisted that he be delivered to his daughter, Calliope. He senses that Kratos has the box and throws a literal pillar at him. Atreus found tracks of a boar, deciding to hunt again. Realizing that his death was nigh, he insulted Kratos one last time by calling him a coward who kills his own kin. Though a moment passed as if nothing had changed, marked by a delay in the axe's return, the lake erupted into heavy drifts and waves. However, he eventually realizes being open to Atreus with his mistakes would allow Atreus to learn from Kratos' mistakes and not go down the dark path he himself once trodden. Using the sheer power of his rage, Kratos has crawled out of the Underworld and escaped Hades clutches, not once, but three times. Atreus is the son of Kratos and Laufey the Just. The two of them engaged in a battle above the sky and landed on the Summit of Sacrifice, the top of the great mountain where the Titan Rhea gave up all her children to her husband Cronos for sacrificed. Kratos then once again joined the Spartan Army in Rhodes, intent on destruction. During the fight with Ares, Kratos is defeated through something he couldnt have reasonably predicted: Ares heightened senses. However, Kratos is very vocal in battle and will frequently shout and scream as he fights. Olympus (formerly)Realm Between Realms (temporarily)Midgard, Terrence C. Carson (2005-2013)Christopher Judge (2018-Present), I came to these lands to escape my past. This is so that the Gods hate him, considering that Kratos had killed Hades' wife, Persephone. Pandora tells him that he is being held somewhere in the labyrinth, but before he can explain further, Zeus silences him and warns Kratos to back off. Upon reaching Gra's shrine, it is revealed to an amused trio and a shocked Tr that Gra, the sorceress, lied about the Ragnark prophecy to Odin; instead of all nine realms being destroyed together, a "Champion" will unite the realms against Asgard and only the Aesir realm will be destroyed through warfare. Angry with Kratos' decision, Ares immediately ordered the Furies to hunt down the Ghost of Sparta so that he could once again be forced to serve himself. When he reveals his past to Atreus, he mentions that he has killed those who were deserving, such as Ares, Persephone, and Thanatos, while he has slaughtered those who were not, such as the countless innocents he killed while serving Ares, including his daughter and wife. Imbued with the blood of Kratos and blessed by Brok, it is a weapon fit for a god. After showing Brok the picture of making the key, he refuses to do so, as he tends to make weapons of war, not tools. After meeting with Brok and Sindri, gem slots called Runic Attacks are given on each weapon's head that modifies the axe's and the blades' abilities. However, once Kratos began a conquest of Greece, he refused to listen to Athenas pleas to stop, and she had no other choice but to help Olympus rid themselves of him. Kratos asked, why Zeus wanted to help him and Zeus replied that all he did this not to help Kratos, but for the good of Olympus. Eventually, however, Kratos' son falls ill due to the conflicting natures within him. However, Kratos ignored the plea and instead thrust a pointed crystal into Cronos' head, instantly weakening him. In the mountains of Aroania, he saw Erinys, the daughter of Thanatos, who was threatening the life of a Spartan while asking whereabouts of the Ghost of Sparta. He also took extreme offense to Atreus beginning to embrace his Jtnar name, "Loki", angrily declaring that "[he] is Atreus, [his] son". When Atreus accused Kratos of not caring for Faye, he was simply annoyed and told Atreus to stop talking. Kratos' family is shown to be the only people he has ever truly loved. Kratos asked what the Stranger wants, but the stranger assumes that he knows the answer. Athena departed as Kratos collapsed with a trail of his own blood. For approximately twelve years, Daedelus was employed by Zeus as the architect to create this labyrinth with the promise of being reunited with his son,Icarus. Hermes' death causes a deadly plague to spread throughout the land. However, when Atreus notices Kratos very silently laughed under his breath, Kratos vehemently denied this and acted serious, showing that Kratos has indeed mellowed out over the years, and possibly tries to put himself in a good mood sometimes. Athena herself refused when ordered to draw Kratos' power. Odin visits the God of War in the Dwarf realm and Kratos demands Odin to give back his son Atreus back or else he warns Odin that he'll may "meet the god" he once was, in which Odin respond to Kratos threatening words by insulting him. Upon lowering the Black Rune, Kratos gets caught in a trap in which he tells Atreus to match the puzzles on the wall to match them, but this didn't stop at all as the floor started lifting them up to a ceiling of spikes, to which Atreus sacrifices his mother's knife to break the chain. However, her plea was not heard at all. After telling about how Zeus created Blade of Olympus in The Great War and used it to drive the Titans into the depths of Tartarus, Atlas gives Kratos some of his powers and brings him back to the surface. He had met Thanatos who asked him to stand down and send troops immediately when Kratos refused; Dealing with King Midas, the king who has the ability to turn everything he touches into gold, where King Midas is used by Kratos as a bridge for him to cross the lava area; until finally roaring over the ocean with a huge whirlpool as a result of anger Poseidon for the destruction of his city at the hands of Kratos. Kratos was aware of Theseus as Theseus was aware of Kratos losing his divine status as the god of war and mocked him for it as well as his journey to reach the Sisters of fate. Finding the box empty, and driven more berserk by Zeus' mockery, Kratos engaged his father in another fierce battle. Thrud attempts to kill Atreus, but is stopped by Sif and Skjoldr, who figures out that Odin is disinterested in saving his own people. Sure, Kratos can definitely handle both he and his sons protection, but Atreus is still a weakness that can be exploited by the duos enemies, as Kratos will put himself in danger to protect his son. Boots were not usual until the later middle ages, and even then were not very high up on the calf, nor common. But hes the son of none other than the king of gods, Zeus himself. In God of War: Ascension, the Furies use the powers of illusions against Kratos, specifically by trapping him in one. In the series, when Kratos encounters any of his half-siblings or cousins, he initially does not intend to battle them but is ultimately forced to when they either provoke him or challenge him. It was at that point that Zeus became the monster he was now. A third grave is seen, implied to have been dug for Kratos. With pride, he bragged to Hera about the win. Like all Spartan youth, Kratos, with an incredible set of superhuman godly powers, (unknown that he is Zeus' son and the one whom he inherited the abilities), was monitored and trained for combat by the Spartan authorities; those who were deemed fit were to stay and be trained as Spartan warriors. They continued to fight near Gaia's heart while sucking the life and all the energy out of her. Seeing Baboon speak, Kratos thinking he had lost his senses, either because of the hot sun or because he was tired, so he immediately left the oasis. Its really hard to channel and probably has an effect on the body, as seen in God of War 4 when Atreus uses it then passes out. They were imbued with primordial fire, which allowed them to ignite with every attack that the user performed. Also. The endless nightmares he was also tormented with further caused him to fall into a state of total mental anguish and anger, as he felt haunted by every waking moment. To date, Kratos has canonically died a total of three times in the franchise. Lord Kratos, also known as "The Ghost of Sparta" and by the Gods of Olympus as "The Cursed Mortal" or "The Fallen God", is the titular character and the main protagonist of the God of War video game franchise. Kratos eventually encountered Poseidon's champion, Herodius, and killed him as the Spartans conquered his army and stole their ship. However, the character model used for his appearance in III and Ascension are the same, with the only major changes to the Ascension model being his tattoo being a very deep (but also much more vibrant, similar to the tattoos vibrant appearance in the first game) red color compared to the somewhat washed-out and faded color of his III model, along with his ashes being whiter, his expression looking somewhat sad or depressed at times, and there being scratches, dirt and cuts all over his chest. He starts off as an ally in God of War III, but later betrays and tries to murder Kratos. The city of Athens was saved, but Kratos didn't get what he wanted beginning. Exhausted from the battle, Kratos who realized that all this time he had been filled with rage, fell unconscious. While Kratos has always been cold and quiet, God of War (2018) has revealed a very fatherly and caring side of him that is seen when he is trying to be a good father to Atreus. Argos fled several times, but Kratos luckily manages to catch up by pushing him into a big ditch area, where Argos was killed at the hands of a mysterious Assassin. Hephaestus explained that Kratos was the reason she was in there in the first place, and why he was also banished to the underworld. Athena wants Kratos to kill his own brother, Ares, because at this very moment, while they were talking, Ares had surrounded the city of Athens, capital of Greece. Secondly, Kratos and Mimir face Heimdall in battle, with Kratos who is the only one to ever hit Heimdall thanks to his god-like speed, fast-reflexes and combat skills, despite Heimdall foresight powers which Heimdall was never been hit or touched by any opponents he faced before, but after Kratos pierce him in the arm using his spear, Heimdall does not accept being granted mercy by the God of War, causing Kratos to blow up Heimdall's arm as a consequence. The two met and fought when Faye was looking for her Leviathan Axe before falling in love and settling down. Beforehand as well when Kratos killed Ares, Athena replaced them with a nearly identical pair of blades called the Blades of Athena. But his whole plan fell apart when Kratos managed to take Pandora's Box off Cronos' back and used the power within to kill Ares. Though, he also put the titan Prometheus out of his misery after the latter begged for his death. The equipment is actually a usable amulet to manipulate time in various ways. Moreover, Atreus is still a child, and, while hes definitely mature for his age, his childishness sometimes puts the two of them in dangerous situations. Hephaestus, confused, thought he sought the flame of Olympus, but realized what Kratos was planning. Kratos was thrown into the big crack, but now hangs on.Kratos luckily fell onto the other side of the cliff, and climbed up, while being taunted by the Stranger. This causes Atreus to activate his Spartan Rage for the first time, before collapsing. However, Kratos never wanted to avenge his brother's attack, but in the middle of this fight, Thanatos grabbed Deimos and carried him away from there. Atlas despised Kratos for saving the gods of Olympus and warned him that he would regret what he did. Because of this and with this in mind to Kratos, his son is unknowingly unaware of his father's and his own true nature. It was also one of the only known tools (along with Pandora's Box and the Gauntlet of Zeus) that had the power to harm and kill other Gods. However, the old man then came to ask, if Kratos had found the answer in his dream, and Kratos replied that he knew he had been cursed to go through all of this. Kratos used this opportunity to beat him mercilessly and then cut off both of his legs, killing him. n order to get the Skull of Keres which is the key to the gate of the Domain of Death, Kratos must first confront the shadows of his past. She then takes them back to Tr's Temple, commanding Kratos to have the contraption functioning again. Kratos breaks his defense and kills Magni causing Modi to back away from Kratos in fear and cowardice. He could be talking about Athena, or the many times he has faced undead foes like Alrik. Hermes (Greek: ) was the Olympian God of Travelers, Messengers, Thieves, Commerce, Sports, Athletics, and Speed. He washed up ashore with the blades next to him. Zeus also blamed Cronos for Kratos managing to retrieve the box as he was supposed to kill anyone trying to reach Pandora's Temple. 2018's Game of the Year - God of War has a highly anticipated sequel out this November. She asks that Kratos considers the role, and he goes to his tent to rest. Right as he said that, another Chaos Beast a much larger hippopotamus emerged from the river, and according to the old man, it is written that Kratos will save the villagers from the monster. Things began to get worse between Kratos and the Stranger, as the first fight between the two them gets physical and it worsens more as Kratos lost his patience with the mysterious man, and punches him effortlessly in the face. It is revealed that it was an illusion created by Alecto then once again trying to persuade Kratos to return to Ares' side with the lure that Kratos could live forever in that illusion. Together with Helios in a chariot of fire, they light up the world again. Its led him to do unspeakable things that he will forever have to live with. After entering the mountain, they once again encounter Modi, who's been beaten mercilessly into a bloody pulp by his father, saying that his father blamed him for leaving Magni to die. Before Zeus escapes, Kratos makes one last effort, he pushes Athena away and pointed his sword at Zeus. The first illusion places Kratos on a situation where the King of Sparta was about to pay homage to him, and the second illusion put in place Kratos at his home, where he is reunited with his wife and children, Lysandra and Calliope. Alas, this would cause Freya to turn against Kratos, though neither of them were eager to engage one another, Freya pleading with Kratos and Atreus to stop attacking Baldur and let her reason with him and Kratos in return not attacking her for her attempts and continuing to fight Baldur to protect her. During these three years Atreus has become a better fighter and skilled climber and he has been traveling through Midgard looking at the Jtnar shrines trying to figure out a way to stop Ragnark from occuring.
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