cornell and diehl carolina red flake

Here I open, smell, and smoke some Cornell & Diehl Small Batch Carolina Red Flake. For the most part, the flake is fairly broken up right from the tin, requiring very little prep before packing a bowl. There was a previous review featuring another C&D Small Batch offering, "The Beast," that I really enjoyed. I know you don't buy small batch to blend, but I suspect this would rock with some perique. There is no chance of tongue bite, even when pushed. I've never experienced a creeping bite like this. Love me my heavy Lat-forward English blends (50%+ Latikia, thank you). After that some Virginia sweetness here and there shines through and some earthy tones are more noticable. The tobacco has the same consistency as Opening Night, just made for being puffed and smoked. I have had to take this one to filtered pipes to cut some of the overwhelming nic out. It's a little less sweet than the Opening Night I tried earlier from the same producer, but the difference in flavor would be noticeable if you smoke them one after the other. It contrasts and compliments more processed, top quality English and European VA flakes in my rotation. . The retrohale is full, round, and smooth, but spicy, and present. Prep: Typical C&D flake that easily breaks apart. 2oz Tin. Sold Out. i smoke mostly Va. or VaPer. The moisture content is perfect, given the low density of my packing method, I packed it pretty tightly, smoothed the top and fired it up. Two Stars. If you live in certain states, you will be unable to purchase this product. On to the descriptionlike others have said it has a lovely sweetness with a slight tart undertone. But there's also a bready, doughy, character behind; like a fruit bun! Notes: First retail launch: June 10, 2016. i will admit, my tin had no aging time to it and i suspect that with aging this tobacco should mature well, but cellaring, aging, and waiting are not my thing. Ordered three tins and they came today. $14.99 Save 25%. I've smoked many straight Virginias (FVF, McC 40th, Opening Night, Union Square, Hamborger Veermaster, HH Pure Virginia, just to name a few). Quire dark for Virginia flakes. This is one of the best Virginia tobacco's I have ever smoked from C&D and deserves high honors among all the great Virginia's. Flavors are more focused on the peppery part. OS PEDIDOS SERO ENVIADOS EM AT 3 DIAS TEIS APS A CONFIMAO DO PAGAMENTO. There is more complexity in this blend than others in this genre too. It does light easily and stays lit with no need to relight throughout the smoke. This is a good description of the smoke, for me. The humidity is perfect for charging directly from the tin. I do prefer the Anthology and the 2021 CRF W/ Perique that also have these Red/Orange tips included. I believe I'm unlikely to find a better Virginia Flake. This is a really good tobacco blend. My God, is it ever delicious. A bowlful of tongue burn. Bring it back, C&D, as a permanent offering, and you have at least one lifetime customer. We're proud of our heritageand we're particularly proud of this damn near perfect red Virginia flake. Nice Virginia broken flake and C&D did not lie when they said it came from a special grade of Virginia. Taken straight from Carolina soil, these top-tiered Virginias are all grown, threshed, blended, and then lovingly pressed and carefully sliced right here in the heart of old tobacco country. One of these is Cornell & Diehl. Rounding out the taste profile is a subtle spiciness, but not VaPeresque. Through all my wide-ranging sampling of Cornell & Diehl blends, Ive never been disappointed. A monochrome, non eventful, easy burning, dry smoke followed. Room-note: very nice. It is lightly "bready" which is a huge positive for me. Super subtle smooth sweetness right from the start, progressing to a mouth watering tangy tartness towards the finish . The typical Virginia rough notes are very light. Not even a hint. BTW, my dealings with the company have been excellent, but this is one thing I think you could do better. Purchased From: Crown City Cigars and Fine Tobacco, Coronado Island, CA. 164 were here. However, when PS.C advertised this tobacco, I bought a couple of tinsjust based on the description. I will start off this review by stating that this is an excellent Virginia offering from Cornell and Diehl. It was not overpowering and lingured on the tongue between draws. Rich dark red, brown and a few traces of brighter bits, assuming stems/veins. Very satisfied with the flavor & satisfied with the extra strength & one bowl was plenty for a good while. C&D I salute you! I hope C&D unloads the small batch label and releases it as a standard blend. 3.5 stars. FREE Shipping on all US orders over $95 | When Will My Package Ship? When smoking, the tobacco is moist - the moisture remains not only in the cup, but also in the mouthpiece. If you are lucky enough to buy in bulk, it would be luxurious every day smoke. I got an aftertaste that lingered for an hour that reminded me of a cheap Connecticut wrapped cigar. I did manage to stock enough to last a good while, but of all the tobacco's I've tasted, this one is so perfect, and above the rest, that I can truly say it is a masterpiece, at least in the modern sense. This has also a very strong nicotine punch past the medium range . Not the same, but an A+ nonetheless. 2 oz tin. This is a broken flake that comes on the dry side (just the way I like it) and is pure red VA. Significantly better, THIS is the year. It has a very, very nice aftertaste exhale. 4 stars for 2020 production . I was surprised & appreciated its strength it may roll your eyeballs as it might possibly be the strongest & best tasting Red VA in the world? This is Virginia at its finest! I like it with morning coffee as I try to focus on writing. I have been smoking the blend with less than a year of age on it and tried a couple bowls with 2 years of age and that was even smoother and sweeter. It's a spectacular blend! Flavors that came up included whispered memories of one of my old time faves: J.F. whaaa!? It's that good. Love it and will keep it with my specialslike the Savinelli 125th Anniversary Blend and several other limited editions. It smokes sooty for me, so I keep a couple of pipe cleaners handy. Either you love them or you don't. Ah ha, I thought, I am PST and I can get a 3 hour jump on half the United States. 2016 - 2,400 tins produced. Cornell and diehl Red Flake. I on the other hand just can't get hooked. Been smoking nothing but Virginia for close to 35 years and this one is at the top! Regarding the release itself, I chatted with Jeremy Reeves at the WCPS about CRF and he mentioned they increased the tin count each year because it was selling out too fast. If I did that I'd be ashamed. It is ready to smoke from the tin and is easily rubbed out. '22, Fine, Sweet Tang Of The Carolina Old Belt, V3.03.03.5V I could smoke this all day long as it's right around the medium mark in strength. But this one does not fit that description, and offers more depth and complexity. 'Fruit Bun'. Nic is also around medium. Individual reviews are the opinion(s) of the contributor and do not reflect the opinion(s) Tin note is earthy and slightly sweet. As we witnessed in the original release the lack of preservatives or vinegar led to the growth of mold but was quickly fixed by C&D. Tasty, sweet, fragrant and light. It is not the same as CC but these are top shelf red's. I am left feeling like I just snorted an ashtray. Similar Blends: McClelland - Christmas Cheer 2015. So I guess it's a tradeoff. This is a special crop and from what I've heard outside of the 2019 offering will not come about again. I'm smoking it with some Papa's Pilar #24 tonight. Think Christmas Cheer with less sugar sweetness, more earth and spice, and only a bare essence of "vinegar". This is a really great smooth, no bite tobacco which I also learned that Red Virginia usually has a low sugar content and I am sure that is why it is bite free. Burns at a moderate pace and needs 2-3 relights. An inspired blend of the finest North Carolina grown Red Virginias, Carolina Red Flake is Cornell & Diehl's tribute to the historic Old Belt growing region. One hintLight the "load" smoke for a bit..maybe 3-4 minutes and then set the pipe down. As charming as a one-note piano. With only 10,000 two ounce tins, this batch has already SOLD OUT at the wholesale level. IMHO this stuff is on par with esoterica Virginias. Published review content of this website is considered the I find this delightful, delicious, rich, savory, sweet and I want to yell out from the mountain tops that I just had an amazing experience with it. Truthfully the numbers are mean less unless you get maybe 00001 or 10000. There are no nutty burleys or sweetly sour Orientals to his behind, like improperly smoked meat can hide behind a strong barbecue sauce. The 2022 edition of Carolina Red Flake features matured TA-20 Red-Orange Tips (the same grade as in 2021's Carolina Red Flake with Perique), boasting a substantial natural sugar content of 13.53%, and all sourced from a single family farm in North Carolina. If I see it come up again at S.P., I will add to the stack. It's really good. They have little pieces of yellow scattered across them, but the prominent colour's a darker brown. Towards the end of the bowl it usually tastes very bready. I could bathe in this one. Burns at a moderate pace, cool and clean with no dull or harsh spots. Very satisfying with a nice daily starter dose of Vitamin N. Very rich and flavorful VA I really enjoy the red virginia flavors. We apologize, but this item is temporarily out of stock. Pipe Used: T. Bannard(BST) rusticated canadian. I have become sensitive to this the last few years and I have to say that even last year's CRFwP didn't pack the wallop that this does. Perfect moisture content right from the tin. Cornell & Diehl: Carolina Red Flake with Perique 2oz Pipe Tobacco Product Number: 003-016-0346 2021's edition of Carolina Red Flake with Perique begins with equal measures of stoved and unstoved Red-Orange Virginia "Tips" from a single farm in eastern North Carolina. Just after the first bowl I immediately knew this is the best tobacco I've packed in a pipe. Dried fruits, citrus and light haystack smell. Don't worry, you'll sell oit with a 5 tin limit, it will just give so me more of yout customers a chance. CRF 2022 arrived and I put 2 away and opened one tin to smoke now. The blend's fairly well broken, my tin has no pieces of whole flake in there. Good dose of nicotine, just past the medium I would say. I have NOT opened the tins and smoked it. I do try to be objective and try as many as I can. I've been smoking this edition Carolina Red Flake for a couple of days now in a variety of pipes ranging from a nosewarmer Reverse Calabash to a smallish 3/4s Bent Billiard to a quarter-bent pot. As a matter of fact, it was very enjoyable. It has a few rough, rugged edges. Not irritating, quickly wears off. I like it. 4 Pure. Moderately strong tobacco flavor with a nice grassy note and good thick smoke. This is a gentle Virginia, full of all kinds of subtle flavors (quite the contrast to my stronger flavor musings) that is now a benchmark tobacco for me. 4 stars. It is spicy through the nose. Got my tins today and after 15 minute dry time I fired it up. Probably the only complaint I would have if I had one is that the enhanced sweetness reduces it's "bite" and I like the bite a lot, that's why I mostly smoke untopped straight VA's and burleys (with the exception of LC Santee). What an instantly pleasurable smoke it is. You should try it if you can get one of the 2400 tins. CRF burns cool with no acidity or bite. last year's sun bear was good after aging and i wont smoke this year's till next year. Excellent blend that will undoubtedly improve with age. As for now, I give it three stars for the smooth profile and no bite. I'm grateful to my friends who've given me many samples of Cornell & Diehl blends, most of which I've not enjoyed terribly much (the one exception being Star of the East Flake). $14.25. Smoking the 2019 release . Also, this roughness quickly comes to naught while smoking. The tangy after taste very pleasantly lingers a little, and the room note is a little sweet. It is earthier and even less cased it seems . Very unpretentious tobacco. Carolina Red Flake is one of those tobaccos that has a cult following. Did the one hour drive to my favorite BBQ place, let the pipe go out and had some excellent hickory smoked wings before my return trip. Cornell & Diehl's Small Batch Carolina Red Flake 2oz tin - Year 2019 $ 30.00 Per "A blend of the finest North Carolina grown red Virginias, harvested in 2015, our Carolina Red Flake is a tribute to the Old Belt. Sad sad sad. I have the impression that pipe smokers can be described by various terms, divided into distinct classes along several lines of distinction. The color is a uniform yellowish-brown shade of fresh foliage. 2020 edition: Spicy is what I recognize first and strong for the first third of the bowl. Easily burns to ash, and requires a few relights. In fact English blending houses dont have a comparable blend so one could say that this might be one of thee best red Virginia flakes in the world right now. My whole mouth feels abused. Imagine sourcing the extremely fine Red Virginias that McClelland used but then instead of dumping the ketchup sauce (vinegar) on the tobacco, choosing not to do that instead. It forces one to pay attention to the delicious flavors of citrus fruit and sometimes a sweet wine like note that is ever so tasty. The cigar taste and aroma is not necessarily bad but not what I expected from this tobacco. 2019 - 10,000 tins produced. I just wish that it didn't have so much nicotine. I also asked about future blends, with this being the last of the 2015 leaf, and they are still evaluating replacement options at this time. The bottom line: this blend has catapulted itself into one my top 5 blends. This one will age terrifically given the time to do so. at first, I was thinking raisin bran cereal. Grade D1A, D1F, D1H Top Grade Virginias Sugar Content: 10.49%, 2020 - Current: "SM2-18" 100% USA FCV from 2018. Can be smoked folded or rubbed out & has a long burn rate. As described straight forward and complex, Straight forward and complex is the best way to describe it, very pure flavor with wonderful room note and aroma. I prefer this over McClelland Red Cake. When you open the tin, you can see an aroma of bread and hay with a vinegary touch (I have not detected the Korean red pepper (Gochugaru) that some user talks about, but I take my hat off to him (!?). Satisfaction is full. It lights and stays lit wonderfully as you smoke it. This gets sweeter tasting as it gets further through a bowl. There is plenty of smoke, and it gets better and better, right down to nubs. Then something goes wrong. Somewhat tangy but not as vinegary as Sutliff 515 RC-1. Some have alluded this as one dimensional but also bear in mind this is a straight Virginia and not a blend. Smooth with no bite. The tin date is 9/15/20 so its almost exactly two years old. Further into the bowl there are lots of dried fruit and earthy/vegetal notes. Has a periqueness to it on the retrohale, despite containing no perique. Grade D1A, D1F, D1H Top Grade Virginias. Definitely a flake for your small pipes, I am damn glad I bought several tins of this before it disappeared forever. Good all day smoke if desired. As curious as I am given the appetizing reviews that others have written about it, I nonetheless can't bring myself to forget that, for my tastes anyway, Cornell & Diehl has always been a purveyor of tobacco mixtures that tend toward the harsher, dryer, and monotone end of the spectrum. Tongue bite. Now if I could apply that attitude to the rest of my life well until next time. I felt the nicotine coming in at around half-bowl and I wasn't enjoying this bowl, so I just dumped it. Not an immediate love affair Yeah. Only drawback is the availability. The taste is all Virginia to me but with some heft and body to it. Cornell & Diehl Adagio Premium Pipe Tobacco $10.99 1 Option Cornell & Diehl After Hours Flake Premium Pipe Tobacco $10.99 1 Option I adore the first half of the bowl. Not saying the differences are 100% sugar content related Still blows back the hair but not as far. The second third gets darker, richer, and earthier. Carolina Red Flake is quite simply the finest Virginia flake that Cornell and Diehl has . I broke up the big pieces and got a texture similar to the Amphora Red of my youth. Just a wonderful natural tasting tobacco with a little sweetness and a hint of vinegar maybe . This year's edition of Carolina Red Flake features matured TA-20 Red-Orange Tips (the same grade as in last year's Carolina Red Flake with Perique), boasting a substantial natural sugar content of 13.53%, and all sourced from a single family farm in North Carolina. Gentlemen zombie nailed it with the fruit punch flavor ! Carolina Red Flake 2022. Man is this stuff good! The appearance is fluffy strips of flake, easily diverging into individual fibers. Similar Blends: Cornell & Diehl - Opening Night (Simply Elegant Series). The limit was 25 tins a day per customer which I thought was way too high but I did not make the rules. Cornell & Diehl Carolina Red Flake Pipe Tobacco. The quality of the red Virginia in this blend rivals the McClelland Virginias in their 40th Anniversary and Christmas Cheer offerings, but does not possess nearly the vinegar/ ketchup smell and taste that they (particularly Christmas Cheer and some of their other blends) do. as with most straight Virgina leaf sipping is best, or it can get harsh and charred tasting. I've even accumulated blending stock and have acquired the ability to get reasonably close to the one's I love. I was hoping it would stay on the lighter, brighter side of the Virginia spectrum, but that's okay. Pipe Used: Ropp Etudiant Sandblasted (J05), C & D, Carolina Red Flake: The best red Virginia flake currently on the market. I ordered all I was brave enough to buy! The sweetness is delicious and brown sugar-like in character while the smoke is almost creamy tasting. The tin was slightly swollen but that proved to be of no concern. Cornell & Diehl pipe tobacco is available in tins or in bulk, and it ranges in flavor from mild to stout. I have, so far, been disappointed in the raw, dusty, burley-heavy American tobacco scene when it comes to Virginias, with the exception of McClelland. Cornell & Diehl's Small Batch Carolina Red Flake w/ Perique (Production Date: September 2021) October 18, 2021 in Cool Stuff, NEW, Pipe Tobacco, Pipes, Store News. Wait for it and buy it up.Save it all and smoke all year long. Edit: Tried the 2020 8.33% sugar as opposed to the 10.49% in the 2016 to 2019 releases. I haven't tried the 2020 crop yet. Really gives it a boost & turns out a Balkan better than most any on the market. I typically don't care for the light, pure virginias like Capstan, Navy Flake, etc., there just doesn't seem to be a lot going on behind the hay and grass taste. More complex than a typical VA, this one is likely to please both lovers of straight VA and VAPers alike. Join over 18k members to reviewexclusive content. TL:DR - Great medium, sweet smoke with a little spice and dark fruit flavors. Good job by C&D. Full flavor and a bit of sweetness were right there all the way down. Its an interesting blend. The fruitiness becomes bolder as each bowl progressed as did the spice level. The aftertaste is as persistent as it is monotone. Smooth, non-bitter, good long smooth burn if you pack it with care into your bowl. UPDATE: Ive tried the 2020 crop and from what I can tell its practically identical. It's exactly what I look for in VA flake and then some. The tanginess boarders on sour occasionally and this adds to the complexity of the smoke. Taste is medium as well. Flavor Profile Brand Cornell & Diehl Blend Type Virginia Tobaccos Virginia Flavoring The box had creases on it like an accordion and I told the driver I hope my contents arent damaged. The 2022 edition of Carolina Red Flake features matured TA-20 Red-Orange Tips (the same grade as in 2021's Carolina Red Flake with Perique), boasting a substantial natural sugar content of 13.53%, and all sourced from a single family farm in North Carolina. a bit of sour and hay. Its special. Temporarily out of stock. I am cellaring a few tins and will try again in a few months but for now, I'd say stay away, which is a totally different opinion from most others that try this blend. Mechanically, the blend is perfect out of the tin as far as moisture is concerned. My brain went to a dark cherry flavor. Plenty of flavor and rich smoke, just not my cup of tea, I got a bitter taste. I had both available so I could smoke them back to back to see the differences. The nic-hit is in the center of mild to medium. I'm sorry I got a single tin to test it out, but I hope to get more when there is another release. Come to find the name of this blend is Carolina Red Flake, not Small Batch. I find the red Virginia s to be sweet and satisfying. I try and try. This Carolina Red Flake is fantasticRoss Arlen T. was spot on in his assessment. Burns fast, little flavor, and a flat-out disappointment. My favorite pairing to drink it with is a blonde or white rum. Its easy to keep lit, has no bite and is, in my opinion, the best Virginia Ive ever smoked. The flavor is earthy and mildly spicy, this is the dominant profile that I get from first light to last puff. Then, I stocked up on the newer sutliff Red virginia match, as well as their ribbon. I would never have guessed that a straight Red Virginia could be this strong & tasty. 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