However, when the duty is a team meeting, the Association Representative will be permitted to be excused a minimum of two (2) meetings per week for Association-related business. Your access to this service has been limited. Every effort should be made to consider all reasonable solutions put forth, and to resolve the matter at this level. MEETING OF THE EDISON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION . These provisions are not designed to increase the hours of student supervision beyond the normal work day. There shall be no Tuesday faculty meetings held during the week in which the in-service program is scheduled unless prior agreement to do so is made between the Board and the Association. Teachers assigned to perform supplemental instruction shall be compensated as follows: Thirty-seven dollars ($37.00) per period for two (2) students. The Board will comply with the provisions of N.J.S.A. Contracts Home About Members Committees Workshops Health Insurance Coverage HTEA Events Union First Contracts If you have any questions regarding the contract, please contact Frank Gatto, HTEA President, at (609) 586-9335. Union contracts spell out not just salaries and benefits, but also information about class size, employee evaluations, school calendars, and more. Employees who elect not to participate directly in the insurance coverage as outlined in Section A above shall receive two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) annually at the end of each contract year of non-participation. Any association which shall change the rate of its membership dues shall give the Board written notice prior to the effective date of such change. Box 428, School Street . Mailing Address: . Teachers whose date of appointment for less than one-half (1/2) work day is September 30 or earlier shall receive a full step increment in the salary guide. The PIP shall provide general guidance for continued professional development and/or focus on clearly identified remedies for areas needing improvement. Member Center To Do In Edison About ECC About COVID-19 Info Edison Township Education Association Education 2 Ethel Road, Suite 203A Edison NJ 08817-2839 (732) 287-4322 (732) 287-6181 Send Email Visit Website Rep/Contact Info Ruthanne Quinn A copy of said notice shall be made available to the Association. Last month, the Edison Board of Education voted to have armed off-duty township police officers provide additional security at schools following the Parkland, Florida, school shooting in which 17 people were killed. All mentor teachers shall be compensated at the rate of five hundred fifty dollars ($550.00) per school year. Unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, all meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and the designated or selected representatives heretofore referred to in this Article. In the event there are more volunteers than needed, the principal shall determine assignments on a rotating basis. Edison Township Edison Township The district gets at least 125 new high school students each year. All meetings shall be scheduled on Tuesday except in an emergency. At the secondary level, a teacher shall be compensated an additional four percent (4%) of his/her bachelor (BA only) level salary to a maximum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) annually for each class period in excess of twenty-five (25) periods a week, or for each additional period added to a full-time teacher's schedule which may be less than twenty-five (25) periods a week due to labs. In the event that certified substitutes cannot be hired for extended absences of a speech-language specialist, any caseload assignments will be compensated at a rate in accordance with Article XXXI, Section I, Paragraph 5. Problems and/or issues affecting district-wide policy shall be referred for consideration by the district-wide curriculum coordinating committee. Everything is paid for. School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades, Anti- Bullying Bill of Rights District and School Grade Report, Message from Assistant Superintendent - Pupil Special Services, Special Education Parent Advisory Council (ESPAC), Policy Guidelines for Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE), Parental Rights in Special Education (Revised August 2016), Referral Process & Child Study Team Services, Educational Service Option for Students with Disabilities, Middlesex County Project Lifesaver Program, Edison Township Public Schools - Transition Programs, IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), 2022-2023 Subscription Bussing Application, Technology Help Desk Repair Ticket Requests, Edison Township Public Schools Preschool Program, Policy 1530 Equal Employment Opportunities, Current Vacancies and Online Applications. If the member does not return after two years of temporary disability, the employee may remain on the group health insurance plan provided he/she reimburses the Board of Education for applicable premiums until termination or return to work but shall receive no other benefits except as provided in Section J of this Article. Elementary teachers, excluding Kindergarten teachers, shall be assigned two hundred twenty-five (225) minutes preparation planning time per week in usable blocks excluding recess time. Whenever any change in insurance benefits occurs for any other association representing employees in the Edison Township School District, the Board and Association may agree to reopen negotiations. Winter Track (boys/girls) Harassment/Intimidation/bullying The Board shall provide the Association with a Master Copy of the Health Service Provider's program. The PIP shall be based on the job description and shall focus on the most important areas of professional growth. Such signature indicates receipt of the report only. 50 timely township topics at sessions crafted to keep you on top of the changes, requirements and expectations of today's local leaders. child study team, 15 Edison Township EA Latest news Educator Evaluation Rubric Weights January 9, 2023 2022-2023 Evaluation Updates NotificationofEducatorEvaluationRubricWeightsfor2022-2023andBacktoSchoolKeyDateReminders Read More ETEA Friends & Family Night January 9, 2023 School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades, Anti- Bullying Bill of Rights District and School Grade Report, Message from Assistant Superintendent - Pupil Special Services, Special Education Parent Advisory Council (ESPAC), Policy Guidelines for Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE), Parental Rights in Special Education (Revised August 2016), Referral Process & Child Study Team Services, Educational Service Option for Students with Disabilities, Middlesex County Project Lifesaver Program, Edison Township Public Schools - Transition Programs, IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), 2022-2023 Subscription Bussing Application, Technology Help Desk Repair Ticket Requests, Edison Township Public Schools Preschool Program, Board of Education and Meeting Information. CST Overload Evaluation Procedures: When administration determines a need to complete CST evaluations which are in danger of not being completed within state mandated guidelines, the following procedures will be adhered to: Cases for consideration will include initial referrals and re-evaluations. Forms used for observation reports and annual written performance reports shall be only those that are developed in cooperation with and agreed upon by the Association and approved by the Administration. He said there is some land between John Adams Middle School and J.P. Stevens High School, but some of it is wetlands. Any part-time staff member whose work day ends at the end of the school day is required to attend the staff meetings. EDUCATION ASSOCIATION FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2018 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2021. Major duties and responsibilities are subject to the terms and conditions of employment as specified in the current contract. Softball Strength Training (Annual) Payment for dependents will not be considered in computing this difference. BOARD OF EDUCATION . O'Malley said the school board has a committee looking at the need for a new high school. The mission of the Public Schools of Edison Township is to ensure that all students achieve at the highest level of academic success. "I have had a great run over the past nine years in Edison and I would like to end my term here on a high note with the successes that the school district is currently at and with the professionalism that the community deserves," said O'Malley, who has worked as a school superintendent for 15 years, and is looking to take advantage of private- and public-sector opportunities he has previously bypassed. If only two (2) conferences are scheduled per year, each session may be scheduled for two and one-half (2.5) hours. Such conferences may be held during teacher preparation periods. He said the district is concentrating on the physical structures of the schools by creating vestibules with two sets of doors, one allowingentrance to the vestibule to drop off items and second set to actually enter the building in which identification and a reason will be required for entrance. Resources for Parents Parents Click Here Resources for Students Students Click Here Resources for Staff Staff Click Here NJEA members Jackie Mancinelli and George Kemery from Eastern Education Association testified on Feb. 16 to the Assembly on A-5084, a bill that would expand the state's family leave act The post NJEA members testify in favor of expanding New Jersey Family Leave Act appeared first on New Jersey . These guidelines may be waived in emergencies or unanticipated staffing needs such as resignations, enrollment changes, etc. Should the situation requiring disability leave change, e.g., if surgery is postponed, or a pregnancy results in miscarriage or stillbirth, the Superintendent may authorize early termination of the leave. A Basketball (boys/girls) In such matters, it is advisable to have an Association Representative in attendance for advice and guidance as to the Association's viewpoint. Courses sponsored by the Board will carry salary guide credit as indicated in the announcement of such courses. The grievance must then be presented, in writing, within thirty (30) calendar days to the Associations Professional Rights and Responsibilities (PR&R) Committee. If requested by the Association, an opportunity to present any, or all, Level IV grievances shall be availed the Association President, and/or the Association Grievance Chairperson. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. Our 2023 Annual Conference will show you how. Staff Writer Suzanne Russell: 732-565-7335; If the necessity for an oral reprimand occurs, it should be done in a professional manner and in a private location, such as the Administrator's office, or any other location affording privacy of communication. If certification or documentation of such has, because of extenuating circumstances beyond the teachers control, been delayed, loss of increment will not be incurred by the teacher. Teachers may leave the building during their scheduled duty-free period, or lunch period, if no conference or previous commitment has been made. Middle School Core Content Leader: Teachers of English or Math will teach two (2) classes per day. A minimum of ten (10) different programs per year will be offered. Extension courses: salary guide credit for graduate courses will be granted only if the institution conducting the course is approved by an accrediting association (Middle States Association, New England Association, etc.). Myron Fouratt Sue Scerbo, Board Member EDISON TOWNSHIP . Phone: 732-452-4900 / Fax: 732-452-4576. The non-teaching duty assignment of a contracted part-time teacher shall be a fraction of a full-time teacher's duty assignment. 18A:16-6 regarding the indemnity of its teachers against civil actions. addendum, 22, 23 2 Ethel Road, Suite 203A Edison, NJ 08817 (732)287-4322. HOME INSTRUCTION, SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION, 2021-2024 Agreement . Club stipends in each category in the middle schools and high schools are as follows: A1 Football C Cross Country Compensation will be provided at the maximum mileage rate per mile permitted under the Internal Revenue Service rules for business use of automobiles. Application for anticipated infant care leave may be included in the same request with application for disability leave for pregnancy. Teachers in an inclusion or team setting shall be observed individually. Completed reports or dictated reports to be typed will be submitted as soon as possible. New personnel may be required to attend four (4) days of orientation to be scheduled during the ten (10) weekdays prior to the start of the school year. For high school science teachers assigned laboratory courses scheduled for six (6) or seven (7) class meetings per week, the normal teaching load shall consist of four (4) class sections per day. An additional 500 students are expected to enroll for the 2018-19 school year. These days shall be mutually agreed upon and may be scheduled from September 1 through the beginning of the in-school work year for teachers, and/or from the end of the in-school work year for teachers through June 30. The report shall not be placed in the teacher's file or otherwise acted upon without prior consultation with the teacher. Emil Ferlicchi James Kukor, Board Member The position will be posted in-house using an emergency posting form for a minimum of two (2) working days. Written Performance Reports shall include but not be limited to: Performance areas needing improvement based upon the job description; An individual professional improvement plan developed by the evaluator and the teaching staff member. Edison Township Education Association 2 Ethel Road, Suite 203A Edison, NJ 08817 Phone: 732-287-4322 Contact Webmaster For website inquiries Contact Michele Sileski It is expected that all parties will exhibit professional behavior at all times. All school nurses required to review immunization records, etc. No block can be less than thirty (30) minutes in length. Teachers who desire to apply for any vacancy shall submit their applications in writing to the Superintendent's office within the limit specified in the notice, and acknowledgment shall be given to all such applicants. Teachers whose date of appointment for less than one-half (1/2) work day is after February 1 shall receive no increment in the salary guide. If needed, observations may evaluate the way the team works together. You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit to learn more about Wordfence. All rights reserved. In order for a course to be reimbursed, the request for reimbursement must arrive at the Personnel Office no later than June 30 of the school year in which the course is completed. REMINDER: TAKE ACTION TO PREVENT THE FLU! is placed in effect. "If you build it, they will come," O'Malleysaid in describing the district's growth. direct deposit, 40 A teacher/employee on family illness leave may continue health care coverage by purchasing this through the Board at the going premium rates that are charged to the Board. Joint meetings, departmental or grade level, involving two (2) or more schools will be one (1) hour sessions. Vouchers should be submitted when reports or dictation tapes are submitted. All employees shall notify the Board, without delay, when eligibility changes or ceases. Ellen Baxter Dr. Zhaobo Bob Wang, Board Member The concern/problem should be clearly presented, and solutions or suggestions to address the concern may be offered by the individual. If you are a resident or member of the public seeking information about a specific township, please contact the township directly for information . The attendance of an Association Representative should be considered if the problem may involve more people than the individual involved; if the matter is disciplinary in nature; if it involves an observation, or evaluation, or if it involves working conditions for a group of people. payday, 39 For teachers employed on or after July 1, 1986, there shall be no further tuition reimbursement once a teacher is placed on the Sixth Level (MA+30). Teachers may apply for salary guide credit for any PDI programs that total in the aggregate fifteen (15) Professional Development Institute credits. Tuition reimbursement will be made up to and including BA+45 credits. 2023 A summary of available indicators of pupil progress and growth, and a statement of how these indicators relate to the effectiveness of the overall program and the performance of the individual teaching staff member; Provision for performance data which have not been included in the report prepared by the evaluator to be entered into the record by the evaluatee within ten (10) working days after the signing of the report. Under consideration is a plan to build a middle school to house all district fifth- and sixth-grade students to freespace in the elementary schools and then expand the high schools, to reduce the budget impact. Sabbatical leave for this purpose shall be for one (1) academic year. There have been about $26 million in major renovations atEdison and J.P. Stevens high schools, Menlo Park and Woodbrook elementary schools, mostly to address overcrowding in a district that got an influx of 1,200 students in two years. "Our teachers are saying every student has to know there is at least one caring adult for them and that there is someone to talk to and they have meaning," he said. At the elementary level, the Head Building Association Representative will not be assigned bus supervision. Connecting with municipal experts, inspiring speakers and nearly 1,000 of your fellow officials. Forty dollars ($40.00) per period for three (3) to five (5) students. In-service courses: salary guide credit will be granted only with prior approval of the Superintendent for "in-service" courses offered by non-degree granting groups and/or institutions outside the Edison school system. "If you build it, they will come," O'Malley said in describing the district's growth. 2015-2016 Contract . EDUCATION ASSOCIATION . Personnel applying for the position must apply for the said position in writing. In the event Block Scheduling is introduced, the total instructional minutes of the normal in-school work day may not exceed the total minutes of the current daily teaching load of five (5) periods. Admin. Continuing Membership Application - for locals who collect dues through payroll deduction. Passing time will not be scheduled as part of the preparation period for elementary special subject teachers. Guidance counselors, psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, and social workers who work beyond these days set forth above, with the Superintendents approval, will be paid in accordance with Article VII, Section C, Paragraph 1. The same amount of AP classes are offered, but more kids are taking advantage of them than ever before. That refusal will be reduced to writing and subject to the approval by the principal or designee. Guidelines for degree differentials are contained in Article XXXI, Section E, Paragraphs 1. 2024. Consultation time for special education teachers and regular education teachers will be provided. If by Association, to the Board and/or the Superintendent, at the offices of the Board Secretary. REVISED START TIME - FEBRUARY 28, 2023 PUBLIC MEETING . During the time of participation in TSDE, the teacher will be protected with all the rights now afforded under Article XVI. appointment, back-to-school night, 11 Guidance counselors, psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, and social workers employed on, or after, September 1, 1993, shall work a total of one-half (1/2) of the days scheduled from September 1 through the beginning of the in-school year of teachers, and from the end of the in-school year of teachers, through June 30. salary adjustments, 41 Examples of such positions to include, but not limited to: ADULT AND SUMMER SCHOOL, SUMMER WORKSHOPS, Mental health and substance abuse benefits will not contribute toward satisfying the catastrophic limit. (732 . STAFF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS Teachers whose date of appointment for one-half (1/2) work day or more but less than a full work day is after February 1 shall receive no increment in the salary guide. If necessary, and with administrative approval, additional time may be granted. No teacher shall serve as a mentor to more than one (1) provisional teacher at a time. For services that contribute towards the out-of-pocket amount, once the catastrophic limit is met, benefits will increase to one hundred percent (100%) of the reasonable and customary amount. Middle States Association, New England Association, etc.). Teachers assigned to elementary schools will be permitted to sign out from the regular daily assignment fifteen (15) minutes after student dismissal on dates that evening parent-teacher conferences are scheduled. The Board will prepare a catalog of PDI courses, specifying topics, locations, hours, and PDICs by course/program. Timelines should be adjusted accordingly. Should a mutually acceptable amendment to this Agreement be negotiated by the parties, it shall be reduced to writing, be signed by the representatives of the Board and the Association, and be submitted for ratification to the Board and to the Association. At the middle school, the Head Building Association Representative will have a duty-free schedule. The teacher has ten (10) working days after signing the Written Performance Report to add additional performance data and/or file an addendum. Compensatory time may only be taken upon approval of the SupervisorStaff Development. Any teacher receiving notice of a recommendation for involuntary transfer shall be entitled to a meeting with his/her principal or supervisor recommending such transfer prior to final Board action. The staff development trainer will be assigned no teaching or duty periods. The school work day shall consist of not more than seven (7) hours and fifteen (15) minutes, including a duty-free lunch period. This number may be waived in months in which there are five (5) Tuesdays. All Board of Education Policies will be available for review in the office of the Principal and the school library. All elementary reading specialists are to receive a duty-free schedule. A teacher shall receive no step increment if the teacher accumulates more than one hundred fifty (150) calendar days of requested unpaid leave during the course of a school year. Instructional Program Assignments, 42 The one (1) day in September before schools open for students (as described in 1. and 2. above) shall be used for administrative faculty meetings and department meetings, and the balance of the time shall be used to prepare instructional areas/classrooms for the opening of school. In the event that the position cannot be filled, this posting will be district-wide. doctor's note. 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